Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

WTF you don't know who these guys are? The topic of the show is obviously the Ohio disaster and global famine. Michael Yon is one of the last of the old time foreign correspondents and real war correspondents.
He actually goes to those places where the bullets fly and people die.
He was just in the Darien Gap and travelled with the hordes of illegals headed to USA. To get their story.
Matt Bracken is an author and former Navy Seal.
And of course JB Wells almost as famous as Art Bell.
"Like Come On Man"

Love Yon but that's an 8:30 vid
There is that phrase again, chinese spy balloon. They pick a slogan and run with it. 😄

so A Brave New World is getting pretty close to reality. Great.

How’d that work out?

Soma, anyone? Everyone?

Fun fact.. my senior research paper was comparing the non conformists in Brave New World and The Metamorphosis. (Finding a translation for the metamorphosis was almost as much fun as reading the damn book) this was high school, btw.

The paper was to be exactly 5 pages. My paper was not. My teacher refused to grade it but didn’t give me a ‘0’ for ‘nonconforming’. (I mean…seriously?) So I managed to graduate without the main grade required to graduate. It was later graded by the head of the English dept (who had happened to be my 7th grade English teacher). I got an A (final grade revised) and she kept my paper for reference material for her later students. (Same lady I went to when my daughter needed a bit more than what was being offered in her classes.) That woman was the best…as a human and a teacher…. and I still think there is chalk dust in my hair from the times she chucked her eraser at my head 😂
I couldn't pull the street signs from the video. What in the actual fuck and how is that real life?
S Lamar and Barton Springs.

My daughter has 2 huge projects she’s been managing in Austin. She no longer has to go on site. She’s happy about that. Was her least favorite city to visit. And this girl puts on her hard hat and docs to walk sites in Vegas.

Anybody want to talk about this?

Why would kids think this was in any way acceptable? Wooden spoon discipline isn't looking so bad now, is it? A good ass whipping corrects a lot of problems.

Reminder : I'm the mom that wore 9 year old Max's ass out with a wooden spoon when he thought he was a big man because he could look me dead on in the eye...and found out that I can and will put him down something quick. And then I laughed when I had no wooden spoons the next day. (And found the last one he saved on the top shelf of his closet a couple of years ago 😂) He did not laugh when Dad got home and pulled him out of school to go to lunch.

But what should we expect when bad behavior/criminality is excused because (insert the reason of the day) and rules/norms/respect is (insert the reason of the day)

We have some articles of other kids that were out on the property, and it was from all the major high schools in the Greater Austin area. It was West Lake High, Vandegrift, Lake Travis and Bowie, those are for certain," the homeowner told Fox 7
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Indeed the timing of PANDEMIC!!!’s arrival was simply astonishing insofar as the cover it provided for the biggest monetary event of all time, which went largely unnoticed as a result, even by alleged financial mavens. At most, various mainstream and near-mainstream voices acknowledged that a huge wealth transfer had occurred, but never discussed, at least not publicly, whether that wealth transfer was planned in advance. Short answer: of course it was. But acknowledging that possibility is forbidden among those who seek or rely on mainstream approval.

As noted, the timing was remarkable. The World Health Organization declared a worldwide pandemic on March 11, 2020. That is exactly, as in, within a single day of, when the Federal Reserve began the process of more than doubling its balance sheet over the course of the next year. The unprecedented size of the Fed’s monetary blast was immediate, too, adding $1.75 trillion to its balance sheet—a 40% increase—in just the first four weeks of PANDEMIC!!!

A nice F you to America






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