Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Article Comparing The Polish Solidarity Movement And The Fall Of Communism To Emperor For Life Da Da Trudeau and The Truckers Freedom Convoy. Why Trudeau is Terrified.
Have 4. Would never have let them carry a sign until they were 18 and had decided for themselves.

And, nobody would have ever “got after my kids” to do anything.

I guess you think this is okay?

Respect on the 4 kids. I wouldnt let them either. What are your kids ages? There is/was no stopping my son standing for Trump this last election 15/16yrs old. I told him no wearing Trump gear to school. He did and one black teacher sent him to the office. Then I told him express yourself. Also asked him why does he like Trump?
So when Admiral NSA leader, name escaping me, gave the heads up to Trump.... he told him contractors were accessing databases. He stopped it but they did it for a good while begore he found out about it. So is this group the group he told Trump about and outed in congress but didn't say who it was?????
Adm. Michael Rogers.


Almost as despicable as hillary. what an evil person.

^^usual suspects^^

I wonder what the hands clenched in front vs hands at their sides mean. Any body language experts?


Oh, and Melania is stunning, I know, not breaking new ground there

Edit-I googled--The ‘hands clasped in front’ body language gesture is displayed in three major ways. When a person assumes this gesture, they are exercising some sort of ‘self-restraint’. They’re symbolically ‘clenching’ themselves back and withholding a negative reaction, usually anxiety or frustration.

Standing straight with hands at the sides is a common resting position that suggests a willingness to engage and listen. Resting the head in one hand can show interest. When both hands support the head, it might suggest boredom or fatigue. Tilting the head or body to one side suggests interest and concentration.


It is my opinion that Putin is trolling Biden and his army of buffoons he has assembled. Putin may go in Ukraine at some point, as that would not surprise many, but in the meantime he seems to be content making Biden look like more of an idiot than he has already done. I think Putin may be wasting his energy though as the most qualified thing Biden does is making a fool of himself.
In my city, I am seeing fewer and fewer black people roll their eyes when OBiden's name is mentioned as the cause for the increases in gas, food, construction materials, and more. Now, many are agreeing with blaming him for inflation and the Wuhan debacle. That doesn't mean they won't still vote democratic.
In my city, I am seeing fewer and fewer black people roll their eyes when OBiden's name is mentioned as the cause for the increases in gas, food, construction materials, and more. Now, many are agreeing with blaming him for inflation and the Wuhan debacle. That doesn't mean they won't still vote democratic.
If this doesn’t fix it...I’m not sure it can be fixed...
Biden campaign paid the tech firm at center of Durham investigation

Biden’s campaign is one of only two to have ever paid NEUSTAR, per FEC records. The other? Hillary Clinton’s

The Biden campaign paid nearly $20,000 to a cybersecurity firm at the center of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

The campaign paid Neustar Information Services in 2020 for accounting and compliance work, according to Federal Election Commission records. According to Durham, Neustar’s chief technology officer, Rodney Joffe, accessed sensitive web traffic data that the company maintained on behalf of the White House executive office in order to collect “derogatory” information about Donald Trump. Joffe allegedly provided the information to Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who in turn gave it to the CIA during a meeting in February 2017. Durham charged Sussmann in September with lying to the FBI about his investigation of Trump.

The Biden campaign’s payments raise questions about whether Joffe continued snooping on Trump in the most recent election. The Biden and Clinton campaigns are the only two presidential committees to have ever paid Neustar, according to Federal Election Commission records. Biden’s campaign paid Neustar $18,819 on Sept. 29, 2020, the records show. The Clinton campaign paid the firm $3,000 in May 2015 for mobile phone services. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee paid $3,000 to Neustar in 2017. Neustar executives and staffers contributed $17,906 to Biden’s campaign, FEC records show.
Because it's disturbing and when people come through here catching up we often don't catch the significance of the post and jump straight to the video. And this is one of the more disturbing videos I've ever seen.
Good grief. Ok, maybe my head is so full of snakes, because of everything I’ve seen during my career, this is nothing. I can see how you would be upset by it.

You would throw up if you have seen the Cartel torture videos and CP cases I’ve been worked. Not for the faint of heart and I wish I had never seen them.

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