Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The UK decided to exploit COVID to try to make NHS solvent. By using the pandemic as an excuse they denied health care for the people. Two years of little to no screenings for treatable if caught in time conditions is now coming back on them.

Yeah, that'll be the next excuse. Were it just the UK, that would make sense. A lack of screenings has nothing to do with healthy young people developing deadly heart conditions.
Haha back in the good ole days when we used to “Trust Wray”
Trust Wray
Trust Kansas
Trust Gina Haspel
FISA brings down the house
Horowitz brings down the deep state
Rod Rosenstein white hat

Honestly with the benefit of hindsight, it is painfully obvious that Q Anon was an op to keep patriots on the sideline and believing there was a “plan”
excellent breakdown/debate suggesting hitler to be a tool of the zionists.....if that really shocks you just google haavara agreement. You must also know who Theodore Hertzl is and the explicit zionist strategy to set up anti-jewish governments to force jews to immigrate to what is now the state of Israel

What is the significance? once you realize hitler is controlled opposition for the free masons/jewry/etc you will be more equipped to discover the current agents of destruction
Do you have a better link? I cannot open this.
Also have to ask how Russia keeps shooting missiles and drones into Ukr when they have been running out since summer. They were shooting old stuff because they couldn't build new stuff. Then they were using Iranian drones because they were out. Now they're shooting brand new stuff and old stuff and it shows that they have completely run out.

It feels like the Porky's scene where the kid said he broke the bastard's hand on his face.
I wonder how much of the arms we are sending to Ukraine are being captured and used by Russia?

Didn't Trump support him for speaker in 2016 too? I know some Trump supporters don't like hearing this, and I am a broken record at times in tis regard, but Trump and his ability to position people to enact his agenda in DC is comical. At least many of the more public and influential ones.

Paul Ryan is a McCAin, Romney, Turtle type of awful. He was largely responsible for stymying the America First agenda that had real momentum when reps had control of it all. He showed what the power of the purse in the house can actually do and used it against those he pretended to be for. I hope McCarty learned from this and does better. Sincere doubts regarding that though.
Trust Wray
Trust Kansas
Trust Gina Haspel
FISA brings down the house
Horowitz brings down the deep state
Rod Rosenstein white hat

Honestly with the benefit of hindsight, it is painfully obvious that Q Anon was an op to keep patriots on the sideline and believing there was a “plan”

Lol Q woke up millions of people. The psyop failed
Hey one of you smart engineer types help me out.

It seems like it takes a ton of earth for this "Cobalt" to make one battery.

So how much Cobalt is there in the world?

Knowing that how many batteries can we make until we run out?

So are there more Fossil Fuel supplies to last longer or more Cobalt supplies?

Have the EV folks even analyzed the above?
More than 70% of the world's cobalt is produced in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and any nation that produces electronics wants in on that source. But based on operational mines and projected demand, forecasters predict that supply won't be able to keep up with demand by 2030, or even as early as 2025.

Jan 11, 2022
Trust Wray
Trust Kansas
Trust Gina Haspel
FISA brings down the house
Horowitz brings down the deep state
Rod Rosenstein white hat

Honestly with the benefit of hindsight, it is painfully obvious that Q Anon was an op to keep patriots on the sideline and believing there was a “plan”
I understand your point, but curious on the following. I feel like Q really shed light on a lot of dark stuff and woke people up.

I always knew the gov was dirty and started reading the Q post a year after it started. It definitely opened my eyes and gave me reason to do my own research.

So if there are no arrests, couldn’t one view it as a success due to how many people have awakened? What’s the point in sidelining people if the masses were never going to see the light?
I understand your point, but curious on the following. I feel like Q really shed light on a lot of dark stuff and woke people up.

I always knew the gov was dirty and started reading the Q post a year after it started. It definitely opened my eyes and gave me reason to do my own research.

So if there are no arrests, couldn’t one view it as a success due to how many people have awakened? What’s the point in sidelining people if the masses were never going to see the light?
I don't think people really care for moral victories. Especially when, even if the Q stuff did "wake" people up, things continue to get worse. Dems still do not play by any rules and are allowed to do whatever they please with no ramifications. They stole a few more elections, ect...So yeah, waking people up is a nice moral victory. However I am still waiting for the actions to match the rhetoric. Which has yet to happen.
It’s not just somebody because the msm has been green lighted to run the stories. They’d ignore it otherwise.
Sabotage by the 3rd term of Berrie. Joe has become /becoming more of a liability that threatens his 4th, 5th.....terms. Berrie knew it would come down to this or something like it. Hell, he even told Joe "you don't have to do this" when he decided to run for POTUS. Berrie knew that after they cheated the Dem into office they would sacrifice them on the Demonrat altar.
I understand your point, but curious on the following. I feel like Q really shed light on a lot of dark stuff and woke people up.

