Master Thread Maxxing out (or not): Health / exercise / supplement thread

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Yeah I’ve had success with keto multiple times throughout life. I can drop 30 pounds pretty easy but then I just get tired of doing it and pack it back on.

I’m gonna try and make a couple smart changes to my diet, but not going to put too much brainpower into it.

I like lifting weights because I like lifting weights and just want to change up my routine a bit

Found this:

Back in my college athlete days, we mixed it up quite a big. One week, we'd do 5 sets of 5, then another week 10-8-6, then another week 5-4-3-2-1, then another week 3x3. Mix in the higher reps with the lower reps so as to keep the muscles from getting used to things.

These days, I haven't been getting into too heavy of weights, but have been opting for reps between 6-12, depending on weight and the exercise.

Also, been trying to lose weight, but since I've been working out and adding muscle, my weight has been pretty consistent, but I'm improving my body composition at the same time, so I'm good with that. Still would like to drop 5-10 pounds but it's not urgent right now so I've lacked the motivation to make it happen.
Back in my college athlete days, we mixed it up quite a big. One week, we'd do 5 sets of 5, then another week 10-8-6, then another week 5-4-3-2-1, then another week 3x3. Mix in the higher reps with the lower reps so as to keep the muscles from getting used to things.

These days, I haven't been getting into too heavy of weights, but have been opting for reps between 6-12, depending on weight and the exercise.

Also, been trying to lose weight, but since I've been working out and adding muscle, my weight has been pretty consistent, but I'm improving my body composition at the same time, so I'm good with that. Still would like to drop 5-10 pounds but it's not urgent right now so I've lacked the motivation to make it happen.
Carnivore diet, and you will lose the weight in 2 weeks and you will likely lose more. Promise
What was your Murph time? I’m morbidly obese so it took me 45 minutes

For time:

1-mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
1-mile run

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.
How long does it take you to do all of that? Do you do that every day? If so, that should whip ya into shape.
Just one, 1 mile run would kill me. I'm one of those people who after the first 200 yards, gets that pain in their side, and has to stop running. If you were going camping in bear country, I'd probably be the guy you'd wanna bring along. lol

I lost 10lbs in the past two weeks just by slightly upping my activity level. Did not involve any running. lol
Very limited in your ideas of 'maxing out'.

What about speech, personality, state of mind, and emotional maturity / empathy?

Your physical characteristics mean nothing if you still exhibit the communicational standard of a 5 year old schoolgirl, or become arrogant or narcissistic believing you are now better than others.

Focusing only on your physicality will not bring you happiness or mental improvement.

'Mind over body & matter' - this alone will make you a much more improved individual than simply working out does.
Regarding simple weight loss, Ive lost over 20 kg (I use real units not dumb American ones), going from 93 to 72kg.

My ideal weight range for ethnicity and height is 58-68 kg, my belly still hanging out currently, however I once again fit into all my small size clothes, albeit my 30" waist jeans, but I am close.

Im going for 60 kg, but closer to the target weight, weight loss slows down.
Also intermittent fasting.

Eat once every 24 hours, anything you want but calorie counted based on your goals.

Mine is 1200-1600 kcal a day, topped up with vitamin pills in between.
Well me myself i eat grits eggs and bacon for breakfast, then I burn me a joint and go start my day beginning to hang 100 boards of sheetrock at around noon i eat 2 bologna sandwhiches and a chunk of sharp chedder cheese with alternate apple or orange, then I burn another joint and proceed to finish the reamaining 100 boards of sheet rock, Then i go home and eat whatever the ole lady has made,I am 60 and this routine has kept me at a healthy 198.lbs at the hieght of 6'5"

