Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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^^and NYC wanted horse faced Hochul^^

^^and NYC wanted horse faced Hochul^^

Kill them all, Israel!!!!
A guy on another board describing FOX's coverage of Biden's Ukraine visit.

I Think Biden Won Fox News Over Today​

It has been some of the best oral sects I’ve ever heard for a couple of hours now.

Every anchor, every reporter, and every guest has taken Biden the full length inside.

Some former Air Force general named Horton said Biden in Ukraine is...yep, you guessed it...again...Churchill and his we will never surrender speech after Dunkirk. This moment by Biden will be recorded in history forever as the beginning of the end of Russia when it’s all settled.

Some nutty reporter guy (Griff Jenkins) compared it to MacArthur wading ashore in the Philippines against the Japanese.

Someone else on the phone (think Dan Hoffman) said it was like George Washington at Valley Forge.






The Fox News people are getting the old warm and fuzzies from the W Administration back.

Meanwhile, our border remains wide open and a town in Ohio continues to be contaminated.

As discovered by this thread....ultimately the police and antifa are governed by the same agenda

This should not be difficult to see

For clarification.....that does not mean every or most police officer is working with means the bosses are and the institution is based on following and implementing that's going to be a problem

Maybe @Catilac can uses his contacts in the sandhedrin/ synagogue of satan to help us out
Let's see if they keep doing undercover investigations about the liberal entities destroying the country or if they do a Drudge and change directions 180 degrees.

You can bet your house they'll be switching directions. Or just disappearing. A deep-stater wormed his way in and forced him out.

Several large donors had sent the organization a a cease and desist letter, demanding their $$ back if O'Keefe is out.
President of Ukraine tweets

I usually do not hate politicians (Schiff is a no brainer to dislike) because they are all actors, but besides Schiff I make an acceptation for Joe Biden. He is truly a terrible human being.

The comments from the tweet are pretty good though. I particularly like this one from one of the commentors;

"You are the GREATEST President Ukraine has ever had…."
Let them get into their bunkers then weld the doors shut and pump in raw sewage.
It's a Big Club and we are not in it.

I wonder what else is down there?


Keep in mind Elon is one of the original investors. The Machine has turned on him!!!!

We should start a gofundme for elon to make sure he is ok

for the brain dead elon supporters in this thread.......are you aware of the concept of controlled oppostion? Do you believe elon is a transhumanist? has elon's "climate-friendly" tesla saved the earth from climate change? Did he trick the deep state into funding him to the tune of billions of dollars? what were his opinions about the nature/cause/solution to the "PANDEMIC!"?

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