Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
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He's a phony. If he was going to 'fight hard', he'd have done so Wednesday.
I believe that was the plan/deal. Ride his coattails & run your mouth until it counts, then quietly back away when it matters & hope no one notices.

Once orange-man-bad is gone, then start screaming again for election reform. Loyalty & integrity are nonexistent with these people. I hope they pay for it.
Bouncing back and forth as I catch up and just wanted to say this place...

Has anyone seen @WindyCityCoug?? He’s 1st team all-American.
He just gave me a quick update of what’s going on on the main board right now LMAO

on front page of tMB, a few people have gone nuclear,

posting ghey sex, Jen went off on Mods, etc

People going out in style,

crazy night on tMB,

most are leaving, that new Discord site, or the ones joining us.

Mass exodus due to new rules and censoring and...... misinformation

I believe we left at the perfect time! Good night
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