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What did the Jews actually do?


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
I have a good reason for asking

I have a friend who is a Texan yeoman Free Speech man of the cause, but he’s really getting caught hard on the “jews are behind everything” conspiracy theory and it’s kind of derailing his life in that he brings it up to people he shouldn’t. (It’s not me I’d admit it if it was)

I want to disagree with him and say that it’s a collection of other people, but I honestly don’t know enough about what the Jews are and what they have done historically so I can’t make an effort to try and disprove any theories.

Do they have uniquely horrible traits vs comparable groups?

Is it a purely religious hatred?

I figured instead of reading anything I’d ask the experts


Apr 14, 2021
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
-Revelations 2:9

There are many different “factions” that claim to be “Jews” - you obviously have those that are of the religion, but many claim to be Jewish according to their home country or according to their genealogy, etc. Also, as referenced by the Bible, you have those that claim to be Jews but are not. At one point, a group that claimed to be “Jews” just disappeared and started referring to themselves as Phoenicians. It’s just a massive clusterfuck that creates confusion about who really are the Jews and what people mean by calling themselves Jews, etc.


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
I have a good reason for asking

I have a friend who is a Texan yeoman Free Speech man of the cause, but he’s really getting caught hard on the “jews are behind everything” conspiracy theory and it’s kind of derailing his life in that he brings it up to people he shouldn’t. (It’s not me I’d admit it if it was)

I want to disagree with him and say that it’s a collection of other people, but I honestly don’t know enough about what the Jews are and what they have done historically so I can’t make an effort to try and disprove any theories.

Do they have uniquely horrible traits vs comparable groups?

Is it a purely religious hatred?

I figured instead of reading anything I’d ask the experts
Orthodox Jews have always separated themselves from the rest of society, so easy targets. …and they killed Christ so there’s that. I know that part of it was part of God’s plan but during the rise of the Church of Rome, once again easy scapegoats.


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
Orthodox Jews have always separated themselves from the rest of society, so easy targets. …and they killed Christ so there’s that. I know that part of it was part of God’s plan but during the rise of the Church of Rome, once again easy scapegoats.
..and the Rothschilds.


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
Are the Rothschilds even fully United anymore? There’s the famous photos of them partying with the masks but for them to all to get together in the modern age at a mansion and make deals seems impossible
That family is spread far and wide, and I doubt few would recognize one another. The names are not always de Rothschild but many large banking executives, board members, and those that hold sway over money are part of the family.


Apr 14, 2021
The nuclear red pill on this topic is a book called “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”

It was a book found by some Russian spies (from what I remember) that outlined how the Elders of Zion (a group that also referred to themselves as Jews) were going to take total control of the world.

The book describes how they will destroy the family structure, destroy morals, remove God from the picture, create a one world Authoritarian Communist government, etc. Their method of execution they describe and the brainwashing techniques the book proposes are just flat out brilliant and show a level of psychological and sociological understanding far above anyone in that time frame (early 1900s).

This document/book plays a critical role in this drama. It is now claimed to be a “forgery” trying to point blame at the “Jews”, but this goes back to the original point of what does anyone mean when the say “Jews”


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
The nuclear red pill on this topic is a book called “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”

It was a book found by some Russian spies (from what I remember) that outlined how the Elders of Zion (a group that also referred to themselves as Jews) were going to take total control of the world.

The book describes how they will destroy the family structure, destroy morals, remove God from the picture, create a one world Authoritarian Communist government, etc. Their method of execution they describe and the brainwashing techniques the book proposes are just flat out brilliant and show a level of psychological and sociological understanding far above anyone in that time frame (early 1900s).

This document/book plays a critical role in this drama. It is now claimed to be a “forgery” trying to point blame at the “Jews”, but this goes back to the original point of what does anyone mean when the say “Jews”
If I order that from Amazon I’m on an immediate watch list correct?


