Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Trust Wray
Trust Kansas
Trust Gina Haspel
FISA brings down the house
Horowitz brings down the deep state
Rod Rosenstein white hat

Honestly with the benefit of hindsight, it is painfully obvious that Q Anon was an op to keep patriots on the sideline and believing there was a “plan”

Now that we know that...why didn't Trump denounce the movement as soon as he found out about it?

Was he that out of the loop on everything?
Now that we know that...why didn't Trump denounce the movement as soon as he found out about it?

Was he that out of the loop on everything?
Why would he? It kept everyone hopeful that he was ultimately the man that would lead the revolt against the cabal. It wouldn’t have benefited him to denounce the movement, the mainstream media was going to shit on him either way.

And look, I am not saying I think Q Anon was a bad thing, I understand and appreciate the discussion that it brought about. People learned a ton regardless of whether Q’s statements were/are true. That’s invaluable in itself. I just personally do not believe there is a plan thats being carried out. Would love to be wrong.
Why would he? It kept everyone hopeful that he was ultimately the man that would lead the revolt against the cabal. It wouldn’t have benefited him to denounce the movement, the mainstream media was going to shit on him either way.

And look, I am not saying I think Q Anon was a bad thing, I understand and appreciate the discussion that it brought about. People learned a ton regardless of whether Q’s statements were/are true. That’s invaluable in itself. I just personally do not believe there is a plan thats being carried out. Would love to be wrong.

Part of me thinks that Trump was in on the Q stuff to an extent and is just as surprised that Rosenstein, Haspel, Wray and the others fucked his eyes out.
(From LinkedIn Post - Worth Sharing)

The best thing I saw on the internet this week:

A long line of complete strangers getting tested.

Thousands signed up to help 5 year old Oscar Saxelby-Lee.

He needed a transplant within three months of his chemotherapy or his chances of survival would "severely diminish".

People helping people ❤️


My Response

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"I may not get there with you but We as a people will get to the promise land"

Dr. King, the night before his death
There's no negative. Waking up millions of people that were otherwise apathetic and sleeping has zero fucking benefit. Those that continually push that Q was a psyop against Patriots have an agenda in my opinion and aren't to be trusted.

There is ZERO logical reason for Trump and Q to wake up as many people as they have if they were on the deep state side. DS had everything running smoothly, so they just decided to throw a fucking monkey wrench into their works? Now there are 20ish MAGA folks in the House that just disrupted shit. Great plan for a "psyop."
You don't understand the concept and strategy of "controlled opposition"

You also overestimate the amount of wisdom we've accrued as a result of q. As they get more draconian, it gets more obvious. We are past the persuasion phase of takeover. Ideally, for them....everyone knows exactly what is going and does nothing
Why would he? It kept everyone hopeful that he was ultimately the man that would lead the revolt against the cabal. It wouldn’t have benefited him to denounce the movement, the mainstream media was going to shit on him either way.

And look, I am not saying I think Q Anon was a bad thing, I understand and appreciate the discussion that it brought about. People learned a ton regardless of whether Q’s statements were/are true. That’s invaluable in itself. I just personally do not believe there is a plan thats being carried out. Would love to be wrong.
It helps if you have some modicum of belief in Project Looking Glass.
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