Have you guys noticed an increase of wrecks that happen due to "Unspecified Medical Event", prior to the crash? In my local news I'm seeing it more and more! The town has the Kansas Turnpike run right by it, which is where most of them are taking place. I can think of
If it’s so easy could you provide a link ?Another reason to avoid rodents: NYC's rats found infected with virus that causes COVID
A new study finds that rats in New York City were infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, potentially posing a risk to people.www.yahoo.com
Do a simple search on insurance rates based on amout of times vaxxed and boosted. It is all out there open source. Jump in the dances thread. They fuckers got every bit of what you dont wanna know.
At least you have an avatar
It's prolly climate change that's doin' it. lolI can think of something that may be causing it.
Yep everyone who took the MRNA (just one) will die within 3-5 years. Does anyone have the trials of the animals she references?
She didn't mention the 75% of women that have been essentially sterilized.
Also, this makes me wonder if they're manipulating the total earth population numbers. If roughly 75% of the earth has been injected and 75% of them have been sterilized, then what should the population look like 5 years since the start of this genocide? 1 billion souls left on the planet? I know the UN's goal and the Georgia Guidestones stated 500 million people as a goal.
2012 London Corona Virus ritual.
Yeah hard aye.
Question i have, is how can we be certain the numbers—i mean all of them—how could we possibly accept any of them as fact without actually witnessing them ourselves—from source—to conclusion(¿?)
Sure we all are aware of lying with statistics aye, and it's pretty fuckin easy—especially when ya own parts or entireties of respective organizations within the data cycle.
Now, to abruptly fly off on a "climey changey" tangent—although still relates to stats deception.
View attachment 174107View attachment 174108
Check this out:
The major damage in the modification of their DNA is irreversable. They no longer have the mark of Yahweh within their DNA, instead they have the mark of Lucifer. Their souls belong to the devil now. They may be able to use some natural medicinal methods to prolong their lives a couple years but that's it. I believe the door is shut for them in making the Kingdom of heaven. They can try repenting but since you no longer have Yahweh's mark he may not even hear you.I guess more and more people are wishing they were pure bloods about now, we need to share with them that Ivermectin can quite likely help their bodies recover from the experimental gene therapy.
I’m not jabbed but I do not believe those that are have accepted the mark. I believe the decision to accept the mark will come after implementation of digital currency and those that do not accept the “chip” will not be able to participate in society. I believe the decision for Christian’s will be obvious, and those that refuse will be persecuted and ostracized by society. Those that do will be trading their salvation for temporary comfort.The major damage in the modification of their DNA is irreversable. They no longer have the mark of Yahweh within their DNA, instead they have the mark of Lucifer. Their souls belong to the devil now. They may be able to use some natural medicinal methods to prolong their lives a couple years but that's it. I believe the door is shut for them in making the Kingdom of heaven. They can try repenting but since you no longer have Yahweh's mark he may not even hear you.
As it was in the beggining so it shall be in the end. The reason Yahweh caused the largest flood in earth's history was due to the blood lines being destroyed due to angels mixing with women, follwed with giants and animal human hybrids. We're repeating history but in a different way. Please read the book of Enoch to gain more clarification if you haven't already.
The Jab has nano technology which can do more than the old chips could ever do. It has changed their DNA from having the mark of YAHWEH to the mark of Lucifer.I’m not jabbed but I do not believe those that are have accepted the mark. I believe the decision to accept the mark will come after implementation of digital currency and those that do not accept the “chip” will not be able to participate in society. I believe the decision for Christian’s will be obvious, and those that refuse will be persecuted and ostracized by society. Those that do will be trading their salvation for temporary comfort.
Prior to this “pandemic”
I could not rationalize how humans could be this way towards one another. I no longer have any questions or doubts.
The Jab has nano technology which can do more than the old chips could ever do. It has changed their DNA from having the mark of YAHWEH to the mark of Lucifer.
Yes either kicked out of society or be beheaded by the Guillotines in accordance to the Noahide laws.
The Jews are the main group of people controlling, afflicting and enslaving the human race and they're not 100% human their lineage is Jew-Kahzars-Pharisis-Edomites-Canaanites-Cain (son of the devil). This is why Yashua and John called them vipers, children of the devil, synagogue of Satan, etc. They admit this from their own lips. This is why they're inherently evil and doing everything they can to destroy all of Yahweh's creations. They're not waiting for Yashua they're waiting for the anti-christ.
You will not take comfort in this, but it is estimated that 85% to 90% of the entire population now have this nano technology in their blood as evidenced by analysis of blood from both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals. Through our shedding, water supply, rain, chem-trails, and food to name a few sources of speculated distribution methods. It’s also been examined that these nano structures can self assemble using different wavelengths using 5G. Are you comfortable saying that there is a high probability that you now have the mark of the beast through no fault of your own?
Why would a benevolent God allow his herd to unknowingly be reaped by Satan?No, the MRNA was designed specifically to remove the Mark of Yahwey and Imbed the Mark of Lucifer. Yes, I already knew for a while that Nano tech is in our food, water, shedding, etc. This is why there have been reports of people no longer able to communicate with Yahweh after taking the shots.
This is why for the last 5 years I've been living off grid and being as self-sufficient as possible. Green house, filtered water supply, no 5G, not near any vaxxed people etc. So I feel great and very comfortable in my current position. Now if I was in a large city, I wouldn't be happy at all, no thank you.
Eventually the vaccine injections are the method that will be required to buy, sell or trade (within the beast system). The microchip's are old and obsolete tech and was already refused by the masses. The vaccine makes perfect sense. Lie to the masses about a scamdemic then mandate the shots or you're placed into covid concentration camps or kicked out of society.
