Purebloods only. Vaxx'd cattle keep scrolling

Moderna CEO admits Ovid was planned.

The rest of the world catching up to the LAC/FSF! Armed with this intel years ago is the reason the vax uptake among American Patriots is so low. P&Ts for those whole fell for this genocidal goop! Russian Roulette with a needle and yet millions trodded off to the pied piper's tune to do their part in saving humanity. What a crock. Hopefully you a pizza or free movie tickets with it. Haha SKOL!
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FIL now has heart damage. Just two years ago it was in great shape after getting really sick and nearly dying.
Both my parents drove off a cliff after their booster. I screamed for them to stop but to no avail. This jab is gonna end up taking yhem both and at 80 my old man was full on and mom cooking 3 squares a day. He could still shoot the eyes out of a rabbit at 100 yards and now cant hold a fucking pencil. My mom is bssically bed to chair now. I will never forget and no quarter for these scum bags. Skol!
Both my parents drove off a cliff after their booster. I screamed for them to stop but to no avail. This jab is gonna end up taking yhem both and at 80 my old man was full on and mom cooking 3 squares a day. He could still shoot the eyes out of a rabbit at 100 yards and now cant hold a fucking pencil. My mom is bssically bed to chair now. I will never forget and no quarter for these scum bags. Skol!

I just wish more would open their fookin eyes
I remember reading about 75% of the women who had the vax while prego had a miscarriage. My guess is for the people that didn't die instantly, their new life expectancy is no longer than 5 years.
5 years is what i have heard. The mice they injected all died within a certain time frame. The longest being equivalent in humans to five years. It is o ly getting started sadly.
Viking, . . .

. . .
if i did not do this i would be consciously acting with dishonor.
i would be cowering from Truth.

i would be enabling continuation of Falsehood.

i would be dishonoring you.

i would be dishonoring me.

i would be dishonoring all others

i would be dishonoring our ancestors.

i will not!

Both my parents drove off a cliff after their booster. I screamed for them to stop but to no avail. This jab is gonna end up taking yhem both and at 80 my old man was full on and mom cooking 3 squares a day. He could still shoot the eyes out of a rabbit at 100 yards and now cant hold a fucking pencil. My mom is bssically bed to chair now. I will never forget and no quarter for these scum bags. Skol!


Trump is a Talmudist/Sanhedrin puppet.
He is with our enemy—the enemy of all man-kind!
What was his sample size for the 74% miscarriage rates?
Well frankly i do not know if his[Dr Mclindon's] data was even released to the public.

😁Can help track it down if ya like...

... here's the kinda crap i'm finding👇
Apparently none of the Aussie states maintain comprehensive records/or publications for miscarriage statistics,...and they aren't in NZ either.

That is, according to "official" sources they use at least two/three definitions for what substitutes a "miscarriage".

Eg; One or two Aussie defs-& the W.H.O. def.

From what i'm reading on their websites, miscarriages prior to ~20 weeks gestation are just automatically excluded.

If so- wouldn't this suggest as far as the "official" stats are concerned . . . actual reality-beyond how "they've" defined one within these "official" -*legal fictions"-therefore ceases to exist(?)

... rationalized away.(?)
Imo, the "official" stats model & preliminary data will most likely be unreliable.
Looking around a bit online, it does seem that this specific lack of information has also been weaponized & employed by "mainstream" shills regularly as the reining counterargument against any daring enough to present claims of the clotshots being linked to miscarriages.

Great position aye, ya know . . . since "they" control the flow of "authoritative" information.
It's happening! Prepare your loads

View attachment 170011

Yess, I've been saving mine up for 2 years now like I saved my bitcoin when it was below $200. I may charge an extra premium now. lol

I've had some bites on different social media groups. So far nobody is offering more than $800 a load. I want $3,500 at minimum. Time to find the real high paying buyers.
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Both my parents drove off a cliff after their booster. I screamed for them to stop but to no avail. This jab is gonna end up taking yhem both and at 80 my old man was full on and mom cooking 3 squares a day. He could still shoot the eyes out of a rabbit at 100 yards and now cant hold a fucking pencil. My mom is bssically bed to chair now. I will never forget and no quarter for these scum bags. Skol!