Weed,Hardwork,Regular food and no supplements with an occasional excedrin seems to have worked well for me

and these are my workout shoes of choice
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The only genuine way I could fully improve is with a cure for melanin. Remove every trace of shit colour from my skin and there we go, I am fixed.
Question for anyone who has done intermittent fasting for an extended period of time. I have been doing it since late January of 2023 and for at least a year it worked really well. Went from 267 to 217 in about 12 months. Since then it seems that despite continuing to eat clean and exercising almost daily (cardio and/or gym and resistance training) I feel like the IF is no longer working to help me continue with weight loss. Anyone who has done IF ever experience anything like this? Thanks.
Question for anyone who has done intermittent fasting for an extended period of time. I have been doing it since late January of 2023 and for at least a year it worked really well. Went from 267 to 217 in about 12 months. Since then it seems that despite continuing to eat clean and exercising almost daily (cardio and/or gym and resistance training) I feel like the IF is no longer working to help me continue with weight loss. Anyone who has done IF ever experience anything like this? Thanks.
At some point, your caloric input/output problem gets to a more balanced place. When you're heavier, you burn more calories, so once you reach equilibrium you may have to shake things up. Change the exercise routine. Reduce some carbs, add more protein, etc.
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Question for anyone who has done intermittent fasting for an extended period of time. I have been doing it since late January of 2023 and for at least a year it worked really well. Went from 267 to 217 in about 12 months. Since then it seems that despite continuing to eat clean and exercising almost daily (cardio and/or gym and resistance training) I feel like the IF is no longer working to help me continue with weight loss. Anyone who has done IF ever experience anything like this? Thanks.
Yes. I moved from one meal a day to alternate day fasting. I then did some 60 hour fasts.
Yes. I moved from one meal a day to alternate day fasting. I then did some 60 hour fasts.
How long did it take you to get your body used to 1 meal a day? How many calories (approximate) was that meal? Were you also doing any cardio or weight training while doing these fasts? Thanks.
Have any of you tried a manual labor job? It will pay you to workout !

laying brick or block is a great workout routine
hanging sheetrock is a great workout routine
oil rig is a great workout routine
logging is a great workout routine
being employed at any sawmill is a great routine
any type of assphalt or concrete work is a great routine
crating and packing goods for shipment is also a good routine
i can go on and on but my point is that there are many ways to get in shape and get PAYED for it. one could also adopt the amish lifestyle minus the religion.

think about it.
Was recently reading an article that I now can't find, and it was talking about the benefits of the sun, and also the downside of sunscreen and also different types of indoor lights. In the past, people didn't wear sunscreen, yet skin cancer was not prevalent.

Anyways, my questions are:
1. Have any of you on here have gotten any different light sources, specifically full spectrum incandescent bulbs, and gotten rid of the LED's?
2. If so, have you noticed any difference?
Anyone here have any experience with BPC-157? I've been dealing with a bicep issue for about 6 months (think there might be a partial tear) and I've been reading really good things about the regenerative properties that this peptide has on muscles/tendons. I just ordered a 10mg Blend of BPC-157 and TB-500 from Peptide Sciences to try out.
Anyone here have any experience with BPC-157? I've been dealing with a bicep issue for about 6 months (think there might be a partial tear) and I've been reading really good things about the regenerative properties that this peptide has on muscles/tendons. I just ordered a 10mg Blend of BPC-157 and TB-500 from Peptide Sciences to try out.
I have not. Maybe others will chime in though.
A little update. I've been taking the BPC-157, TB-500 blend for a week now. 250mcg in the morning and 250mcg at night. So far, I have to say that this stuff seems like a miracle. I still have some discomfort in my bicep area where I think I either pulled or partially tore something, but it's considerably better. To add to that, I have been able to lift a lot more during my daily workouts, than I previously was able to due to discomfort or weakness in the area.

It's a little inconvenient giving yourself 2 subcutaneous shots every day, but for the relief that it's brought me, it's definitely worth it. My initial bottle should last about 20 days, so I'm going to order another one. From everything I've read, they say not to take it for longer than 12 weeks without cycling off.
Hey all, been a while since I posted in this thread, or anyone else for that matter. How's your health going these days?

I had been getting a little heavier than I wanted to, so I decided to jump start some fat loss with a 2 or 3 week hard push. Basically, I've been going high protein (trying to be 150-200 g per day), low carb (under 25g), and under 1500 calories.

I've also been working out probably around every other day, so nothing crazy. So far, I'm down 6 pounds after a week, and am pushing for another 5 or so by the end of 2 weeks. That would put me just above 200#, which isn't bad for my height.

