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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
This is those that are not with Christ. Should those with Christ not do some preparation for the hardships to come until the Lord returns?
Everyone should be prepared both spiritually and financially. What this says is gold, silver and other stuff will be useless at the end. Remember, it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Doesn't mean rich people can't enter but they have to realize the order of things. Those whose first and only priority is accumulation of wealth at the expense of their spirituality need to watch out. The Bible says trust in the Lord. I don't read anywhere that one cannot prosper financially or prepare for the future. But, just make sure what is #1 in your life.


Dec 1, 2020
I agree that it's not the mark. Revelations says "16Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,17so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name."

God could have been giving us a sign that what happened with the jabs is what will happen when the mark is present.
I posted this in the biblical prophecy thread the other day. Could something like this be the mark? :unsure:

That Musk guy again.


Jan 8, 2021
There have been articles posted of women transferring this shit through their breast milk to their offspring. Makes you wonder why there was a formula shortage.

Wuhan - the gift that keeps on giving.

Blue green tinted breast milk too. There was video posted here showing a warehouse burning baby formula cans.


Nov 27, 2021
These old war birds are beautiful. I was driving from Helena to Great Falls one fall afternoon along the Missouri River in the canyon.
And out of nowhere a red P51 Mustang came up behind us low in the canyon following the river.
Fellow with me says oh that's so and so, every now and then he gets half drunk and fires that thing up.
What a thrill, what a sound


Nov 27, 2021
Brits upset because now Ukraine is meddling in their politics.
Pretty damned rich considering how many Ukes have died because of UK meddling in Ukrainian affairs.
Plus Boris was their Sugar Daddy along with Dumb As A Day Old Donkey Biden.


Jan 8, 2021
I know I am in the minority, here, but I do not think that something that people take out of fear for their health is something that the Almighty God would call the mark of the beast...my thoughts? I believe the mark of the beast is the satanic rituals that people partake in that allows them to truly prosper and succeed in their satanic system of sin. The drinking of human blood, the eating of human flesh, the torture of children to get their “fix....the chasing of immortality in this earthly realm...once you take that into your head and your body, there is no return. Just my two cents.

No, it certainly is not. But sadly, what it does show is that the rulers of this world are moving things in that direction, and that a good % of the population will follow right along like sheep.


Jan 9, 2021
A vaccine that could be given to an unknowing child? I just don’t believe that...but you are welcome to that opinion. I didn’t and wouldn’t take it and would not give it to a child. I have, however, taken vaccines in the past. If vaccines are truly the mark of the beast, which I do not believe, I guess those who have taken them are screwed...
I’m with you, I don’t think it is. I think the mark will be more geared towards you knowingly accept it or don’t. I don’t think it would be utilized as a health fear. I could be wrong though


Jan 9, 2021
God gives us all science and vaccines. This just wasn’t one. It was a money/control scam.
God put natural remedies on the earth for us all. Go back and deep dive the origin of vaccines and whom was behind it all. It started as a money/control scam and still is to this day. They made natural cures the enemy in the early 1900’s, hence the term quack was made. It’s all been a scam.


Jan 8, 2021
Hunters and shooters, I have a question. I am interested in getting a bolt-action rifle. I have not bought one before so I have little knowledge of them. I intend to use it for target shooting only 200-500 yard range. I will be mounting optics to it when I have the $ to buy it. What recommendations would you make and why? Thank you.


Jan 9, 2021
Hunters and shooters, I have a question. I am interested in getting a bolt-action rifle. I have not bought one before so I have little knowledge of them. I intend to use it for target shooting only 200-500 yard range. I will be mounting optics to it when I have the $ to buy it. What recommendations would you make and why? Thank you.
From a cost perspective, it’s hard to beat a Remington 700bdl. I have a bdl in 7mm magnum that I love. Flat shooting, long distance and plenty of knockdown for anything.


Jan 8, 2021
Hunters and shooters, I have a question. I am interested in getting a bolt-action rifle. I have not bought one before so I have little knowledge of them. I intend to use it for target shooting only 200-500 yard range. I will be mounting optics to it when I have the $ to buy it. What recommendations would you make and why? Thank you.
Depends on what you want to shoot/hunt.

.243/.25-06/.270/.308/.30-06/7mm Rem Mag/.300 Win Mag are in almost every store where ammo is sold. So for what you are suggesting I’d use the .25-06/.270/.30-06/.308.

Any scope in the 4x12/5x20 will work. To save a little money I’d go with Burris or a lower tier Leupold.


Jan 8, 2021
God put natural remedies on the earth for us all. Go back and deep dive the origin of vaccines and whom was behind it all. It started as a money/control scam and still is to this day. They made natural cures the enemy in the early 1900’s, hence the term quack was made. It’s all been a scam.
Yes, yes, those penicillin vaccines have been an absolute nightmare.

You boys take this “conspiracy theory” too far. I’m guessing you don’t visit doctors?


