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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Dec 1, 2020

For a chuckle

Aug 21, 2021
IMO they are trying to split us with the Trump or DeSantis crap! They know if they divide us they have a better chance of winning without having to cheat as hard! It should be a Trump/DeSantis ticket! Give Trump 2024 & then DeSantis 2028/2032. They are both rockstars in my 👀! It shouldn't EVER be Trump vs DeSantis. It should be Trump & DeSantis. They'd make an amazing duo. I love Trump!!! Started supporting him before he ever signed with the Rep party. We all know the RINO's never wanted him to win. The only reason they signed him in 2015 was because they thought he'd lose to Cruz. They knew that by signing him to the republican ticket he couldn't run as an independent if he lost the primary. I am truly disappointed that Trump is buying into this Trump vs DeSantis drama. He is giving them exactly what they want. These evil ass ppl knew that pitting DeSantis against Yru.p would hurt Trumps pride & he'd open his mouth. I wish he'd sit back take a breathe & make a call to DeSantis making Ron Don's running mate.


Jan 8, 2021
IMO they are trying to split us with the Trump or DeSantis crap! They know if they divide us they have a better chance of winning without having to cheat as hard! It should be a Trump/DeSantis ticket! Give Trump 2024 & then DeSantis 2028/2032. They are both rockstars in my 👀! It shouldn't EVER be Trump vs DeSantis. It should be Trump & DeSantis. They'd make an amazing duo. I love Trump!!! Started supporting him before he ever signed with the Rep party. We all know the RINO's never wanted him to win. The only reason they signed him in 2015 was because they thought he'd lose to Cruz. They knew that by signing him to the republican ticket he couldn't run as an independent if he lost the primary. I am truly disappointed that Trump is buying into this Trump vs DeSantis drama. He is giving them exactly what they want. These evil ass ppl knew that pitting DeSantis against Yru.p would hurt Trumps pride & he'd open his mouth. I wish he'd sit back take a breathe & make a call to DeSantis making Ron Don's running mate.
don and ron love each other, this is pretend to divide the people. And somehow people do not see it.


Jan 8, 2021
View attachment 148425

View attachment 148426

So sad to see Republicans attack and foolishly tarnish the results of the Midterms. WE WON, Nancy got fired and is on her way to foreign lands, Republicans are taking over the House and, importantly, its Committees, and may very well win the Senate Majority, depending on whether or not Arizona or Nevada Elections are RIGGED (which I believe they are!)?
The are attacking him partially because of who will/could be the Speaker and because of what the committees could uncover if properly managed. TPTB doesn’t want DJT influencing any of that.


God Fearing Patriot
Jan 9, 2021
So you're buying this ridiculous theory based on one article that is the antithesis of everything that Desantis has done to date?

Trump is destroying himself with idiotic, childish outbursts. Not Desantis, nor anyone else. Trump.
So much this.
I'll leave that to you. I don't watch news. Don't really watch TV. Don't care what they're saying and don't trust any of it. If they have a plan to try to use Desantis to kill off Trump, I see no evidence Desantis is participating. As far as I've seen from him, he hasn't said anything about Trump, nor should he.

The only one who can bring down Trump is Trump, and he's doing that in spades.
And this.

Trump endorsed McCarthy, he endorsed Ronna Romney. His fingerprints are all over the party. Other than take a few potshots at McConnell, he's done nothing to try to attack the rot in is own party. And his new strategy is to attack the 2nd most prominent republican instead of addressing the gigantic mess he's help make of things.
And this too.

Too many of you are happy to sit up and clap like seals from the slightest sense of confirmation bias. I will not rush to judgement about Trump or DeSantis just from one media cycle.

Any of you claiming that the media is trying to divide conservatives with DeSantis, while ripping DeSantis based on one media article are doing exactly what they claim others are doing. Tune out the noise!


Jan 9, 2021
Funny story. My little bro is color blind. We didn’t know until after he graduated. He learned to fake the funk or avoid. I don’t know.

Anyway, his favorite color if you asked was green. He kept telling me about these awesome green chinks he was having hand made. He was excited as hell.

Well, he picks them up and comes home and asks me to come check them out. He is excited! He pulls them out and says “aren’t they bad ass?”

I’m like, “I thought you said they were green”.
He flips them around looks at them and says “they are”.
I said, “dude, those are pink”.
He told me to shut the fuck up and I said I wasn’t fuckin with him.

He sat there for 10-20 seconds and said “well, I guess that’s why he kept asking me if I was sure I wanted that color. Fuck it, guess my favorite color is pink!”

He still wears them today.


Jan 8, 2021
So much this.

And this.

And this too.

Too many of you are happy to sit up and clap like seals from the slightest sense of confirmation bias. I will not rush to judgement about Trump or DeSantis just from one media cycle.

Any of you claiming that the media is trying to divide conservatives with DeSantis, while ripping DeSantis based on one media article are doing exactly what they claim others are doing. Tune out the noise!
This really isn't that hard

The media is aware their attacks on desantis mean nothing with conservatives, in fact will only help him. The trump desantis monday night raw is the main attraction to distract, demoralize and divide conservatives

Cynical, conseqential wwe

You really think the deep state couldn't/wouldn't muster up 50,000 votes to push gillum in to prevent "threat" desantis.....lol

Vote and vote hard!

We all know voting is meaningless


Jan 15, 2021
The Big Ugly

Perhaps a little focus on the foundation of the issue is in order.


Ever since the professional Republican apparatus decided to target, eliminate and destroy the grassroots movement known as the Tea Party, there was always going to come a time when the battle for the heart and soul of the GOP Club would take place.

