Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
This in no way should remind anyone of the American Revolution. That has to be some kind of joke. In fact the entire premise is a joke, right? If there is a bust of anyone put up in DC, it should not be Zelensky. Or maybe it is fitting that a crook would be celebrated by all the other crooks in DC.
Waiting for a reply from SC am going to ask them to censor joe. Is anyone from his district so I can contact him directly.
Look at the record.
Hide in basement steal election.
Get out of Afghanistan Fiasco after several trillion stolen and unaccounted for.
Destroy the EU and Ukraine, and cover up the crimes committed there by Obama, Biden's etc
Ukraine went bad, and blew up in their faces.
Ukraine is destroying the USD hegemony, 5B plus people have quit believing in US Empire and are switching to BRIC and Multipolar world which does not include the 1B people of the west.
The PETRO Dollar is dead. Saudi does not even return DC calls. etc.
Biden has to go bye bye, and the stunned twat Harris will stand there and cackle at them all day.
The secrets must be kept.
Biden mission accomplished
PS: This is why Biden is being pushed out now.
He takes all blame, and they quit digging up bones.

I understand your point, but curious on the following. I feel like Q really shed light on a lot of dark stuff and woke people up.

I always knew the gov was dirty and started reading the Q post a year after it started. It definitely opened my eyes and gave me reason to do my own research.

So if there are no arrests, couldn’t one view it as a success due to how many people have awakened? What’s the point in sidelining people if the masses were never going to see the light?
Q didn't wake everybody up. Some, sure, but the majority of people ITT were awake before Q was birthed. I wouldn't have know what Q was apart from this thread. When the phenomenon first began, I thought it was connected to the Anonymous hackers group. Q exposed itself as false 5 or so years ago when he claimed Hillary was in handcuffs, but some were so desperate for any ray of hope they continued to believe.

There aren't nearly as many people awake as everyone likes to pretend. Else they'd have never taken that vaccine. The vaccine mandates woke some up, and what's happening now still more, but sadly too little and too late. If Q and Trump were part of some master plan, Trump wouldn't have spearheaded unleashing the vax on the world. How many people will Trump's vaccine kill? People here don't want to admit it, but Trump is neck deep in the vax and its consequences. For the longest time, Trump called it "my vaccine", and he still takes credit for it to this day. Now, hundreds of thousands are dying young, others are damaged for life. IMO, those numbers will quickly grow to the millions and tens of millions. Trump can't wash away the blood on his hands. Blood that wouldn't be there if he and a group of generals (who never existed) had a firm grip on their master plan to save the free world.
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I know, and I get that it is not on my time frame, but might I suggest not burning down all the institutions this country was founded on first? Before it becomes too late to do anything about the obvious crap our politicians pull on us? The Q stuff had its purpose. What that is, I have no idea, but that was not done without a goal in mind. An end game if you will. We will see how this all plays out but I am not holding my breath that those that have been at the root of all the nefarious stuff is going to investigate themselves and throw themselves in jail.
If we only have to give up 4 years of hell in order to save our country (and world) forever, then I think we can put up with the next 2 years of exposing the cabal to set up the 2024 election and the following takedown of the Swamp when we hold all 3 branches of government.
"to keep patriots on the sideline"

I hear this a lot when discussing this. Exactly what sideline and what were patriots going to do had this psyop/information dump not occurred?

I contend there would have been far fewer people engaged, far less information flowing, far more people still asleep at the wheel.
Far less need for Adam Schitt to go to social media and demand Q followers be shut down . . .
What do y'all think of the new logo for the Houstonian Boys Tennis Team shirts for this Season?


Two years ago 12U USTA State Champs

Last year played up to 14U with only one 14 year old, the rest were 12, and one 10 year old and got 2nd place in state USTA tourney.

With each one a year older looking to bring home the gold this year and move onto regionals.

A happy weekend to everyone from "The Land of Eternal Spring"

(From LinkedIn Post - Worth Sharing)

The best thing I saw on the internet this week:

A long line of complete strangers getting tested.

Thousands signed up to help 5 year old Oscar Saxelby-Lee.

He needed a transplant within three months of his chemotherapy or his chances of survival would "severely diminish".

People helping people ❤️


My Response

Q didn't wake everybody up. Some, sure, but the majority of people ITT were awake before Q was birthed. I wouldn't have know what Q was apart from this thread. When the phenomenon first began, I thought it was connected to the Anonymous hackers group. Q exposed itself as false 5 or so years ago when he claimed Hillary was in handcuffs, but some were so desperate for any ray of hope they continued to believe.

There aren't nearly as many people awake as everyone likes to pretend. Else they'd have never taken that vaccine. The vaccine mandates woke some up, and what's happening now still more, but sadly too little and too late. If Q and Trump were part of some master plan, Trump wouldn't have spearheaded unleashing the vax on the world. How many people will Trump's vaccine kill? People here don't want to admit it, but Trump is neck deep in the vax and its consequences. For the longest time, Trump called it "my vaccine", and he still takes credit for it to this day. Now, hundreds of thousands are dying young, others are damaged for life. IMO, those numbers will quickly grow to the millions and tens of millions. Trump can't wash away the blood on his hands. Blood that wouldn't be there if he and a group of generals (who never existed) had a firm grip on their master plan to save the free world.
I never said Q woke most in this thread. Just simply stated that a lot of people did wake up as a result. I’ve spoken to many in my circles that admit they started understanding the filth bc of those post.

That’s great that you were always awake. I’m simply stating that whole thing (whomever was behind it) woke a bunch of people up and as a result, I don’t see the negative.
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