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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
Sorry to butt in, but what is a Digtal Nomad Visa?

During the plandemic many countries created them.

Why? They found that those from US and or other first world countries had many relocate to and work remotely in places like Mexico/Central/South America etc.

Subsequently they liked that these high-wage earners did not take a job from one of their citizens while spending the money they earned from their US based job in their country.

This spending helped grow their economy especially during and post-COVID.

In addition, these "Remote Workers" aka "Digital Nomads" are for the most part law-abiding citizens that were not straining country resources etc.

Thus, they created a new Visa Program called the "Digital Nomad Visa".

Tourist Visa vs Digital Nomad (Colombia)

Tourist Visa allows a total of 6 months cumulative a year in Colombia once your 6 months is up for a calendar year you have to leave.

Digital Nomad Visa allows you to live in Colombia while you can come and go as you please for 2 years. You can live and work remotely in Colombia without having to leave for 6 months a year.

Requirements - Make $750 a month minimum, provide letter from employer authorizing your to work remotely, purchase Colombian Health Insurance.

You can find same type Visa for many countries.

About the only good that came from the Scamdemic!

DM me if you need more info!
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Jan 8, 2021
A couple thoughts...

1. FTX is such an obvious intel money laundering front company, and that goofy looking dude they are parading across media outlets is the most obvious patsy/actor in patsy history.
2. While I’m enjoying the Elon twitter takeover, and the eventual disclosure of their dirty deeds will be epic...I’m firmly in the Elon is a wolf in sheep’s clothing camp. I think a lot of influential people that are earning “points” with conservatives and free thinkers right now are actually members of the same eventual NWO takeover, just a different subgroup than those who are in your face with their anti-human agenda.
3. Elon is absolutely a part of the Q operation. JMO, but I think the unveiling of “Q” will be the origin story of the Antichrist and false prophet. So many consider evil people in culture to have Antichrist potential, but forget that he will come as the ultimate deceiver. He will be loved by all walks of life and viewed as a freedom fighter before removing the mask. What better way to win the hearts and minds of normies all over the world than the unmasking and destruction of the globalist deep state. Basically...”look how we defeated the corrupt slavers of humanity...and we did it together, now join us in our “ascension”...the ultimate deception.
4. Still anticipating the nuclear false flag in Eastern Europe that will be blamed on the Russians.


Dec 10, 2020
In light of the Kanye mess is there any validity to any of the stuff he says about history? Or is this all Black Hebrew Israelites narratives?
I’m not sure anymore. I was on Kanye’s side after the Tucker interview, but then the Milo and especially that faggot racist Fuentes connection. I’ve got serious doubts.


Dec 1, 2020
This “Tridemic” surge in hospitals is pissing me off. It is proof the mRNA jabs have destroyed immune systems and the media is completely ignoring it. Fox had a segment on a newborn baby dying from RSV and didn’t even bother asking the mother if she was fully vaccinated when pregnant. They focused on how crowded the hospital was and how long it took to diagnose the baby when they got to the ER and completely ignored why the hospital might be overrun. Bill Hemmer finished the segment saying, “Amazing that during the Covid pandemic children were essentially immune, but now getting sick at a rapid rate.” Fucknuts. 😡


Jan 9, 2021
A couple thoughts...

1. FTX is such an obvious intel money laundering front company, and that goofy looking dude they are parading across media outlets is the most obvious patsy/actor in patsy history.
2. While I’m enjoying the Elon twitter takeover, and the eventual disclosure of their dirty deeds will be epic...I’m firmly in the Elon is a wolf in sheep’s clothing camp. I think a lot of influential people that are earning “points” with conservatives and free thinkers right now are actually members of the same eventual NWO takeover, just a different subgroup than those who are in your face with their anti-human agenda.
3. Elon is absolutely a part of the Q operation. JMO, but I think the unveiling of “Q” will be the origin story of the Antichrist and false prophet. So many consider evil people in culture to have Antichrist potential, but forget that he will come as the ultimate deceiver. He will be loved by all walks of life and viewed as a freedom fighter before removing the mask. What better way to win the hearts and minds of normies all over the world than the unmasking and destruction of the globalist deep state. Basically...”look how we defeated the corrupt slavers of humanity...and we did it together, now join us in our “ascension”...the ultimate deception.
4. Still anticipating the nuclear false flag in Eastern Europe that will be blamed on the Russians.
I especially 3


Jan 9, 2021
A couple thoughts...

1. FTX is such an obvious intel money laundering front company, and that goofy looking dude they are parading across media outlets is the most obvious patsy/actor in patsy history.
2. While I’m enjoying the Elon twitter takeover, and the eventual disclosure of their dirty deeds will be epic...I’m firmly in the Elon is a wolf in sheep’s clothing camp. I think a lot of influential people that are earning “points” with conservatives and free thinkers right now are actually members of the same eventual NWO takeover, just a different subgroup than those who are in your face with their anti-human agenda.
3. Elon is absolutely a part of the Q operation. JMO, but I think the unveiling of “Q” will be the origin story of the Antichrist and false prophet. So many consider evil people in culture to have Antichrist potential, but forget that he will come as the ultimate deceiver. He will be loved by all walks of life and viewed as a freedom fighter before removing the mask. What better way to win the hearts and minds of normies all over the world than the unmasking and destruction of the globalist deep state. Basically...”look how we defeated the corrupt slavers of humanity...and we did it together, now join us in our “ascension”...the ultimate deception.
4. Still anticipating the nuclear false flag in Eastern Europe that will be blamed on the Russians.
Interesting theory...could the Antichrist be a system and not a person? Could it be that it has been among us for a very long time? Could it be the system in place that enslaves the masses and offers wealth, success, prestige....for a price that is taken into the heads of those that succumb and is held over their heads for eternity? Is taking that inside of one’s head the mark of the beast? No escape... 🤔 I’ve always thought that the mark of their beast would involve something terribly heinous in exchange for wealth, success, getting ahead...


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021
A couple thoughts...

1. FTX is such an obvious intel money laundering front company, and that goofy looking dude they are parading across media outlets is the most obvious patsy/actor in patsy history.
2. While I’m enjoying the Elon twitter takeover, and the eventual disclosure of their dirty deeds will be epic...I’m firmly in the Elon is a wolf in sheep’s clothing camp. I think a lot of influential people that are earning “points” with conservatives and free thinkers right now are actually members of the same eventual NWO takeover, just a different subgroup than those who are in your face with their anti-human agenda.
3. Elon is absolutely a part of the Q operation. JMO, but I think the unveiling of “Q” will be the origin story of the Antichrist and false prophet. So many consider evil people in culture to have Antichrist potential, but forget that he will come as the ultimate deceiver. He will be loved by all walks of life and viewed as a freedom fighter before removing the mask. What better way to win the hearts and minds of normies all over the world than the unmasking and destruction of the globalist deep state. Basically...”look how we defeated the corrupt slavers of humanity...and we did it together, now join us in our “ascension”...the ultimate deception.
4. Still anticipating the nuclear false flag in Eastern Europe that will be blamed on the Russians.
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