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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Aug 24, 2021
Didn't Trump support him for speaker in 2016 too? I know some Trump supporters don't like hearing this, and I am a broken record at times in tis regard, but Trump and his ability to position people to enact his agenda in DC is comical. At least many of the more public and influential ones.

Paul Ryan is a McCAin, Romney, Turtle type of awful. He was largely responsible for stymying the America First agenda that had real momentum when reps had control of it all. He showed what the power of the purse in the house can actually do and used it against those he pretended to be for. I hope McCarty learned from this and does better. Sincere doubts regarding that though.

Trump chose a lot of bad people. I think he did so thinking they weren't all establishment stooges. He thought he needed them to some extent. Can you imagine if he would have come in completely scorched earth? The media was bad enough as it was.

Question I have is why he keeps supporting these same type of people?

"to keep patriots on the sideline"

I hear this a lot when discussing this. Exactly what sideline and what were patriots going to do had this psyop/information dump not occurred?

I contend there would have been far fewer people engaged, far less information flowing, far more people still asleep at the wheel.

This is why I have zero faith that any of these elections are legit. Way more people are engaged than have ever been.

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