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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020


Jan 8, 2021

I think I've posted this before, not sure. We used to have a missionary at our church periodically, nicest man you'd ever meet. His ministry was flying his small plane into extremely remote places in Mexico and bringing medical supplies and food, while sharing the gospel with them. On one such incursion, he was getting ready to take off from an airport, when he noticed a large group of men standing apart, he thought he'd take the opportunity to talk to them. The young man who was helping him noticed where he was headed and begged him to come back. He said he walked up to the men, gave them each a gospel tract, and told them Jesus loved them. When he left them and went back to his aid, he said he was white as a sheet. The young man said something like, "I can't believe they let you walk away. That was Chapo Guzman."


Jan 9, 2021
I think I've posted this before, not sure. We used to have a missionary at our church periodically, nicest man you'd ever meet. His ministry was flying his small plane into extremely remote places in Mexico and bringing medical supplies and food, while sharing the gospel with them. On one such incursion, he was getting ready to take off from an airport, when he noticed a large group of men standing apart, he thought he'd take the opportunity to talk to them. The young man who was helping him noticed where he was headed and begged him to come back. He said he walked up to the men, gave them each a gospel tract, and told them Jesus loved them. When he left them and went back to his aid, he said he was white as a sheet. The young man said something like, "I can't believe they let you walk away. That was Chapo Guzman."
Let me guess.. his ministry did really well after this return flight that had “empty cargo space” after delivering the Bible’s and medical supplies and then meeting a drug lord?
:). Good story though.


Jan 8, 2021
Let me guess.. his ministry did really well after this return flight that had “empty cargo space” after delivering the Bible’s and medical supplies and then meeting a drug lord?
:). Good story though.

I believe his ministry did very well until he got to old to fly. My pastor went with him a few times, and said that we wouldn't believe the places he would land his plane. Little dirt roads in mountain passes and such, visiting villages that didn't even have electricity, much less an airport.

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