After that, I'll reassess where I'm at, but ultimately, I'm thinking I'll scale back on the diet portion and get to a more sustainable diet that I can keep long term, while either maintaining or dropping a bit more weight. 195 sounds nice, but I haven't been that low for a very long time
Been tracking my calories since the start of the year and am down from 195-ish to 182 ish so far. Goal is 175 before slowing bulking back up. I use MacroFactor for my tracking and love their app. Kids got sick and therefore I got sick so the last two weeks haven't been great but got back on track a couple of days ago with working out and tracking properly.

I've been following Barbell Medicine's PPL hypertrophy program and it's pretty good. Not my favorite of theirs but my wife has been working out with me and she likes it so I'm good with it for now.
Been tracking my calories since the start of the year and am down from 195-ish to 182 ish so far. Goal is 175 before slowing bulking back up. I use MacroFactor for my tracking and love their app. Kids got sick and therefore I got sick so the last two weeks haven't been great but got back on track a couple of days ago with working out and tracking properly.

I've been following Barbell Medicine's PPL hypertrophy program and it's pretty good. Not my favorite of theirs but my wife has been working out with me and she likes it so I'm good with it for now.
I'll have to check out that MacroFactor app. I've never really tracked the macros for my food very well. Right now, since I've been doing this diet, I've been on top of it but the app I'm using isn't great.

Hope you're all healed up and back on the grind.
Been tracking my calories since the start of the year and am down from 195-ish to 182 ish so far. Goal is 175 before slowing bulking back up. I use MacroFactor for my tracking and love their app. Kids got sick and therefore I got sick so the last two weeks haven't been great but got back on track a couple of days ago with working out and tracking properly.

I've been following Barbell Medicine's PPL hypertrophy program and it's pretty good. Not my favorite of theirs but my wife has been working out with me and she likes it so I'm good with it for now.
I love some Barbell medicine. Did their shoulder rehab program after I finished my prescribed rehab after I had labrum repair. Complete recovery and shoulder is stronger than ever. The program includes all the standard squats/deadlifts as well so it’s really full body strength
Hey all, been a while since I posted in this thread, or anyone else for that matter. How's your health going these days?

I had been getting a little heavier than I wanted to, so I decided to jump start some fat loss with a 2 or 3 week hard push. Basically, I've been going high protein (trying to be 150-200 g per day), low carb (under 25g), and under 1500 calories.

I've also been working out probably around every other day, so nothing crazy. So far, I'm down 6 pounds after a week, and am pushing for another 5 or so by the end of 2 weeks. That would put me just above 200#, which isn't bad for my height.

After that, I'll reassess where I'm at, but ultimately, I'm thinking I'll scale back on the diet portion and get to a more sustainable diet that I can keep long term, while either maintaining or dropping a bit more weight. 195 sounds nice, but I haven't been that low for a very long time
Bruh, I gave in and took the cheat pill after Christmas.

I ordered some Tirzepatide from there and have been on it since the start of the year. Tirz is basically the same thing as Mounjaro or Zepbound, but I just buy it “for research purposes only” and mix it myself. Down 27 pounds and it’s crazy how easy it makes it to lose weight
I'll have to check out that MacroFactor app. I've never really tracked the macros for my food very well. Right now, since I've been doing this diet, I've been on top of it but the app I'm using isn't great.

Hope you're all healed up and back on the grind.
It takes some getting to used as most things do but once you get the hang of it and give it about 3-4 weeks of data it's pretty slick.

Thanks for the well wishes. We're all back to normal, kids are all back to school and all that fun stuff.
I love some Barbell medicine. Did their shoulder rehab program after I finished my prescribed rehab after I had labrum repair. Complete recovery and shoulder is stronger than ever. The program includes all the standard squats/deadlifts as well so it’s really full body strength
Thankfully I have not needed the rehab programs but from those that have given reviews, they are always 5 stars and raving about how well they worked.
Bruh, I gave in and took the cheat pill after Christmas.

I ordered some Tirzepatide from there and have been on it since the start of the year. Tirz is basically the same thing as Mounjaro or Zepbound, but I just buy it “for research purposes only” and mix it myself. Down 27 pounds and it’s crazy how easy it makes it to lose weight
I'm not familiar with those pills. Is that one of the active ingredients in those ones they're always advertising on tv? Either way, 27 pounds is great. Nice work.
Bruh, I gave in and took the cheat pill after Christmas.

