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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021
Never forget! For 13 days 189 men held off 4,000 Mexican soldiers. When people say, “You Texans think your so special. You think your better than everyone else.” We proud Texans just smile and ask, “How was the history of your home state written? We’re proud to say ours was written in the blood of the brave few who stood against many. No one remembers how your state was born, but everyone Remembers the Alamo.”

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Wouldn't have happened without the help of the other states. Including the GOAT SC.


Jan 8, 2021
Nothing about any specific regulation but a generality...

Usually there was unanimity in the review and comments from all the branches on proposed regulations. Sometimes there were contrary opinions pointing our problems or consequences with the regulation from one or more branches. If the regulation was a priority of the DC board, the contrary comments were ignored and the regulation was implemented. No piss allowed in the cheerios.

I suppose this is standard operating procedure throughout most, if not all, government agencies although there are periods for public comment prior to imposition of regulations. I don't think the public gets to comment on proposed FED regulations.

Yup, VA is gonna start paying for sex changes and the estimated bill is almost $27M a year for less than 360 Veterans. That is around $70k per vet. So let’s spend $27m a year on something 100% elective while Veterans with REAL injuries continue to have to fight tooth and nail for benefits directly related to those injuries.

All because of the fucking clown show in DC. Oh, and that doesn’t include the cost of travel for treatment regardless of service connection or income. They will be eligible for travel being paid by VA just because they have a mental health issue and think their peepee or hoohah should be the opposite of what they were born with and Libs would rather enable than treat.

I’m so wore out with this shit!


Jan 8, 2021
Never forget! For 13 days 189 men held off 4,000 Mexican soldiers. When people say, “You Texans think your so special. You think your better than everyone else.” We proud Texans just smile and ask, “How was the history of your home state written? We’re proud to say ours was written in the blood of the brave few who stood against many. No one remembers how your state was born, but everyone Remembers the Alamo.”

View attachment 32273
If only Norman, Ok was in Texas… Goat University, Goat City, in Goat State… put it next to Fort Worth.


Jan 8, 2021
I Will Say That aggies Are For The Most Part Conservative Patriots

But I Get What You Are Saying

Maybe You'll Feel Differently After Texas Tech Gets Their First

One Can Always Dream :)

nah. College sports don’t mean jack shit to me any more. I let my subscription to the home board run out. I’m only focused on America first and what it takes to preserve our freedoms.
And for as much as you call yourself a patriot, it’s pretty pathetic that you support that university in Austin. That may be one of the most un-American places in the country. At least at Tech it is mostly filled with good ol boys that love America and know what hard work is.


Dec 1, 2020
In Other News



Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
nah. College sports don’t mean jack shit to me any more. I let my subscription to the home board run out. I’m only focused on America first and what it takes to preserve our freedoms.
And for as much as you call yourself a patriot, it’s pretty pathetic that you support that university in Austin. That may be one of the most un-American places in the country. At least at Tech it is mostly filled with good ol boys that love America and know what hard work is.

Agreed - Though You Must Have Missed My Post Where About 7 Years Ago When They Made Their Annual Trip to My Office With Hands Out

I Told Them That Until They Gave All Slots to Texas Children of Texas Taxpayers and Not To Chynamen and Arabs That Would Use Their Knowledge Learned Against Us - That You Don't Educate People That Want to Destroy Your Company

That Until They Cleaned Up Their Cesspool of Liberal Far-Left Professors and Quit Giving Them Tenure

Until That Happened Never Show Up At My Office Again

I'm the Poorest in the Family So My Donations Weren't Shit

But I Told Them The Family Was United On This Point Including My Aunt Who Even in Bad Months When Oil Price Are Low Gets Over 2 Million in Royalties - Uncle Knew Darrell K Royal Personally and Gave Enough Cash That He Would Get Sideline Passes

If More People Would Cut Off The Donations to EVERY Lib College They Would Make Changes Stat

Agree 100% With You And If Yesteryear Were Today I Would Have Broken Ranks From the Family and Gone to College Elsewhere

Probably LSU, ASU or a Smaller School in Texas - University of Hawaii Always Appealed to Me Too

We Also Gave Up Family's Season Tickets a Decade Ago and Caught Hell For It On the Home-Board Those Were 4 on the 50 Lower Deck Aunt's and 4 on 50 Row 7 of Upper Deck My Dad's

Would I Like to See Texas Be Good Again in Football Yes

You Ask Why?

