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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020



Nov 27, 2021

Putin is no saint. But for this alone I would forgive much. He is Christian, he is for families, his people and he will protect children.
Not like our scum that allows tran mutilation of boys and girls for profit.

All these things, bad things that are happening in America is because we have turned away from God.

Proverbs 29
King James Bible Par ▾
The Stiff-Necked will Be Destroyed
1He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.


Nov 27, 2021
From Putin's speech.

However, they too realise it is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield and are conducting increasingly aggressive information attacks against us targeting primarily the younger generation. They never stop lying and distorting historical facts as they attack our culture, the Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional religious organizations in our country.

Look what they are doing to their own people. It is all about the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversion and abuse of children, including pedophilia, all of which are declared normal in their life. They are forcing the priests to bless same-sex marriages. Bless their hearts, let them do as they please. Here is what I would like to say in this regard. Adult people can do as they please. We in Russia have always seen it that way and always will: no one is going to intrude into other people’s private lives, and we are not going to do it, either.

But here is what I would like to tell them: look at the holy scripture and the main books of other world religions. They say it all, including that family is the union of a man and a woman, but these sacred texts are now being questioned. Reportedly, the Anglican Church is planning, just planning, to explore the idea of a gender-neutral god. What is there to say? Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Millions of people in the West realise that they are being led to a spiritual disaster. Frankly, the elite appear to have gone crazy, and it looks like there is no cure for that. But like I said, these are their problems, while we must protect our children, which we will do. We will protect our children from degradation and degeneration.



Jan 8, 2021
I think you will find the vast majority of the non western civilizations would disagree with you. India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and many others now see the west as the oligarchs and brutish thugs hell bent on regime change and world domination. You are spewing western propaganda as far as I am concerned. He is probably not as good as some think nor as bad as others think. I honestly think he is looking out for his Russian people. SKOL!

Once the bong hits fade a little, perhaps you'll consider that a large # of non-western civilizations are ran by communists, religious fanatics, and authoritarian dictators like Putin himself. Why would you care what they think? Putin is the same man who called the fall of the communist Soviet Union a great "tragedy". It's comical how easily you and many others on this board have made Putin into your champion. It shows how easily the masses are swayed by a few speeches or soundbites.

When this war ends, and he starts another in the next few years, you'll still have your head in the sand, cheering him on as though it's justified. One look at Russia tells you how he "looks out for them". He kills his political enemies and just like Zelensky, bans any opposition, forbids opposition press, and rigs elections to a degree that would make Fulton Co blush.

Putin isn't fighting for any of the things you somehow think he is. "He made a speech!" So what. He says he's a Christian out of one side of his mouth, while ordering the murder of thousands out of the other. He's a KGB thug who longs for the days of soviet domination.


Dec 1, 2020
Once the bong hits fade a little, perhaps you'll consider that a large # of non-western civilizations are ran by communists, religious fanatics, and authoritarian dictators like Putin himself. Why would you care what they think? Putin is the same man who called the fall of the communist Soviet Union a great "tragedy". It's comical how easily you and many others on this board have made Putin into your champion. It shows how easily the masses are swayed by a few speeches or soundbites.

When this war ends, and he starts another in the next few years, you'll still have your head in the sand, cheering him on as though it's justified. One look at Russia tells you how he "looks out for them". He kills his political enemies and just like Zelensky, bans any opposition, forbids opposition press, and rigs elections to a degree that would make Fulton Co blush.

Putin isn't fighting for any of the things you somehow think he is. "He made a speech!" So what. He says he's a Christian out of one side of his mouth, while ordering the murder of thousands out of the other. He's a KGB thug who longs for the days of soviet domination.
I will say this. Our perceptions are different on the current situation. The enemy of my enemy ( central banking cabal) is my friend. So we will have to agree to disagree.

As for the Russian people they have been having a religious revival since the fall of the Soviet Union.



Jan 8, 2021
I will say this. Our perceptions are different on the current situation. The enemy of my enemy ( central banking cabal) is my friend. So we will have to agree to disagree.

As for the Russian people they have been having a religious revival since the fall of the Soviet Union.


The enemy of my enemy is correct. And Putin is not a huge threat to us. His country is poor, his military is weak, and he doesn't have any of the super-weapons he brags about unless the Chinese gave them to him.

Putin has severely curtailed religious freedom, forcing any minister to have State approved training, much like his ally, the Chinese.

We have 2 massive enemies. The Euro banking cabal is only one of them. The Chinese are probably just as big of a threat, and their strength is why Putin has joined them. Russia is weak, they're not the global threat our gov't and media make them out to be. But they're also not an ally of free peoples. Even Trump realized that, at least in his rhetoric.

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