I ordered some Tirzepatide from there and have been on it since the start of the year. Tirz is basically the same thing as Mounjaro or Zepbound, but I just buy it “for research purposes only” and mix it myself. Down 27 pounds and it’s crazy how easy it makes it to lose weight

Make sure that you're upping your protein intake. Muscle loss is a very real side effect of almost all of the GLP's. Also, make sure that you're changing your eating habits as well. Almost every study that's come out on GLP use has shown that people gain back 80% of the weight they lost once they stop taking the GLP's. It's great for short term results, but the goal is to make lifestyle changes so that you don't have to rely on the GLP's long term.
Make sure that you're upping your protein intake. Muscle loss is a very real side effect of almost all of the GLP's. Also, make sure that you're changing your eating habits as well. Almost every study that's come out on GLP use has shown that people gain back 80% of the weight they lost once they stop taking the GLP's. It's great for short term results, but the goal is to make lifestyle changes so that you don't have to rely on the GLP's long term.
I’ve been trying to keep the protein intake up. It’s tough when your not hungry
I'm not familiar with those pills. Is that one of the active ingredients in those ones they're always advertising on tv? Either way, 27 pounds is great. Nice work.
It’s actually not pills, it’s a solution that you gotta inject under the skin once a week. I was using the cheat pill as a joke but I see why it created confusion. It’s basically the same thing as all that stuff they advertise on tv for, it’s just a lot cheaper and less of a hassle handling it for yourself
It’s actually not pills, it’s a solution that you gotta inject under the skin once a week. I was using the cheat pill as a joke but I see why it created confusion. It’s basically the same thing as all that stuff they advertise on tv for, it’s just a lot cheaper and less of a hassle handling it for yourself
Got it, thanks for breaking it down for me. I'm a little slow. At this point, I'm not going the pharma path. I'm right around 205 right now, and I think if I keep this up, I should be able to get below 200 in the next 2-3 weeks. It's a little slower, but I'm not big into trusting big-pharma these days. 😎
Got it, thanks for breaking it down for me. I'm a little slow. At this point, I'm not going the pharma path. I'm right around 205 right now, and I think if I keep this up, I should be able to get below 200 in the next 2-3 weeks. It's a little slower, but I'm not big into trusting big-pharma these days. 😎
That’s the right way to do it (your current approach). I just love food too much and the scale keeps tickin up each year.

Like @jaihawk said I need to make some life changes… but until then I’m on the GLP-1 train. Wife was the one that actually wanted to do it, so I figured if I ordered some for her, what the hell i might as well give it a shot too
Bruh, I gave in and took the cheat pill after Christmas.

I ordered some Tirzepatide from there and have been on it since the start of the year. Tirz is basically the same thing as Mounjaro or Zepbound, but I just buy it “for research purposes only” and mix it myself. Down 27 pounds and it’s crazy how easy it makes it to lose weight
i guess you did not try carnivore?
Added TMG to my vitamin regimen about a month ago and dropped about 1% body fat pretty quickly. Not fat though.

Also started Methylene Blue today. 4 drops so far and will build up. No noticeable impact yet. Will report back.
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Question for anyone who has done intermittent fasting for an extended period of time. I have been doing it since late January of 2023 and for at least a year it worked really well. Went from 267 to 217 in about 12 months. Since then it seems that despite continuing to eat clean and exercising almost daily (cardio and/or gym and resistance training) I feel like the IF is no longer working to help me continue with weight loss. Anyone who has done IF ever experience anything like this? Thanks.
I don't do IF by choice but sometimes I go from dinner at 6ish the night before and not eat again until mid-afternoon. Then eat a small meal knowing dinner is 3-4 hours away. Soup and crackers is all I'm wanting. The next morning is a good breakfast and nothing until evening. In 2022, I got sick and lost 70 pounds in 3-4 months and have managed to keep it off. Usually only 2 meals a day. Just depends. Over the years I did Atkins and lost a lot but usually gained it back. I found one has to let their bodies adjust to the lower weight or you just eat it back on.

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