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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
For the music fans. Re: Jimi Hendrix

I heard his daughter sister on Sirius this AM. She said the master tapes of his first album were left in a taxi and he had to record the album again. Whomever has those is holding a fortune. Daughter wants them to see what the difference was between the lost tapes and the remade ones.
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Jan 9, 2021
take a poll and if more than half of a total votes case >= 24, I will leave

For our democracy!

This is your chance @HiddenLakes to rid the board of "controlled opposition," do it for @FreeMiner, @Catilac , and @TheRealJohnCooper

That's 4 votes right there
Completely unnecessary for you to even offer. You have no reason to leave and those that want you to are not understanding what this board is about in the first place.


Luchador Campeon
Dec 9, 2020
Putin may be everything he's alleged to be, but he's the only leader willing to call out this bullshit repeatedly

- “See what they do with their own peoples - the destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, perversion, mockery of children and pedophilia are declared the norm.”
- “Look at the Holy Scriptures…the family is a union of a man and a woman.”
- “The Anglican Church, for example, considers the idea of a gender-neutral God…forgive us, Lord, for they don’t know what they do.”
- “We must protect our children.”



Jan 8, 2021
Putin may be everything he's alleged to be, but he's the only leader willing to call out this bullshit repeatedly

- “See what they do with their own peoples - the destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, perversion, mockery of children and pedophilia are declared the norm.”
- “Look at the Holy Scriptures…the family is a union of a man and a woman.”
- “The Anglican Church, for example, considers the idea of a gender-neutral God…forgive us, Lord, for they don’t know what they do.”
- “We must protect our children.”

I've said for a long time that Putin is the good guy here.


Jan 9, 2021
Having read that Politico article I am even more convinced that no democrat and many "republicans" that claim to be Christian, have zero clue what it is to be a Christian. If they did, they would never support liberals in anything. The whole article just tries to condemn the supposed far right group takeover without actually adding anything of substance, other than they don't like it. God forbid a guy recommend an proven drug to help with covid over masks that are proven, with many studies, to be absolutely worthless in stopping the spread of the cold/flu pandemic.


Nov 27, 2021
Russian President Putin's State of the Federation Speech. Live and in English.
All Nuclear Forces to full alert. Puts an end to all negotiations on US Nuclear Start Treaty.
Biden is trying desperately to Book End Putin's speech. Biden spoke in Kiev the day before Putin's State of the Federation Speech and will speak in Poland after Putin's speech.

The top Chinese Diplomat has been in Moscow for a few days now and is still there.
I think what we will see after Biden has his say in Poland.
Is that Putin and China will announce a formal Military arrangement their version of NATO.
Biden and the Neocons forged this alliance. Biden and the Neocons have also destroyed the USD and cost America its great treasure. The Status of Global Reserve Currency.
It is the end of Empire for America.

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Jan 13, 2021


Badass group. I have varied tastes in music. I could listen to this, then Hank III, then Iron Maiden, and finish it off with Gershwin. And maybe Eric B and Rakim.

We have a similar approach to music. I couldn't answer a question about what is my favorite group, genre, album, etc...just too much varied interest. I play bass and guitar and used to be a band that had a country alternative sound (whatever that means) and I would say that sound is not close to my preferred type of music. But, I brought to band some of my bass influences like Jane's Addiction, Cure, Alice in Chains, etc. Made it interesting.

I'm 52 and still discover new music, like Animal Collective, who's been around a while but I didn't discover them until maybe a year or two ago. They remind me of this Ghostland Band.


Jan 13, 2021
Yeah, for sure. I was a former D1 athlete as well, but was not quite good enough to play professionally. That being said, having been a 3 sport player in high school, I could have been a superstar in the WNBA even though it wasn't even my best sport. It's not defamation against women in any way, but we're just built differently.
My 13 year old, 7th grade son told me last night in the car ride home from practice...Dad, If I don't go D-I for football or baseball I'm going into the military.

That lead to a great conversation on the way home.


