Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Hey one of you smart engineer types help me out.

It seems like it takes a ton of earth for this "Cobalt" to make one battery.

So how much Cobalt is there in the world?

Knowing that how many batteries can we make until we run out?

So are there more Fossil Fuel supplies to last longer or more Cobalt supplies?

Have the EV folks even analyzed the above?
I’m not a killer but I would beat that man to death with my bare hands.
I agree 100% some are just that evil. He is one of them.
Hey one of you smart engineer types help me out.

It seems like it takes a ton of earth for this "Cobalt" to make one battery.

So how much Cobalt is there in the world?

Knowing that how many batteries can we make until we run out?

So are there more Fossil Fuel supplies to last longer or more Cobalt supplies?

Have the EV folks even analyzed the above?
It’s my belief the elite know that oil is a natural by product of the Earth and it’s possibly unlimited. This is why the bullshit climate and battery push, after they deplete the earth of minerals needed for batteries and enrichen their pockets, they know they can fall back on oil.

Because they don't really want it. They can do this pressure free and keep the charade alive.

The Fairfax Act has been introduced in the House every year for 23 years and has never made it out of Ways and Means committee. They (uniparty)do not want to get rid of the income tax or IRS.



Question for the day:
I'm curious how many classified documents need to be found before the FBI raids your home?

The whole point of the special counsel is to block congressional oversight

Hey one of you smart engineer types help me out.

It seems like it takes a ton of earth for this "Cobalt" to make one battery.

So how much Cobalt is there in the world?

Knowing that how many batteries can we make until we run out?

So are there more Fossil Fuel supplies to last longer or more Cobalt supplies?

Have the EV folks even analyzed the above?

It may not be an issue as to quantity… however, it does create a conundrum for “stop drilling for oil/NG” folks.

These people are morons. They are destroying America with over 700 Military Bases Globally and endless war since 1945, none of these wars were thousands of young Americans died or were crippled, were fought because America was under attack. It was all to enrich the elite and the MIC.
America needs to return to the founding principals of Jefferson. "Avoid all foreign entanglements."
Yes if America is truly under attack or threat, kill everything in our way.
Endless war to enrich DC Pigs and Crooks and the MIC is traitorous.

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