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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
That's all part of the schtick.

He fancies himself as a "cowboy" You know, like any pride-filled intelligence agent

He's laughing at everyone who doesn't see him for exactly who he is.

So basically EVERY Tech company from Twitter to Apple to Google to Microsoft was funded by Dark CIA $ and are just giant data-gathering & surveillance operations for the Alphabet Agencies?

Please advise.

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
So basically EVERY Tech company from Twitter to Apple to Google to Microsoft was funded by Dark CIA $ and are just giant data-gathering & surveillance operations for the Alphabet Agencies?

Please advise.
Google's story is widely available. They don't even hide it. It came completely out of the DARPA research network.

Eric Schmidt, the real brain behind Google and longtime CEO, is the son of a former appointee to the World Bank

He's also the former US Ambassador the United Nations

Speaking of DARPA, Jeff Bezo's grandfather, Lawrence Preston Gise, was an orginally Director of DARPA and the head of the Atomic Energy Commission.

And finally, my favorite is the Facebook story, which is laughable. The idea that Mark Zuckerberg created, in one week, not only a a user interface, but also a completely revolutionary database to absorb all of the data, specifically images, in a way that actually didn't cause the servers to crash is laughable. There is good information out there on Lifelog project ending the exact date that Facebook started

There are the claims by Michael McKibbon from Leader Technologies & multiple lawsuits they filed claiming that Facebook stole their IP via the patent office

But the real "tell" and way they wag their balls in your face is with Larry Summers. For those of you who have seen the move the Social Network, Larry Summers was the president of Harvard when Zuck and the Winkelvosses (also from a CIA family) were "arguing" over the IP, and he played the role of mediator. He's also as big a Globalist as you've ever met. Former Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton. Chief Economists of the World Bank. Head of National Economic Council under Obama. Total globalist

Who was his protege at the World Bank and Treasury?

They are all spook-driven globalist tools to control you and me.


Jan 9, 2021
We have billions worth of military equipment completely unaccounted for in Afghanistan and Ukraine and now we release Victor Bout.:rolleyes:
This deal also brings into question whether or not SA brokered this deal, which has been reported. Would SA insist upon trading for a tranny?


Dec 3, 2020
Just picked up on this. Sounds like Congress is trying to rush a bill through that would impact 401(k) withdrawals and contributions. Can anyone explain what they are trying to do? I'm sure it's for our own good and benefit. :rolleyes:

This is a new regulation from the Biden Department of Labor. It allows 401k plan managers/fiduciaries to consider ESG along with return on investment when deciding what funds will be offered in a 401K plan. The new regulation also allows ESG funds to be the default fund in a 401K plan. Historically, return on investment has been the #1 consideration when deciding what funds would be included in a 401K plan. A Trump Department of Labor regulation reinforced the return on investment criteria and prohibited ESG from being a deciding factor for funds offered in a 401K plan. When Biden took office, the Trump regulation was discarded and this regulation takes its place.


Jan 8, 2021
Re: 401K regulations.

They want you to fund their nitwittery ESG stuff which we know is bullshit. They've got you money so when it all collapses due to unnatural fundamentals different from other investments, those funded have already spent your money and your 401k is bankrupt. They certainly won't refund your account.

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