Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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On my run today I found this 1948 Willys jeep just like the one my dad taught me to drive on was 13 years old.

They turned it into a mobile mini coffee/barista stand - very cool!

Good espresso too!!

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Do you speak fluent spanish? I spent 3 months in Brazil and, at the time, spoke very poor Portuguese. After a while it became exhausting trying to communicate. I had a great time but also was happy to be back in the states so I could have a simple conversation.
^^multi millionaire^^

^^they love their Trudeau^^







^^f him^^
So, I've discovered my 17 yr old has become a dealer.

He came home yesterday & showed me some silver coins he'd purchased at the shop in a nearby town. Was a good buy but I knew he couldn't afford them as he's not working anymore since starting some college courses half a day. Asked him where he got the $$$.

Apparently his mornings the last month have consisted of going to McD's early & buying a few dozen biscuits & breakfast burritos. He then sets up on his tailgate in the parking lot at school before the bell rings & doles em out at double spot. He showed me his "preorder" list on a group text he's set up. Kids closing in on a cnote in profit per day & he's thinking about adding another runner to handle the Hardee's crowd on a percentage.

He may get in trouble with the school before it's over with, but not with me.

Trump is tone deaf, unless it is his tone he is hearing. He has always been this way. Nobody besides the establishment and RINO's want to see LG campaigning anywhere near Trump. Yet here we are, having made for TV Lindsay out there with him.
Unless just like Fauci and others, he is keeping them out front and center in the spotlight so when all the shit comes out about Ukraine, he is front and center, fingers crossed.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9f19f8 No.8092721
Feb 10 2020 12:58:12 (EST)Justice.JPG

Did 'Mueller' open the door to Ukraine?
Did 'Mueller' open the door to FISA [illegal]?
How do you introduce evidence legally?
Did 'Impeachment' provide a platform to discuss findings of Ukraine?
How do you introduce evidence legally?
Did 'Impeachment' harm or help POTUS [public]?
How do you introduce [D]s high crimes [corruption] to the public?
Why didn't POTUS remove [Hussein] holdovers from NSC?
Do you really believe that POTUS & team trusted [Hussein] holdovers to remain within the admin and work to enact POTUS' agenda w/o bias or confrontation?
How do you 'awaken' the 'induced coma' public [FAKE NEWS control] from their long sleep?
Sometimes allowing your enemies to [openly] attack…….
Logical thinking.

Whats that mean?
So, I've discovered my 17 yr old has become a dealer.

He came home yesterday & showed me some silver coins he'd purchased at the shop in a nearby town. Was a good buy but I knew he couldn't afford them as he's not working anymore since starting some college courses half a day. Asked him where he got the $$$.

Apparently his mornings the last month have consisted of going to McD's early & buying a few dozen biscuits & breakfast burritos. He then sets up on his tailgate in the parking lot at school before the bell rings & doles em out at double spot. He showed me his "preorder" list on a group text he's set up. Kids closing in on a cnote in profit per day & he's thinking about adding another runner to handle the Hardee's crowd on a percentage.

He may get in trouble with the school before it's over with, but not with me.
Do you speak fluent spanish? I spent 3 months in Brazil and, at the time, spoke very poor Portuguese. After a while it became exhausting trying to communicate. I had a great time but also was happy to be back in the states so I could have a simple conversation.

My Spanish is conversational and more than enough to get by. I took two years in high school and 2 years at The University of Texas.

Though one of the reasons I chose to live here is that very few people speak any English.

That forces me to improve my Spanish.

I love the immersion.

In addition, I take a Spanish class on-line for an hour a day 5 days a week to improve my conversation, cement all the tenses they use, and expand my vocabulary.

Had you stayed another six months it would have likely had a different outcome - typically when immersed in a language within about 6-12 months a "light goes off".

If you want to return to Brazil I would visit this website.

You can choose any language in the world and select a teacher and price point to take classes on-line - it's just you and the teacher on basically a "Zoom Call" -

I love it! I schedule at my convenience and pay $7 USD per hour lesson. The system projects that in 13-14 months I will be fully fluent.

Will pay big dividends for business and more so for dating - it is a huge advantage over your competition for girls here.

I'll come back to see my dad and friends - otherwise why would I leave paradise.

Here there is actual life in people - they enjoy each other - do you know how nice it is to eat out at a restaurant and not one person is on their fucking "Smart"phone? There is actual human interaction here joy, happiness, community, a love of life and positivity - something that's long gone in America.

If I struggle a year +/- to become fluent it is well worth the "pain" and/or frustration which is only temporary.

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That appears to be a real article and not satire. Amazing.

While well intending citizens lined up, did the right thing, and received their COVID19 vaccinations -- now seeming to do more harm than good -- their unvaccinated friends stood by and let them do it. Some of them said too little. Some said nothing at all.

Even though they knew what we didn't.

Our blood is now on their hands.

Those are strong words. But the unvaccinated had access to important information about the potential side effects of vaccines. They knew about the risks of severe allergic reactions, blood clots, and other serious health complications. They knew that vaccines did not immunize us. They knew it wasn't effective, and that they can cause more harm than good.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised these people are this either, dumb, duplicitous, ignorant, evil or all of the above.....and I am not surprised at all. Sad that I have to think that way about many people who at one point had some sense about them.
So, I've discovered my 17 yr old has become a dealer.

He came home yesterday & showed me some silver coins he'd purchased at the shop in a nearby town. Was a good buy but I knew he couldn't afford them as he's not working anymore since starting some college courses half a day. Asked him where he got the $$$.

Apparently his mornings the last month have consisted of going to McD's early & buying a few dozen biscuits & breakfast burritos. He then sets up on his tailgate in the parking lot at school before the bell rings & doles em out at double spot. He showed me his "preorder" list on a group text he's set up. Kids closing in on a cnote in profit per day & he's thinking about adding another runner to handle the Hardee's crowd on a percentage.

He may get in trouble with the school before it's over with, but not with me.


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