Both of my in laws passed away in the last couple of months. It’s sad.
Yeah, there's not much we can do now. If friends or family have taken It I fully expect all of them to be gone within the 5 year mark so by around 2026-2027.
I had read in the trial literature that every mouse given the mrna shot died within a few weeks or months. Anyway the longest a mouse lived was equivalent to 5 human years. I am sad to say I think this is a data point and close to on the money. SKOL!
I had read in the trial literature that every mouse given the mrna shot died within a few weeks or months. Anyway the longest a mouse lived was equivalent to 5 human years. I am sad to say I think this is a data point and close to on the money. SKOL!
Would you be able to post that trial literature here? I've heard this repeated so many times, but I should review the paperwork myself.

I've also heard that they did a trial run on humans in the military to see if the MRNA would cure certain things which it actually did. Unfortunately, everyone but 4 people died which was 10's of thousands of people. They volunteered for it. The four that survived all had heart attacks. This was a confidential experimental study so all we have is whistleblowers for this trial run unfortunately.

I wanted to ask you if you believe the other races of humans on earth today exist as the original humans created by Yahweh before Adam and Eve which was stated in Genesis CH 1. Also, in Genesis, Cain went to a town which already had a name Nod and took three wives. This was a different breed of humans that created the town, and the women were not his family. This makes sense because there can only be one group of Yahweh's chosen people. If we all came from the same 2 people, then there is no special group. I find it scientifically impossible for a white man to turn into a black man just for living in Africa for 1,000s of years or a black man to become a white man because he lived in Europe for thousands of years and many generations. There is zero evidence of this divergence ever occurring in history.

Also, I believe Adam and Eve were very different so the genetic defects never happened to them so inbreeding didn't have the negative side effects as it would for a brother and sister with the same parents.
are you serious? Might have to get un-fixed.
Yes, I am serious. I don't know if this company pays more for unvaxxed blood or not. However, I get much more requests once I put unvaxxed in the social media donations groups. The best part about the group is you don't even have to leave your own home and have no limitation to how many samples you can give. However, there are a few number of people that prefer to meet in person to gurantee they receive a sample for the money. But that's not everyone. Tall white good looking males with blue eyes seem to get the most requests. Unfortunately I don't have the blue eyes.

You can basically make a living off selling your poop and sperm.

Here on this website you can make around $500 per specimen and up to 180k per year. Their requirements are that you've never used antibiotics, have no chronic diseases, and overall in great health and perfect stool quality. Ideally they want people under 30 years of age but there are many clinics that don't have an age requirement and just go off the labs provided.

So you make roughly 200k or more if you join the sperm donar groups just for your poop and sperm which most people either flush down a toilet or inject into a condom or sock.

I'll create a youtube channel and create an advertisement saying are you tired of working for the man? Do you hate driving hours a day from work and back? I you just exhausted from dealing with people at work? Or have you just failed at every business you've ever tried? Why not use

something of your own body that you throw away several times or more a week for free when you can become a millionaire from these things. If you want more info just click the link below and you will have access to the free 1 hour live webinar to inform you how this all works and we will help you step by step to achieve your dreams and screw the man. hahhahah

I also found that you can sell your bone marrow in 9 states legally and make 3k per donation. So 36k a month for a monthly donation.

that's about a quarter of a million dollars for these three things. What do you do for a living? Oh well I sell my fluids and poop.
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Yes, I am serious. I don't know if this company pays more for unvaxxed blood or not. However, I get much more requests once I put unvaxxed in the social media donations groups. The best part about the group is you don't even have to leave your own home and have no limitation to how many samples you can give. However, there are a few number of people that prefer to meet in person to gurantee they receive a sample for the money. But that's not everyone. Tall white good looking males with blue eyes seem to get the most requests. Unfortunately I don't have the blue eyes.

You can basically make a living off selling your poop and sperm.

Here on this website you can make around $500 per specimen and up to 180k per year. Their requirements are that you've never used antibiotics, have no chronic diseases, and overall in great health and perfect stool quality. Ideally they want people under 30 years of age but there are many clinics that don't have an age requirement and just go off the labs provided.

So you make roughly 200k or more if you join the sperm donar groups just for your poop and sperm which most people either flush down a toilet or inject into a condom or sock.

