Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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These folks are out there


This will end well
So, I've discovered my 17 yr old has become a dealer.

He came home yesterday & showed me some silver coins he'd purchased at the shop in a nearby town. Was a good buy but I knew he couldn't afford them as he's not working anymore since starting some college courses half a day. Asked him where he got the $$$.

Apparently his mornings the last month have consisted of going to McD's early & buying a few dozen biscuits & breakfast burritos. He then sets up on his tailgate in the parking lot at school before the bell rings & doles em out at double spot. He showed me his "preorder" list on a group text he's set up. Kids closing in on a cnote in profit per day & he's thinking about adding another runner to handle the Hardee's crowd on a percentage.

He may get in trouble with the school before it's over with, but not with me.
When I was in 6th grade in the 90s, the school shut down the pop (fine, soda) machines for some disciplinary reason. I bought some 12 packs of Minute Maid Orange and coke (cola) and sold them out of my locker for $2 each. I got suspended for some crazy reason. My parents did not punish me at all.
THis is a hard one to bite on but I agree yesterday was suspicious. Wonder why he has not done any interviews yet? It also felt like the Bills threw the game yesterday.

I told a friend it seemed if they were instructed to lose so they could get Damar out of the spotlight.

It would have been mighty tough if they made the SB to have him around the next two weeks. People would have caught on and started to asked more questions. Just a thought
Gold, Silver and Bitcoin are must buys at this point. Japan like the US has crossed the point of no return. Debt levels this high require money printing. I'd also pull some cash out of your bank because I could see a "bank holiday" coming soon. Prepare now, don't wait.

I’ve been thinking about pulling all of our savings out, not just additional for our stash.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0a3163 No.11130507
Oct 18 2020 00:01:04 (EST)
Those who provided Hunter w/ underage girls [trafficked?] _same people who also took the pictures?
If large sums of money are being paid by foreign [state] actors [to protected [in powerful positions] US pols] would they want assurances the deal will be kept?
Bribes & blackmail.
Dark secrets.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No.17724555
Nov 6 2022 11:18:56 (EST)
What groups are financing Ukraine?
Why are they financing Ukraine?
Why was Hunter in Ukraine?
What did 'Pop' threaten to withold from Ukraine?
A billion dollars?
Who benefits?
What did 'Pop' receive in return?
Why is Hunter not in jail?
How do you control a 'leader'?
How do you control a country?
Are you ready to take back control?
Your vote matters.
You have all the tools you need.

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