Only dumb dumb's will click on the laughing emoji.
By acquiescing to something they did not want to do and for knowing they were being coerced into it against their will I think those who fit that criteria were not tricked. They succumbed to evil in an attempt to save themselves from discomfort.It is my understanding that nobody will be tricked into taking the mark of the beast. People will know fully what it is and what they are choosing. Therefore, I don’t believe the Covid jabs are the mark of the beast.
i used to think like this too mate.Why would a benevolent God allow his herd to unknowingly be reaped by Satan?
Makes no sense.
You will not take comfort in this, but it is estimated that 85% to 90% of the entire population now have this nano technology in their blood as evidenced by analysis of blood from both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals. Through our shedding, water supply, rain, chem-trails, and food to name a few sources of speculated distribution methods. It’s also been examined that these nano structures can self assemble using different wavelengths using 5G. Are you comfortable saying that there is a high probability that you now have the mark of the beast through no fault of your own?
The Jab has nano technology which can do more than the old chips could ever do. It has changed their DNA from having the mark of YAHWEH to the mark of Lucifer.
Yes either kicked out of society or be beheaded by the Guillotines in accordance to the Noahide laws.
The Jews are the main group of people controlling, afflicting and enslaving the human race and they're not 100% human their lineage is Jew-Kahzars-Pharisis-Edomites-Canaanites-Cain (son of the devil). This is why Yashua and John called them vipers, children of the devil, synagogue of Satan, etc. They admit this from their own lips. This is why they're inherently evil and doing everything they can to destroy all of Yahweh's creations. They're not waiting for Yashua they're waiting for the anti-christ.
Why would a benevolent God allow his herd to unknowingly be reaped by Satan?
Makes no sense.
He sounds vaxxed.
To trick people into it, would defeat the purpose of God's plan.It is my understanding that nobody will be tricked into taking the mark of the beast.
If that's true, how do you explain the fact that there are lots of people all around the World of many different Religions, as well as those who are atheists/agnostics, who have not taken the jab juice and who also do not believe in Jesus or anything in the Bible?MRNA was designed specifically to remove the Mark of Yahwey and Imbed the Mark of Lucifer. Yes, I already knew for a while that Nano tech is in our food, water, shedding, etc.
If so, how would a non-believer ever be able to become Saved? Per my understanding, the Word is accessible to all people. How can one be blinded to something that is simultaneously readily accessible to them?4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
He sounds vaxxed.
These are excellent points.To trick people into it, would defeat the purpose of God's plan.
People are not infallible and can often be easily tricked in many ways. If it all comes down to a trick, that coulda been done Eons ago and saved all this otherwise wasted time.
No, people have to to choose for themselves.
If that's true, how do you explain the fact that there are lots of people all around the World of many different Religions, as well as those who are atheists/agnostics, who have not taken the jab juice and who also do not believe in Jesus or anything in the Bible?
There's lots of folks who were able to see through the wuflu BS and resist the coericion to receive it, not just Christians.
If so, how would a non-believer ever be able to become Saved? Per my understanding, the Word is accessible to all people. How can one be blinded to something that is simultaneously readily accessible to them?
To trick people into it, would defeat the purpose of God's plan.
People are not infallible and can often be easily tricked in many ways. If it all comes down to a trick, that coulda been done Eons ago and saved all this otherwise wasted time.
No, people have to to choose for themselves.
If that's true, how do you explain the fact that there are lots of people all around the World of many different Religions, as well as those who are atheists/agnostics, who have not taken the jab juice and who also do not believe in Jesus or anything in the Bible?
There's lots of folks who were able to see through the wuflu BS and resist the coericion to receive it, not just Christians.
If so, how would a non-believer ever be able to become Saved? Per my understanding, the Word is accessible to all people. How can one be blinded to something that is simultaneously readily accessible to them?
I believe that you can be saved until your dying breath regardless.bitch ute has been compromised by either zio Jews or Zionist shills.
View attachment 175107
Is there any truth and free speech platforms left?
1.) Well the different religions of the world are from the original heathen/pagan races. The white Israelites were the original christians and have more Christians than any other race. Everyone still has free will to decide to not take the shot (so far). They will make the terms and living your life nearly impossible without this shot. So far it's what 75%-80% of the known world that' vaxxed?
2.) A non believer and being saved is an oxymoron. To be saved should be accessible to everyone in accordance with the scriptures. There are conflicting scriptures and poor translations within new bibles so I would like to further investigate this.
Well the exception to "everyone" is written within Revelations taking the name and the mark of the name of the beast Rev: 14:9-11. There are almost always exceptions to the rule. Can one remove the mark or repent and hope to be saved again? I don't have the answer to this question. Perhaps it's possible but Revelations sounds pretty convincing that it's over after taking the mark.
There is nothing new about Wuhan Charlie being found in rodents. Coronaviruses move back and forth between humans and animals naturally. This is widely know in virology. It's also part of the reason they tried to pawn off the wet markets as being the source of Wuhan Charlie. Only problem with any of these theories is Wuhan Charlie is not naturally occurring. It was laboratory created through Fauci's gain of function funding. The biolabs in Ukraine also participated in its creation.Another reason to avoid rodents: NYC's rats found infected with virus that causes COVID
A new study finds that rats in New York City were infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, potentially posing a risk to people.www.yahoo.com
Do a simple search on insurance rates based on amout of times vaxxed and boosted. It is all out there open source. Jump in the dances thread. They fuckers got every bit of what you dont wanna know.
At least you have an avatar