I'll create a youtube channel and create an advertisement saying are you tired of working for the man? Do you hate driving hours a day from work and back? I you just exhausted from dealing with people at work? Or have you just failed at every business you've ever tried? Why not use

something of your own body that you throw away several times or more a week for free when you can become a millionaire from these things. If you want more info just click the link below and you will have access to the free 1 hour live webinar to inform you how this all works and we will help you step by step to achieve your dreams and screw the man. hahhahah

I also found that you can sell your bone marrow in 9 states legally and make 3k per donation. So 36k a month for a monthly donation.

that's about a quarter of a million dollars for these three things. What do you do for a living? Oh well I sell my fluids and poop.
That's crazy! I'm not under 30, but have the rest of those criteria nailed, even the blue eyes.
Would you be able to post that trial literature here? I've heard this repeated so many times, but I should review the paperwork myself.

I've also heard that they did a trial run on humans in the military to see if the MRNA would cure certain things which it actually did. Unfortunately, everyone but 4 people died which was 10's of thousands of people. They volunteered for it. The four that survived all had heart attacks. This was a confidential experimental study so all we have is whistleblowers for this trial run unfortunately.

I wanted to ask you if you believe the other races of humans on earth today exist as the original humans created by Yahweh before Adam and Eve which was stated in Genesis CH 1. Also, in Genesis, Cain went to a town which already had a name Nod and took three wives. This was a different breed of humans that created the town, and the women were not his family. This makes sense because there can only be one group of Yahweh's chosen people. If we all came from the same 2 people, then there is no special group. I find it scientifically impossible for a white man to turn into a black man just for living in Africa for 1,000s of years or a black man to become a white man because he lived in Europe for thousands of years and many generations. There is zero evidence of this divergence ever occurring in history.

Also, I believe Adam and Eve were very different so the genetic defects never happened to them so inbreeding didn't have the negative side effects as it would for a brother and sister with the same parents.
I am not sure but my inclination is Genesis is a reset story. Gen. 1 : 28 KJ Go Ye, multiply and replenish the Earth and subdue it: What was here before Adam and Eve that they had to replenish this earth and who was subdued? Was there another flood? Ancient cultures speak of a day the sky fell or the day the sun was born. I am also pretty dang sure the history of Egypt has been covered up. No way they built that pyramid. To fucking exact. Quite frankly I think the good book has been manipulated by a rather evil entity and his believers/followers that rule this world (see Khazars/cabalists/satanists/babylonians for reference). I will leave it to you to decide who these evil ones are. Basically half truths and a bunch of lies. I really do not know but am always asking and looking. I am a Christian and read all the books the fish hat wearers (see Dagon for reference) say I shouldn't in my never ending search for the truth. This will probably piss off the mainline religious types but this is my journey not theirs. SKOL!
That's crazy! I'm not under 30, but have the rest of those criteria nailed, even the blue eyes.
For the semen it appears most clinics (if you go that route) want donors under 39 and the bone marrow donors to be under 45.

Well, you can always test this out and see if you qualify and or get requests in the donor groups then maybe you can potentially make a good amount of money. I sent in my application for multiple sites to donate my fecal matter. I am still searching for a higher price on the donar sites for semen. As for the bone marrow I am not in one of the legal states but I will see if they can accept it being shipped to them. I had to spend 150k of my own money over the last year and a half due to an accident and I am just now recovering to 100%. So that cut into my long term investments which I plan on using for rrental homes from the company called boxabl which I have purchsed 3 already up front in full. They were 50k a piece but will be over 100k a piece now. I invested a good 10k in the initial offerring and that has already gone up by 20x. I just need them to go public by 2025 and then I will use that for more rental homes.

I didn't plan on working ever again but after the losses I am searching for alternate ways of making money that's not investing, trading, affiliate marketing, or selling products. I would like to make that 150k back within 1 year from now. Will this work? I don't know but I keep myself in good shape and have a clean diet so maybe it has a good chance to work. Good luck
For the semen it appears most clinics (if you go that route) want donors under 39 and the bone marrow donors to be under 45.

