Purebloods only. Vaxx'd cattle keep scrolling

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The so called governments are all corporations controlled by your favorite the Jews ho also control the IMF/central banks of this planet meaning the entire monetary supply is controlled by them. These politicians are nothing more than puppet figure heads of the Jews and have been for hundreds of years.
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The MRNA covid 19 DNA manipulation injection takes your DNA and converts it from ATCG which is God's Name YHVH or YHWH and changes it to ATCCCG which is 666 the mark of the best into every cell in your body.
Third Helix?

Cabal celebrating the creation of triple helix sequencing DNA. 72,000 genes from mother, 72,000 from father is 144,000, a biblical number. Add another 72,000 genes for this third helix and it sums to 216,000 (600 x 60 x 6, MOTB)

216,000[666] triple helix dna

The so called Jews are not the chosen people they're the Edomites and come from Esau, the Caucasians come from Jacob and they're the biblical Israelites. The Jews Massiah is the anti-Christ.

This mark of the beast will become REQUIRED hen the anti-Christ calls himself GOD. I think he's supposed to be assassinated then resurrects and calls himself GOD in the flesh.

As always, refuse to take the mark of the Beast, get out of society, become self-sufficient while living off grid, born again Christian, walk in the spirit and not in the flesh, repent, do the works of our creator.
Tbh mate, I've been wondering for some time now whether the hypocritical Trump worshippers on this forum are simply as imbecilic as the leftoids, or if instead they're just more shills.

I mean, fuck I've repeatedly shown these Trump loving clowns that Trump's "empire" only exists thanks to Rothschild bankruptcy bailout money via his good buddy Wilbur Ross... and obviously that it was none other than Trump the vacuous two-faced cunt himself who proudly fast tracked unleashing the genocidal clotshots on us all—even appointing the mass murdering Fauci too.
Not forgetting Trump's love of the parasitic crypto-"jew" Israeli Red-Shield terror state, or Trump's old pal Epstein... Trump's daughter's Chabadist faggot hubby...etc...

😏And yet, nah, these flaccid idiots apparently just fuckin' switch off when ya point this glaring shit out. Gettin' all hysterically pissy and upset, screeching "muh TDS"....🤣ahhhahahaha! The irony of it!

Initially I tried being polite about trying to gently wake these twits up to the reality before our eyes, unfortunately it's like they seem to be far too fuckin' retarded or someshit, but this unfathomable degree of absolute unwavering retardation isn't natural. Imo it seems very unlikely they're actually this intellectually & morally fucked, and are more likely performing an act, much like the counter position performance by Jake with his lame ass "slava merica" faggotismz.

😏Aye @Viking & @BamaRidger

I used to have great respect for you two in particular, and frankly I still hope someday you'll both earn my respect once more....but like a whole lot of cunts here, ya'z also seem to have turned hostile ever since realizing I ain't a cowardly sniveling shit eagerly gobbling up the Trump based goyslop alongside ya'z.

It's like ya now perceive an illusory "me" that you've falsely equated as "anti-American" or....🤔tbh, fucked if I know how ya'z rationalize it coz ya bloody well know I ain't left or right. Ya'z know I consider political fucklets of every nation, party to the globalist corporate web of hijacked governmental systems, all of these swinish turds are no less than foreign agents masqueraing amongst us, they are—Traitors, ought to be recognized as such, and dealt with accordingly....before it's too late and they finally seize absolute control over us—at which fuckin' point whereby we've then failed, as thereafter our descendants will forever be left at the mercy of these Talmudic psychopaths twisted deviant offspring...😎For fuck sakes!
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