Apr 14, 2021
Here’s the question tho, why do they allow their homeland to become a complete shithole if it’s their chosen land or whatever
Again, who or what are you talking about? The Arabs that live there and refer to themselves as geographical Jews? Were these even the same Jews of the line of Jacob? It’s not about the “Jews”, it’s the Cult of Molech, the synagogue of Satan, the Kabbalists (the high order ones), all that claim to be Jews


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
It’s deep man. This thread basically ties all the world conspiracies together. You start to realize that it’s the same battle it’s always been. God versus Satan, Good versus Evil. You have to be really careful with the term “Jew” because it has always been used as cover.
The Jews are the Au Jus to all conspiracies


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Again, who or what are you talking about? The Arabs that live there and refer to themselves as geographical Jews? Were these even the same Jews of the line of Jacob? It’s not about the “Jews”, it’s the Cult of Molech, the synagogue of Satan, the Kabbalists (the high order ones), all that claim to be Jews
Yeah Kabbalists. Should have clarified my b


Apr 14, 2021
So it’s about a dude who challeneged a Demon and got sent to the underworld and saved by another dude who chopped him to pieces

And they were coming up with this when we only had tools for like 97 years
This is just the source of the Baal worship / satanism that is practiced by the hidden influencers behind the scenes in the world today.

Im sure you are familiar with the Bohemian Grove right?


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
This is just the source of the Baal worship / satanism that is practiced by the hidden influencers behind the scenes in the world today.

Im sure you are familiar with the Bohemian Grove right?
Peripherally. I know some of the players and they did sacrificey looking ceremonies, but nothing beyond the footage Jones got


Apr 14, 2021
The descendants of the Canaanites have been prolific at getting control of the money supply, largely due to their philosophy of taking care of their own, avoiding armed conflict, and planting themselves in the middle of the financial markets.

But again, we are only talking about a very small sliver of “Jews” here


Apr 14, 2021
The Canaanites became the Phoenicians, which became the Carthaginians. Carthaginians were also known as the Punics, and this civilization ended around the time Jesus was about to enter the picture (250 BC). The Punics were largely referred to as Jews by the Greeks and Romans. The historian Josephus was the first historical writer that documented some of the transgressions made by this group of “Jews”.

Also the Punics hated Greco-Roman civilization, but the Romans eventually conquered them.
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Apr 14, 2021
That wasn’t the end of the Canaanites though. What was left of them after the Punic Wars integrated themselves into the Roman civilization. A large group of them settled around Siciliy. Around 1200 AD a group of “Jews” in this area released a book called the Sepher Zohar, which is the foundational document for Kabbalism and it’s ideas are intertwined with basically every “mystery society” that exists.


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
The Canaanites became the Phoenicians, which became the Carthaginians. Carthaginians were also known as the Punics, and this civilization ended around the time Jesus was about to enter the picture (250 BC). The Punics were largely referred to as Jews by the Greeks and Romans. The historian Josephus was the first historical writer that documented some of the transgressions made by this group of “Jews”.

Also the Punics hated Greco-Roman civilization, but the Romans eventually conquered them.
Love the insight. I didnt define the term Jew man this was my buddy referring to guys calling shots in a vague sense. you’re kinda taking me to task over it cut it out


Apr 14, 2021
Love the insight. I didnt define the term Jew man this was my buddy referring to guys calling shots in a vague sense. you’re kinda taking me to task over it cut it out
I’m not doing it towards you at all, just trying to be clear how complicated the entire thing is, but where the spite originates from. Problem is the evil ones have done a really good job of covering their tracks over the centuries that the majority of hatred against Jews get channeled at the wrong group.

The Synagogue of Satan, Luciferians, Kabbalists, Canaanites, Thelamites, all leaves of the same tree, but it’s a story that goes back to the beginning of Biblical history.


Jan 8, 2021
Because killing the Jew is the devil's only chance. He looks at it as his chance to win. If he could kill all the Jews, God's word would be broken. God said he would save a "remnant" of Jews, seemingly 1/3rd of them according to a few passages. IMO, DNA testing will allow the devil to "make war with the remnant of her (Israel's) seed".

The Jews pronounced a curse upon themselves until the end of time when they corporately rejected Christ at the Triumphal entry, and then said "Let his blood be on our heads and on our children" when they crucified him.

They're blinded and will be until the end of the age. Yet even then, some find the way. Throughout history, Jews have roamed from country to country, looking for refuge, always hated.

As for why people hate them now, Christ said that satan was the "god of this world". Most people have - unwittingly - made him their god. The children of God will do his bidding, just as the children of the devil will do his. Why does that hatred manifest itself? My suspicion is that it's because, by and large, Jews are smarter than us gentiles. Look at the head of corporations, law firms, accounting firms, hollywood studios, banks.....Jews dominate many industries, considering they are a tiny % of the population. They have the blessing given to Abraham, though still cursed by God.
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