CTH has been calling this battle ‘The Big Ugly‘ for around a decade.

The Big Ugly battle is essentially the fight between the grassroots working class base of MAGA voters and the professional political snobs in control of the Republican Club boardroom.

Some call it the ‘base’ -vs- the ‘establishment’. There are other names and catchphrases, but the essence of the dynamic is the same. A scruffy voting base, who, prior to Donald Trump, had no visible leader to represent their internal interests around the mahogany table.

Ordinary voters were in an abusive relationship with the people around the GOP boardroom. The Club needed our votes, and our money (less so after the Citizens United decision) but had no intention of ever actually delivering on the priorities of the voters. The Republican political establishment played Lucy with the football for years, and We The People always ended up flat on our backs, continually frustrated and feeling used.

In the same year the Tea Party rose up, the Supreme Court gave the GOP Club legal access to unlimited corporate money with the 2010 Citizens United decision. Mitch McConnell used the newly unrestrained campaign finance mechanism to further diminish the influence of the unwashed masses and eliminate the movement; it’s all well documented.

For the next several years we watched and participated in a political pantomime with highlights to include the 2012 installation of Club member Mitt Romney to represent our interests. Yeah, whatever…. It was a hot mess. Bumper Sticker:


The base voters watched the GOP Corporate Club do nothing to block Obamacare, even after we gave them the House in 2010 midterms. Obamacare was another Lucy and the football scenario, while the Senate wing of the Corporate Club created “comprehensive immigration reform,” including amnesty with Marco Rubio. Eventually, the bloom wore off the ruse, and we dispatched Virginia Club official Eric Cantor as a message to the Corporate Club to knock it off.

The Corporate Club didn’t and doesn’t care. Instead, while they sold out the working-class to the multinationals (TPA, TPP, Paris Climate, etc) they fought harder, gaslight more, and made even more promises they never intended to keep. Lucy had an unending supply of footballs.

Then in 2015 things changed. The voting base found a weapon for use against the Republican Club, the weapon’s name was Donald Trump. From the very first poll conducted after his 2015 announcement Trump was leading the charge, and that lead steamrolled 16 other Club approved candidates. The Club remained furious and vowed to remove the disrupter we sent into the boardroom.

Candidate Trump and President Donald Trump tried to deal with them fair and square on our behalf, but they rebuked him and us. The Club schemed against him, connived in their little corporate groups to get rid of him, joined with the communists in common cause to cleanse the Club boardroom of the smell from oil, tar and fuel oil, and wanted that vulgarian representative of the dirty fingernail working class eliminated. They want only the “approved Republican” presence.

So, it was always going to get ugly.

It was always going to get Big Ugly.

The Club’s enlistment of former TPP approving congressman Ron DeSantis as a foil against the MAGA leader is transparent. DeSantis, funded by massive contributions from the Wall Street approval committee, replaces the prior approved candidate, Jeb. As a consequence, this Big Ugly battle was always going to end up with vulgarian Trump -vs- the next Jeb. The Club has selected DeSantis.

Now, let’s be clear. The Republican political establishment, which includes the entirety of the multinationals in/around it, hereafter just called ‘The Club’, doesn’t give a damn about actually winning the 2024 presidential race. The Club didn’t give a damn when Romney was used either.

What the Club wants is full control of the Club agenda, that’s where the money is. The color of the flag atop the Capitol Hill dome is irrelevant to the activity that takes place beneath it. To understand, remind yourself of: The 2017 Obamacare repeal vote, 2015 TPA and fast track approval, 2015 Corker-Cardin amendment for Obama’s Iran Deal, 2014 Gang-of-Eight amnesty bill, or more recently the 2022 unlimited Ukraine funding.

Under the Capitol Hill dome both Club wings of the UniParty apparatus feed the multinational corporate vulture, regardless of the color of the flag atop the spire.

The Republican Club has no interest in Ron DeSantis becoming President of the United States. The Republican Club has interest in Donald Trump NOT becoming President of the United States. Ron DeSantis is the foil, nothing more. It’s not about Ron DeSantis, it’s about the Club, the mechanism behind Ron DeSantis – the same mechanism that put $200 million into his campaign as enticement for his usefulness.


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis -vs- California Governor Gavin Newsom in 2024 is simply two clubs playing the illusion of choice game.

Ultimately, using history and modern politics as the perspective, if you really boil down the political sauce to its reduced state, what you find is with DeSantis the DNC Club needs less ballot collection to defeat him. However, that’s irrelevant to the intent of his usefulness for the GOP club.

For the professional GOP Club, as openly expressed by the establishment politicians within it, the donors behind it and the media who promote it, the goal is to remove the populism within it and bring back the multinational Club alignment with the corporations. That alignment was severely damaged by President Trump and the America First economic agenda.

The core of the Big Ugly battle is a Club motive based on money, power and boardroom affluence, in essence, GREED.

For ten plus years on these pages, I have written extensively about how there was always, always, going to be a point where the Big Ugly battle was going to have to be waged. We have waited and waited, looking at each moment, each conflict, each disparagement, each slight and snub, in hope the spark would ignite.

If the Big Ugly arrives in a contest between President Trump and Governor DeSantis, well, great; it needs to happen.

The bottom line is we need this Big Ugly fight. Not only does the future of the GOP reside in the outcome, the future of a constitutional republic free from corporatism is contingent upon it.

Yes, this fight is going to be big, and it’s going to be ugly… and in the aftermath, hopefully lots of free footballs.

Bring it!


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