I always knew the gov was dirty and started reading the Q post a year after it started. It definitely opened my eyes and gave me reason to do my own research.

So if there are no arrests, couldn’t one view it as a success due to how many people have awakened? What’s the point in sidelining people if the masses were never going to see the light?
Yes, I think so. But at the same time, I think it caused both sides to become much more polarized, which I personally feel was part of the plan to destroy America. Just my opinion.
I think they are “self-reporting” for two reasons.

1. Get rid of the really bad files.
2. Get rid of Biden and in turn making it harder for trump to run again.
And to get a "special" prosecutor to keep the files away from the House. They had time since before the election to figure out how to keep them away. And with the media behind them, sheep will never figure it out. It will be couched to show them as oops we made a mistake and are doing everything to help as opposed to Trump who they raided, though he gave them and did everything they asked
Trust Wray
Trust Kansas
Trust Gina Haspel
FISA brings down the house
Horowitz brings down the deep state
Rod Rosenstein white hat

Honestly with the benefit of hindsight, it is painfully obvious that Q Anon was an op to keep patriots on the sideline and believing there was a “plan”
Looking back over the past few decades (I am mid 50's), anyone who questioned the government was considered on the "fringe" and labeled as conspiracy theorists. I think the entire Q experience gave those outliers some vindication and woke up many of us. This entire past 6 years has lifted the curtain on the grifters and evil folks in our federal government and now we can look back and question many, many events over the course of our lives. It has been a fascinating awakening.
We all know that and the absurdity is already showing in that even after multiple locations containing multiple classified documents they are still using his own attorneys to conduct these searches. At this point the FBI should be doing it at the least. Not that the FBI wouldn't likely hide a lot & cover up a lot too. It's just the principle of how absurd this all is.
Rules for me but not for thee.
More than 70% of the world's cobalt is produced in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and any nation that produces electronics wants in on that source. But based on operational mines and projected demand, forecasters predict that supply won't be able to keep up with demand by 2030, or even as early as 2025.

Jan 11, 2022
Doesn't help that the US is going to pay them billions to stop mining. They'll take the money AND continue to mine.
I don't think people really care for moral victories. Especially when, even if the Q stuff did "wake" people up, things continue to get worse. Dems still do not play by any rules and are allowed to do whatever they please with no ramifications. They stole a few more elections, ect...So yeah, waking people up is a nice moral victory. However I am still waiting for the actions to match the rhetoric. Which has yet to happen.
Sometimes you have to show them . . .
Sometimes you have to show them . . .
I know, and I get that it is not on my time frame, but might I suggest not burning down all the institutions this country was founded on first? Before it becomes too late to do anything about the obvious crap our politicians pull on us? The Q stuff had its purpose. What that is, I have no idea, but that was not done without a goal in mind. An end game if you will. We will see how this all plays out but I am not holding my breath that those that have been at the root of all the nefarious stuff is going to investigate themselves and throw themselves in jail.
They are getting rid of him.
Look at the record.
Hide in basement steal election.
Get out of Afghanistan Fiasco after several trillion stolen and unaccounted for.
Destroy the EU and Ukraine, and cover up the crimes committed there by Obama, Biden's etc
Ukraine went bad, and blew up in their faces.
Ukraine is destroying the USD hegemony, 5B plus people have quit believing in US Empire and are switching to BRIC and Multipolar world which does not include the 1B people of the west.
The PETRO Dollar is dead. Saudi does not even return DC calls. etc.
Biden has to go bye bye, and the stunned twat Harris will stand there and cackle at them all day.
The secrets must be kept.
Biden mission accomplished
Trust Wray
Trust Kansas
Trust Gina Haspel
FISA brings down the house
Horowitz brings down the deep state
Rod Rosenstein white hat

Honestly with the benefit of hindsight, it is painfully obvious that Q Anon was an op to keep patriots on the sideline and believing there was a “plan”
"to keep patriots on the sideline"

I hear this a lot when discussing this. Exactly what sideline and what were patriots going to do had this psyop/information dump not occurred?

I contend there would have been far fewer people engaged, far less information flowing, far more people still asleep at the wheel.
Disgusting but appropriate. Put a bust of a War Criminal and Thief on permanent display in Congress.
This in no way should remind anyone of the American Revolution. That has to be some kind of joke. In fact the entire premise is a joke, right? If there is a bust of anyone put up in DC, it should not be Zelensky. Or maybe it is fitting that a crook would be celebrated by all the other crooks in DC.
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