Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
We should start a gofundme for elon to make sure he is ok

for the brain dead elon supporters in this thread.......are you aware of the concept of controlled oppostion? Do you believe elon is a transhumanist? has elon's "climate-friendly" tesla saved the earth from climate change? Did he trick the deep state into funding him to the tune of billions of dollars? what were his opinions about the nature/cause/solution to the "PANDEMIC!"?
Controlled Opposition? Are you talking about you Cincinattus91
I usually do not hate politicians (Schiff is a no brainer to dislike) because they are all actors, but besides Schiff I make an acceptation for Joe Biden. He is truly a terrible human being.

The comments from the tweet are pretty good though. I particularly like this one from one of the commentors;

"You are the GREATEST President Ukraine has ever had…."
You are the Greatest Criminal Coke Head Partner me and Obama ever installed. Now can we go someplace private "I want to sniff your butthole again"


What A Pompous Ass and an Embarrassment.

Could not watch it all. Nancy you should not have left Paul alone with the hammer. Fuck she is disgusting. A true lunatic.

I didn't listen to any of it and quite frankly am surprised she is out speaking. Nevertheless, I bet it went something like the teacher on Charlie Brown. That's all I hear when she speaks is gibberish. SKOL!
That sound like a supportive of ukraine patch
Beauty. Thanks. I can not understand why America support this bullshit at all. It is as if we are asked to support Hitler or Joe Stalin.
Has America lost their ability to reason and connect the dots and think for themselves.
And mostly have the guts to stand up and say BULLSHIT.

Our men and women paid in blood for your and my right to speak up and speak the truth.
Never diminish their blood sacrifice and heritage they passed down by being weak.
We Are Americans.
"Nothing we could do has it planned for a while, even though it was a surprise trip"
He went to try and put Putin in the shade.
Putin has a log planned State of the Russian Federation Speech planned for tomorrow.
Joe is outmatched tho.
Putin can speak for hours without notes or teleprompter. And take direct calls from Russian citizens and answer their questions from all over Russia live without notes or assistants.

Throw her in an oubliette dungeon.

The term oubliette is French in origin and comes from the French verb, oublier, meaning ‘to forget.’ The oubliette was given this name as it was effectively a type of dungeon with zero light entering it, enterable only through a trap door in the roof, and they throw the poor victim in to be forgotten.
Everyday go down to her dungeon and dump the Masters piss pot on her head, then throw her scraps from his table down to her as well.
Some of the old ways should be brought back for some of them.
Say a Mitch McConnell for example.


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