Dec 1, 2020
Trump didnt go to Iran or Brazil that we know of. But he did meet with Putin at a summit. Went to Beijing and was the first foreign leader to dine in the forbidden city. He also performed a sword dance with the house of Saud. Seperatly they may seem unremarkable but considering those countries are circumventing the cabalist central banks i think there is something more to all these overtures. Brazil got Luna and Iran has been bombed. Turkey flirted with joining BRICs and got HAARP'd. Sure seems clear to me the roadwork Trump put in has done its job. Pretty dang clear where the battle lines are. We appear as a nation to be on the wrong side of the line. Quite the conudrum for a Patriot. SKOL!
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Jan 9, 2021
Having read that Politico article I am even more convinced that no democrat and many "republicans" that claim to be Christian, have zero clue what it is to be a Christian. If they did, they would never support liberals in anything. The whole article just tries to condemn the supposed far right group takeover without actually adding anything of substance, other than they don't like it. God forbid a guy recommend an proven drug to help with covid over masks that are proven, with many studies, to be absolutely worthless in stopping the spread of the cold/flu pandemic.
So many understand man made religion. What they don’t understand is the Spiritual power that Jesus gave us when he died on the cross for our sin, rose triumphantly over death, hell and the grave, and gave us the Holy Spirit and a direct connection to the Father when he ascended back to heaven. The man made religion has been nothing but a box checking ritual that keeps us from the Spiritual realization and power available to us through Jesus...it’s what these demons fear the most. and try to keep us from through “religion.”


Luchador Campeon
Dec 9, 2020
I've said for a long time that Putin is the good guy here.
Right, both can be true - no one could say he's truly a good guy, but he does have principles. He also hasn't been the bogeyman that the DC mob created for its own corruption. But in this case, as I think it's been said here, if Russia installed a puppet regime in Canada, ran 45+ biolabs, laundered trillions of dollars, and funded military buildup over several years on our border...who would be the "good guy" in that scenario?

How the public doesn't understand this is mind bottling...until you remember the wise words of Dan Ackroyd aka Ray Zalinsky "What the American public doesn't know is what makes them the American public". Wait... Zalinsky ... Zalenskyy...? Nah! ;)


Nov 27, 2021
Trump didnt go to Iran or Brazil that we know of. But he did meet with Putin at a summit. Went to Beijing and was the first foreign leader to dine in the forbidden city. He also performed a sword dance with the house of Saud. Seperatly they may seem unremarkable but considering those countries are circumventing the cabalist central banks i think there is something more to all these overtures. Brazil got Luna and Iran has been bombed. Turkey flirted with joining BRICs and got HAARP'd. Sure seems clear to me the roadwork Trump put in has done its job. Pretty dang clear where the battle lines are. We appear as a nation to be on the wrong side of the line. Quite the conudrum for a Patriot. SKOL!

Look what the Luciferian Cabal did to Trump. Trump was pulled down by the wolves in his own country. I think they will find Russia harder to crack.


Jan 8, 2021
We have a similar approach to music. I couldn't answer a question about what is my favorite group, genre, album, etc...just too much varied interest. I play bass and guitar and used to be a band that had a country alternative sound (whatever that means) and I would say that sound is not close to my preferred type of music. But, I brought to band some of my bass influences like Jane's Addiction, Cure, Alice in Chains, etc. Made it interesting.

I'm 52 and still discover new music, like Animal Collective, who's been around a while but I didn't discover them until maybe a year or two ago. They remind me of this Ghostland Band.

Huge Sarzo fan!!!


Dec 2, 2020
My 13 year old, 7th grade son told me last night in the car ride home from practice...Dad, If I don't go D-I for football or baseball I'm going into the military.

That lead to a great conversation on the way home.
My daughter has all but joined the National Guard, but is having second thoughts with everything going on and this admin.


Dec 1, 2020



Aug 24, 2021
Just wish he would release the dirt he has on our corrupt govt officials.

There has been a lot released/exposed, it just never goes anywhere because our media is in on the cover up. Most people don't spend nearly the time we do researching these matters. A lot of people have an understanding that shit is fucked up but have an attitude of nothing they can do about it and go about their lives. It is sad but until we have a major event where those folks can't eat or live as they do now nothing will change in this country.

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