One of the Main Maniacs for Sure
Dec 2, 2020
These old war birds are beautiful. I was driving from Helena to Great Falls one fall afternoon along the Missouri River in the canyon.
And out of nowhere a red P51 Mustang came up behind us low in the canyon following the river.
Fellow with me says oh that's so and so, every now and then he gets half drunk and fires that thing up.
What a thrill, what a sound

Always loved the Corsair.



Jan 9, 2021
Lulz. You don’t like penicillin? You don’t like the polio vaccine? Tetanus?

I’d love to watch you visit a dentist and not get a numbing shot… wait, dentist equal science. I’m guessing you don’t go?
You’re picking and choosing. I’m afraid you might be feeling a little different about “the science” when all is revealed. I’m not saying there haven’t been good discoveries but I also think the science has poisoned us as well.


Jan 9, 2021
Lulz. You don’t like penicillin? You don’t like the polio vaccine? Tetanus?

I’d love to watch you visit a dentist and not get a numbing shot… wait, dentist equal science. I’m guessing you don’t go?
...and I have gotten a filling without numbing. The numbing has affected me negatively on more than one occasion.


Jan 8, 2021
You’re picking and choosing. I’m afraid you might be feeling a little different about “the science” when all is revealed. I’m not saying there haven’t been good discoveries but I also think the science has poisoned us as well.
Not at all. You’re saying vaccines are bad. I’m saying the majority aren’t. We are wise enough to see what was happening with the jabs. No science involved. They literally rushed it to market, made it political/tried to force it on people, and protected the makers/hid the facts behind a “75” year policy. Duh.

But, I’ve never been concerned about other vaccines.


Jan 9, 2021
Yes, yes, those penicillin vaccines have been an absolute nightmare.

You boys take this “conspiracy theory” too far. I’m guessing you don’t visit doctors?
It’s not conspiracy. Go study up on it. Yes there are some great meds out there but it’s intention was to make money for people that where already rich. I’m not anti medicine fyi. For all of the good there is also just as much bad.


Jan 9, 2021
Not at all. You’re saying vaccines are bad. I’m saying the majority aren’t. We are wise enough to see what was happening with the jabs. No science involved. They literally rushed it to market, made it political/tried to force it on people, and protected the makers/hid the facts behind a “75” year policy. Duh.

But, I’ve never been concerned about other vaccines.
You’re welcome to that opinion.


Dec 9, 2020
Update after Max's last game. Serious, obnoxious braggage ahead. 😁😁😁😁😁

We won 35-0.

Max had 3 TDS, 1 interception, 14 receptions. (broke the school record for receptions in a game) I'm not sure how many tackles but at least 11, and 169 yds. (He's also punter and punt/luck return). Never comes off the field.

Oh and 1 unsportsmanlke conduct penalty because he could and had never gotten one in 10 years of football. He slapped the ball out of the db's hand to get it. Even the ref laughed while throwing the flag. 😂

(school records) He's second in season receptions (missed it by 2) 3rd in season yardage abs 3rd in career yardage. Missed breaking the season yardage by 30.

Here's the coolest part. Today, we found out Max is SWBL 1st team offense, 1st team defense AND1st team special teams. He's also the league offensive player of the year.

That is one hell of a way to end your football career. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

We're trying to see if any player has ever been 1st team in all 3 phases before.

Edit: it's never happened. You make first team with position listed. Not broken down 1st o,d, st. (Max was first team last year for DB.) Apparently they will be listing him as 1st team, and all positions. This has never happened before. It's always been 1st team (whatever singular position). And apparently the delima going in was what position they were going to put him in for. So they settled for all 3.

Holy shit. I'm so proud of this kid. Not because he's a great athlete (he is. That's his gift). But because he's an amazing human being who doesn't know how to quit and is always trying to get better and making sure those following behind him do the same. In his own quiet way. He's a leader without being an asshole. So when he goes off, they listen. Even the coaches.

EX: He had a pass way overthrown in the endzone, went over to pick the ball up and saw the littles standing there and took a second to yell 'what up fellas?!?'. He was pissed but still recognized there was a group of peewee boys who look up to him (as he did when he was little) and made it a point to make them important. He knows what it means to those boys. He wasn't going to take that away from them. And he makes them feel they're part of the game. He wants them to keep playing and love the game...even when it sucks.

The first thing he did last night after the game was to go to the student section to get them on the field. The principal and ad were standing there and trying to stop them. Max looked at them and told them this is happening. We need this. Permission granted.

Our team has 39 boys. 12 played both ways. (Max played always). We have really good athletes they just got worn out.

As braggy as I am...I'm most thankful that none of our boys suffered injury. That's all I was praying for all year. My prayers were answered. And you best believe I gave and am still giving prayers of thanks.

I love these kids something fierce.

Oh...and as of now per stats put in, Max is 8th in the state for receptions and 3rd for interceptions (all divisions).
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