Because It is The Only Thing That Keeps Conservatives Engaged With the University and We Have a Chance to Change It If They Care Otherwise It Will Slowly Become Harvard

An Elitist School With a Shitty Sports Department

Not Why The School Was Chartered - It Was Chartered as a Place of Higher Education for the Children of Texas

BTW Tech For All The Shit I Give You is a Very Good School

And More Importantly Has Far Better Co-Ed Talent - There's Some Top-Shelf Tang On That Campus
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Jan 8, 2021
Never Been a Somalia Fan

But I Do Love How They Handle Kid Diddlers

No Lengthy Appeals

Straight From Courthouse to Firing Squad

Now That's Efficient

Buh-Bye You Worthless Piece of Shit

Problem is in some sects of Islam this is okay and it’s the little girl that is stoned for having premarital sex. Rape or no rape for those older.


Dec 1, 2020
Oh Shit The Zeta Cartel Variant is On Deck

These Fucking Blowhards Are So Full of Shit

We are entering the hardest part for us no-vax types. The full court press is on. For all you non-conformists out there now is not the time to capitulate. Stay hard and stay focused. These mother fuckers won't be happy till we all fall in line. Well, Iam here to tell you they ain't gettin' my arm without a fight. These people are sick and never forget that. Whatever is in these shots you do not want. Stay hard! SKOL!


Jan 15, 2021
Is everyone excited for Season 2 of Muh Russia? The first episode should be out soon.



Vladimir Putin personally authorised a secret spy agency operation to support a “mentally unstable” Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election during a closed session of Russia’s national security council, according to what are assessed to be leaked Kremlin documents.

The key meeting took place on 22 January 2016, the papers suggest, with the Russian president, his spy chiefs and senior ministers all present.

They agreed a Trump White House would help secure Moscow’s strategic objectives, among them “social turmoil” in the US and a weakening of the American president’s negotiating position.

Russia’s three spy agencies were ordered to find practical ways to support Trump, in a decree appearing to bear Putin’s signature.

By this point Trump was the frontrunner in the Republican party’s nomination race. A report prepared by Putin’s expert department recommended Moscow use “all possible force” to ensure a Trump victory.

Western intelligence agencies are understood to have been aware of the documents for some months and to have carefully examined them. The papers, seen by the Guardian, seem to represent a serious and highly unusual leak from within the Kremlin.

The Guardian has shown the documents to independent experts who say they appear to be genuine. Incidental details come across as accurate. The overall tone and thrust is said to be consistent with Kremlin security thinking.
Jan 8, 2021
Never forget! For 13 days 189 men held off 4,000 Mexican soldiers. When people say, “You Texans think your so special. You think your better than everyone else.” We proud Texans just smile and ask, “How was the history of your home state written? We’re proud to say ours was written in the blood of the brave few who stood against many. No one remembers how your state was born, but everyone Remembers the Alamo.”

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It is a pleasure as a Tennessean that we were able to keep y’all from speaking Spanish.


Dec 1, 2020
I remember watching The Alamo back when I was a kid. Now, the only way Momma Viking could get me to eat any greens was to call them John Wayne beans, even if eating broccoli. Soon as she said, 'they're John Wayne beans' I started cramming them in my mouth. Well, when John Wayne died in The Alamo my sweet momma's job of getting me to eat greens got a whole lot harder. haha, SKOL!
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