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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Very little silver coins around Anchorage. Plenty of 50 and 100 oz bars but they will go next. People are buying it all up and the rush is on.They know something is coming like we all do. What a time! Skol!
Exekiel 7:19

19 “ ‘They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean. Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD’s wrath. It will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin.


Jan 8, 2021
Re: The nudes.

Last night on On Patrol:Live, there was a woman complaining about being extorted. She had meet someone online who convinced her to send him nude photos of her. She did. She called the police because this person said he would release them on the internet if she didn't send him $500 by a certain date. She was a monster fat woman. Police said this was happening everywhere. Police said they would try to track him down but doubted they could as he likely was from overseas.


Jan 8, 2021
The Old Crow = The Old Bastard

It is interesting that Bannon has been highlighting these close races and encouraging direct donations and volunteering to push these candidates over the finish line.
He has pointed out lack of support from national republicans for many candidates. I’m sure Mitch much prefers the old days when no one questioned how/where he spent $. He certainly doesn’t want MAGA type free thinkers in office, traitor wants puppets who do as they’re told.


Jan 8, 2021
Well went out tonight with this Vietnamese girl MB 9 real life 7.5 - things were going well until she told me that she was jabbed and had 4 boosters.

Asked me if I was jabbed was like no. She said are you antivax I said nope got them all as a kid.

She was rambling on about new variants and getting more boosters even after admitting they were like the flu and didn't work. She was even mad they wouldn't give her the monkeypox jab because she isn't gay.

This girl graduated from Michigan with advance degrees.

Poster child for being "educated", but not smart.

She was definitely fuckable.

But I'm being honest I really lost any urge to even attempt to take her home and bang her.

Maybe get fucked up next time and go for a grudger.

It was a real turn-off.

Just another sign to GTFO to Colombia!

Has anyone else thought about their kids future spouse and the jab? Considering what we don’t know I really do hope that my kids don’t marry a person that was jabbed nor do I want them to marry a person who is the offspring of jabbed parents i.e., parents got jabbed then child was born.

I believe in the future this will be the new bigotry just like the old bigotry of not marrying outside of one’s race. Pure blood vs mud blood regardless of race.

Anyone else given this any thought?

Edit: if I were a young single man today I would not have sex much less marry a jabbed person. Consider the VAIDS. We have no clue if that’s transmissible (likely not) or anything else. Look at the baby posted here that received jabbed blood. He died shortly after of causes not related to why he was hospitalized or needed blood.
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Dec 1, 2020
It is interesting that Bannon has been highlighting these close races and encouraging direct donations and volunteering to push these candidates over the finish line.
He has pointed out lack of support from national republicans for many candidates. I’m sure Mitch much prefers the old days when no one questioned how/where he spent $. He certainly doesn’t want MAGA type free thinkers in office, traitor wants puppets who do as they’re told.
Fvcking Turtle is screwing the NH guy as he pulled funding right as he got within a point or 2 and has the momentum. disgusting Chinese bought slob


Jan 9, 2021
Juveniles may not have been taught to avoid daylight, however, it could be sick or just dumb. I've seen 3 adults running in circles during the day in the past 3-4 years. I let animal control deal with those. In the same time I've trapped about 8 overnight at homes.

Interesting. They all look like a typical raccoon with the normal markings but up close when they are in cages they all have small differences in appearance. I haven't seen any two exactly alike. Different shades of coloring or size of their masks, etc. When released they take off like bullets into the brush.
Sounds a good bit like liberal behavior...maybe we need to form a type of animal control for these demented animals...


Nov 27, 2021
Has anyone else thought about their kids future spouse and the jab? Considering what we don’t know I really do hope that my kids don’t marry a person that was jabbed nor do I want them to marry a person who is the offspring of jabbed parents i.e., parents got jabbed then child was born.

I believe in the future this will be the new bigotry just like the old bigotry of not marrying outside of one’s race. Pure blood vs mud blood regardless of race.



SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
View attachment 144323

^^538 calling it a toss up is scary for Dems^^
I wanna know WTF has changed? Is the deep state really throwing us a bone? Wouldn’t they just steal it? Especially in fucking New York!?!?