Well, you can always test this out and see if you qualify and or get requests in the donor groups then maybe you can potentially make a good amount of money. I sent in my application for multiple sites to donate my fecal matter. I am still searching for a higher price on the donar sites for semen. As for the bone marrow I am not in one of the legal states but I will see if they can accept it being shipped to them. I had to spend 150k of my own money over the last year and a half due to an accident and I am just now recovering to 100%. So that cut into my long term investments which I plan on using for rrental homes from the company called boxabl which I have purchsed 3 already up front in full. They were 50k a piece but will be over 100k a piece now. I invested a good 10k in the initial offerring and that has already gone up by 20x. I just need them to go public by 2025 and then I will use that for more rental homes.

I didn't plan on working ever again but after the losses I am searching for alternate ways of making money that's not investing, trading, affiliate marketing, or selling products. I would like to make that 150k back within 1 year from now. Will this work? I don't know but I keep myself in good shape and have a clean diet so maybe it has a good chance to work. Good luck
Might have to get my kids signed up for this in the future.
Might have to get my kids signed up for this in the future.
Nice, I suppose just ensure they're phyically active and eat as healthfully as possible.

I honestly believe the fecal matter donations are enough to live off of. Also, they don't rob you of life and nutrients as does your sperm and bone marrow do.

Another form of passive income I used for 10 years was called leasing or renting out my credit cards for authorized users.

Third party websites would lease your cards for you. I eventually had 20 different credit cards all being rented out at the same time. If you have a credit card with over 10 years of perfect history and if it's a Barclays card I learned you can make over 2k per month for just one card. This along with crypto was how i retired young. I never made over 6 figures working a job either with the gov or private. However at one point in time with my crypto investments (swing trades) and credit card leasing, I had a couple years making nearly 7 figures. I put most of this into precious metals, buying boxable homes and off grid land. Once the boxable homes arrive I will attempt to make it fully self sufficient (no utilities no buying food just free living). This will be in 2024-2025.

It's great you have kids, as I would enjoy to have some of my own. However, with our climate of feminism, me too, rigged courts against men, and a free sexual marketplace for women, I have no trust that I can find a women worth my time and energy for a life long commitment and building a family (unless she was Amish).

How old are your kids now? I believe they can participate in the bone marrow (which I wouldn't recommend for children) and the fecal matter donations already. They can test their samples to see if they're in a healthy enough condition to already qualify.

Let me know if you make any progress.
Nice, I suppose just ensure they're phyically active and eat as healthfully as possible.

I honestly believe the fecal matter donations are enough to live off of. Also, they don't rob you of life and nutrients as does your sperm and bone marrow do.

Another form of passive income I used for 10 years was called leasing or renting out my credit cards for authorized users.

Third party websites would lease your cards for you. I eventually had 20 different credit cards all being rented out at the same time. If you have a credit card with over 10 years of perfect history and if it's a Barclays card I learned you can make over 2k per month for just one card. This along with crypto was how i retired young. I never made over 6 figures working a job either with the gov or private. However at one point in time with my crypto investments (swing trades) and credit card leasing, I had a couple years making nearly 7 figures. I put most of this into precious metals, buying boxable homes and off grid land. Once the boxable homes arrive I will attempt to make it fully self sufficient (no utilities no buying food just free living). This will be in 2024-2025.

It's great you have kids, as I would enjoy to have some of my own. However, with our climate of feminism, me too, rigged courts against men, and a free sexual marketplace for women, I have no trust that I can find a women worth my time and energy for a life long commitment and building a family (unless she was Amish).

How old are your kids now? I believe they can participate in the bone marrow (which I wouldn't recommend for children) and the fecal matter donations already. They can test their samples to see if they're in a healthy enough condition to already qualify.

Let me know if you make any progress.
They're teenagers. Just curious on the fecal portion, what is it that they would do with that to make it so valuable? Seems pretty crazy. Sperm and/or bone marrow, I could understand, but why the poop? To somehow harvest the bacteria from it?
However at one point in time with my crypto investments (swing trades) and credit card leasing, I had a couple years making nearly 7 figures. I put most of this into precious metals, buying boxable homes and off grid land. Once the boxable homes arrive I will attempt to make it fully self sufficient (no utilities no buying food just free living). This will be in 2024-2025.

Great position to be in. Wish I would have been smart enough to have a passive income like that and do what you’re doing.

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