Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Trudeau may end up being forced to resign. A Total of 6 Premiers have said NO to his Emergency Powers Act.
He is actually in a Minority Government Situation since the last election were he received less than 20% of the vote nationally. But has been governing under a coalition agreement with the NDP ie Socialists and the BQ or Bloc Quebecois a Quebec Separatist Party.
He has No Mandate.
He still has to get his request for Emergency Powers approved by a majority in the Parliament and then the Senate.
He then has to convince a majority of the Premiers to accept his decision.

Right, should be the Feds so they can figure out what they need to cleanup for next time....
And the asshat he was working directly with is now doing his damndest to get us into a war with Russia in Ukraine.

What's in Ukraine? Everything. All the filth. All the corruption. Everything.

Timing is a bit interesting, methinks....

The Ukraine stuff going on now gives them reason to destroy all embassy computers and files as they evade "the red menace"
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It's also not going to kill everyone off at one time. It's probably not going to kill the majority and the ones who do die may live another 5 to ten years. A lot of people have zero side effects to the jab and probably never will.

My guess is it's going to kill a lot of people but not enough and most will stick around long enough to at least see these criminals swing.
What if this whole thing is meant to kill off the baby boomers? It would save social security and all the money the government has stolen from that.
I hope they all go away soon. The mandates, not the vaxxed. I am on the edge of losing my job because I literally can't go in to the office due to mandates and an over-zealous legal team at my co, and won't be able to easily get another one in NYC without taking the vax. And also considering moving, because my family can't even go in a restaurant or museum. NYC is going to go further down the path to hell if our new Mayor doesn't get his shit together on a number of fronts.
Move to Florida buddy
It's also not going to kill everyone off at one time. It's probably not going to kill the majority and the ones who do die may live another 5 to ten years. A lot of people have zero side effects to the jab and probably never will.

My guess is it's going to kill a lot of people but not enough and most will stick around long enough to at least see these criminals swing.
Why kill when you can sell medications to the immune deficient?

Do you have kids? They know a heck of a lot more then youre giving credit for. And in this day and age if you dont get after it early somebody else will.
Have 4. Would never have let them carry a sign until they were 18 and had decided for themselves.

And, nobody would have ever “got after my kids” to do anything.

I guess you think this is okay?

The Dunham report will find the cheating in the election. It’s going to connect it all.

Todd Starnes: If They Could Spy on the White House, They Could Have Stolen the Election​

The Dunham report will find the cheating in the election. It’s going to connect it all.
I was thinking similarly. Durham releases numerous indictments with damning charges against many at all levels. Simultaneously sufficient states vote to decertify the election. Among the infictments and documents Durham releases is a section on election fraud tying it all together.
I was thinking similarly. Durham releases numerous indictments with damning charges against many at all levels. Simultaneously sufficient states vote to decertify the election. Among the infictments and documents Durham releases is a section on election fraud tying it all together.
We also don’t know what other investigations were started under Barr . . . 😎

This is the most idiotic shi1t I have ever seen. Trump can say his properties are worth $50 trillion dollars. It is not Trumps job to evaluate that. Trump cannot lie to the banks about the value of the properties because independent appraisers do that. How in holy hell is this even a story. Someone explain it to me like I am 5 and have downs please
This is the most idiotic shi1t I have ever seen. Trump can say his properties are worth $50 trillion dollars. It is not Trumps job to evaluate that. Trump cannot lie to the banks about the value of the properties because independent appraisers do that. How in holy hell is this even a story. Someone explain it to me like I am 5 and have downs please

Orange Man Bad

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