Trudeau may end up being forced to resign. A Total of 6 Premiers have said NO to his Emergency Powers Act.
He is actually in a Minority Government Situation since the last election were he received less than 20% of the vote nationally. But has been governing under a coalition agreement with the NDP ie Socialists and the BQ or Bloc Quebecois a Quebec Separatist Party.
He has No Mandate.
He still has to get his request for Emergency Powers approved by a majority in the Parliament and then the Senate.
He then has to convince a majority of the Premiers to accept his decision.
He is actually in a Minority Government Situation since the last election were he received less than 20% of the vote nationally. But has been governing under a coalition agreement with the NDP ie Socialists and the BQ or Bloc Quebecois a Quebec Separatist Party.
He has No Mandate.
He still has to get his request for Emergency Powers approved by a majority in the Parliament and then the Senate.
He then has to convince a majority of the Premiers to accept his decision.