Jan 9, 2021
Art Bell show from 1998 called the Vaccine The Mark of The Beast

I know I am in the minority, here, but I do not think that something that people take out of fear for their health is something that the Almighty God would call the mark of the beast...my thoughts? I believe the mark of the beast is the satanic rituals that people partake in that allows them to truly prosper and succeed in their satanic system of sin. The drinking of human blood, the eating of human flesh, the torture of children to get their “fix....the chasing of immortality in this earthly realm...once you take that into your head and your body, there is no return. Just my two cents.


Dec 1, 2020
I wanna know WTF has changed? Is the deep state really throwing us a bone? Wouldn’t they just steal it? Especially in fucking New York!?!?

NYC is the key, Zeldin is from closer than Hochul. If he can do 5 points better in NYC and L.I., he can pull it off. Hochul is a complete blank, and I don't think dems are excited to show and vote.


Jan 9, 2021
I know I am in the minority, here, but I do not think that something that people take out of fear for their health is something that the Almighty God would call the mark of the beast...my thoughts? I believe the mark of the beast is the satanic rituals that people partake in that allows them to truly prosper and succeed in their satanic system of sin. The drinking of human blood, the eating of human flesh, the torture of children to get their “fix....the chasing of immortality in this earthly realm...once you take that into your head and your body, there is no return. Just my two cents.
The good lord wants your faith and trust above all. Resisting the jab and trusting him to keep you and your family safe is exactly why he’d use a vaccine.


Jan 8, 2021
Has anyone else thought about their kids future spouse and the jab? Considering what we don’t know I really do hope that my kids don’t marry a person that was jabbed nor do I want them to marry a person who is the offspring of jabbed parents i.e., parents got jabbed then child was born.

I believe in the future this will be the new bigotry just like the old bigotry of not marrying outside of one’s race. Pure blood vs mud blood regardless of race.

Anyone else given this any thought?

Edit: if I were a young single man today I would not have sex much less marry a jabbed person. Consider the VAIDS. We have no clue if that’s transmissible (likely not) or anything else. Look at the baby posted here that received jabbed blood. He died shortly after of causes not related to why he was hospitalized or needed blood.
There have been articles posted of women transferring this shit through their breast milk to their offspring. Makes you wonder why there was a formula shortage.

Wuhan - the gift that keeps on giving.


Nov 27, 2021
I know I am in the minority, here, but I do not think that something that people take out of fear for their health is something that the Almighty God would call the mark of the beast...my thoughts? I believe the mark of the beast is the satanic rituals that people partake in that allows them to truly prosper and succeed in their satanic system of sin. The drinking of human blood, the eating of human flesh, the torture of children to get their “fix....the chasing of immortality in this earthly realm...once you take that into your head and your body, there is no return. Just my two cents.
Yah I posted it because I found it interesting. Good response.


Jan 9, 2021
The good lord wants your faith and trust above all. Resisting the jab and trusting him to keep you and your family safe is exactly why he’d use a vaccine.
A vaccine that could be given to an unknowing child? I just don’t believe that...but you are welcome to that opinion. I didn’t and wouldn’t take it and would not give it to a child. I have, however, taken vaccines in the past. If vaccines are truly the mark of the beast, which I do not believe, I guess those who have taken them are screwed...


Jan 8, 2021
Exekiel 7:19

19 “ ‘They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean. Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD’s wrath. It will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin.

This is those that are not with Christ. Should those with Christ not do some preparation for the hardships to come until the Lord returns?

Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021
I know I am in the minority, here, but I do not think that something that people take out of fear for their health is something that the Almighty God would call the mark of the beast...my thoughts? I believe the mark of the beast is the satanic rituals that people partake in that allows them to truly prosper and succeed in their satanic system of sin. The drinking of human blood, the eating of human flesh, the torture of children to get their “fix....the chasing of immortality in this earthly realm...once you take that into your head and your body, there is no return. Just my two cents.
I agree that it's not the mark. Revelations says "16Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,17so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name."

God could have been giving us a sign that what happened with the jabs is what will happen when the mark is present.
I posted this in the biblical prophecy thread the other day. Could something like this be the mark? :unsure:


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