Thank you very much for this information.
Hey no worries aye, just by the act of helping/giving to other is fulfillment enough in and of itself.
Though i certainly appreciate that you also appreciated it.
I remember this was one of the rabbit holes I went down in 2016 when I worked as a Environmental Health Specialist. I put up the side effects of 4G, Smart meters, WIFi and warned that 5G is coming soon. The people on the committee were afraid after my presentation and joked this is the apocalypse. Little did they know 5G would be as bad as it is and 6G is coming up next.
That's actually really interesting.
Don't suppose you possibly know of any particular environmental health related scientific source materials which a government agency might base claims of being adequate proof of no negative health affects from EMF—but which source materials wouldn't be forthcoming if requested by a private living man acting in honor via 'conditional acceptance'.(*counter offer, under contract law)
Apologies, that's probably confusing.
Am still struggling with wrapping my mind around 'Law'.
The only legal way i can stop the installment on my property of a 'Cat-M1 IoT network connectivity platform'(*a 5G adaption to electricity meters), is by remaining in honor.
By proposing a counter offer(*requiring that i accept their offer-with a condition)—of which indirectly calls out their "no health risks" bluff such to return contractual obligations upon them.
Though specifically, the source materials ideally may potentially risk them proving to have already acted in dishonor (*maybe the materials don't exist, or are exaggerated, etc) whereby they would unlikely fulfill the counter offered contract obligations, thus forfeit implicit contract rights.
And there's already laws which means i would be in dishonor if simply denying them access,...and therefore automatically grants them the right to access my property or take legal action.
Here's some clearly articulated info & a couple of visual diagrams to better illustrate what i mean.
Basically the NZ govt claims to adhere to WHO EMF "safe exposure" guidelines.
Unsure if it's possible to invert their claims by seeking these prove true, but i'm sure they'd weasel of of it.
So am probably better off looking for substantiated information that shows EMF harms and which they can't deny.
For all i know, there an easier way to go about this,... however i'm still a novice at comprehension of 'law'.
I personally use EMF blocking clothes (beanie, shirt and underwear). I believe EMFs are coming from the ground as well so a blanket may be necessary as well.
Was looking into these and other similar protective measures last year—and also began lining my interior residence with ridiculously expensive shielding materials.
Though i eventually put the project on hold once learning that apparently some amount of EMF can penetrate even the tiniest gap.
Literally meaning the shielding essentially requires creating a multilayered & completely airtight space within which becomes shielded, much like an isolated faraday cage.
(*oh, and it also requires a means of earthing to discharge.)
So from what (very little) i currently comprehend, a mere pin prick sized hole in the shielding can allow some form of EMF to get in—basically bouncing around inside,...and pretty much acting upon the internal shielding like the inside of a microwave.
(*FYI; i'm definitely not academically trained, qualified nor experienced with regard of EMF/or related matters, so i may likely be entirely incorrect.)
Also, you talk about sleeping allows us to regenerate and repair.
i actually do know quite a lot about this.
Well, I believe this is what the grounding matts and blankets are for. These are able to transmit the healing frequency (7.83 hertz) of the earth directly into your body. Studies have shown this is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory effects more than any drug or medication.
Here's the book earthing which goes into many of the studies and anecdotal stories of people curing their advanced diseases that nobody thought was possible to heal. Also, here's the documentary of Earthing.
Amazon product ASIN 1591202833
Here's the website which sells the top of the line products to ground you to the earth.
My Grandpa used it to some how stop his sleep apnea issues. My Grandpa uses it for anytime she has pain in her hip or back. I used it to slowly heal my ulcerative colitis.
Rather fascinating.
Never tried these myself aye.
Will have to look into this more.
The craziest story is my Grandma told me about how my grandpa ran over a cat twice. She believed it had broken almost every bone in it's body. The cat crawled under the porch and sat there for a week on the cold soil with no grass. It refused food and water(first four days). Eventually after that first week it was on it's feet and started to eat again. The ground has powerfull healing benefits and since we put shoes on we have lost this connection for many generations.
Ya know i reckon this is accurate too.
i go barefoot for the exact same reason—as well as connecting with trees and other life forms rooted into the earth.
Might seem weird for some, but i've been doing this for years.
Like, for example; there's some large poplar trees down by the stream.
Usually at night while walking the cat(
she's rather dog-like)—we'll chill by the poplars for a bit.
Though i regard them as individual conscious(to a degree) entities—as opposed to simply static wood constructs lacking consciousness.
i think that's the trick.
If treating them as just wood, the grounding effect is severely limited, whereas regarding them as conscious individual creatures somehow enables a harmonious connection—thus significantly increases grounding efficacy potential and expedience.
Perhaps a figment of imagination, yet i'm certain the poplars are much healthier than two years ago.(when i'd initially moved here & begun this practice)
One last note; *air.
Consciously(*meditatively) breathing fresh air can also function to as a means of detoxifying & revitalizing.
Breathe in focusing on positive vitalized energies, breathe out negative lethargic energies.