Purebloods only. Vaxx'd cattle keep scrolling

Never heard of renting/leasing out a credit card.
Yeah it was great in the early 2010's because the banks had no idea and we were able to put on as many authorized Users (AU's) as we wanted. By 2017 they started cracking down. I lost 2 cards and eventually became more conservative with the total AU's per card (2-4 at max). For a couple years this income stream made more than my normal job. I don't know if it's even profitable anymore with all the red tape but you never know. I'm out of that game now since I'm slowly transitioning to the off grid self sufficient life style.
Well I got one cute Asian girl who said she wanted AI in her original post but she wanted me to selectt which method I'm comfortable with so natural it will be. Now we discuss the price. I showed her my picture of 3.5k per load. She laughed. I went on to explain why the sperm is worth that much and put a value on each reason and I said the overall total value is 5k but I'm giving you a discount since you are ok with natural. lmao this is better than tender, faster hookups and get paid to do it.
They're teenagers. Just curious on the fecal portion, what is it that they would do with that to make it so valuable? Seems pretty crazy. Sperm and/or bone marrow, I could understand, but why the poop? To somehow harvest the bacteria from it?
The people they're selling the FMT fecal matter transplants to are normally having severe GI issues and have tried everything else (herbs, antibiotics, surgeries, meds, biologic infusion injections, etc. None of those options worked so they're left with FMT's. These can get rid of parasites, bad bacterial overgrowth and help with autoimmune/inflammatory bowel disorders like chron's and colitis. It's the number one most effective method to get rid of C.difficile which is deadly. Ovrerall the good bacteria from the FMT is transplanted into the GI and kills off the bad bacteria and slowly the good bacteria is able to grow and improves the ratios of the microbiome. The patients can take more than one and some have take more than ten. They also need to temporarily change their diets to feed the good bacteria. Every person is different and has different reasoning for needing this treatment.

This is why it's so expensive because it's the last option but normally one of the most effective options.
There have been 60,000 excess deaths of working aged adults from Feb to March in the US this year. This is more deaths in one month than the three-year Korean war which about 54,000 American soldiers died in this time period.

My friends we're in WWIII and it's the citizens of this earth vs the Zionist Jews (children of the Devil) and they're using lethal injections, frequencies, causing "natural disasters" destroying our electrical grids, destroying the air, water, and the food and enslaving us with the digital currency combined with the social credit system.

There is no way to fight back except to live off grid and hide and pray and spread the Gospel to save as many souls and send as many demons back to hell as possible. They will win the battle, but we win the war as it was written. No matter how much power these satanists acquire they will lose in the end.

If you're a believer it's best to learn how to remove demons from people and houses or things. Do not fear them because you have the authority of Yashua and they fear him. The bible lays out the guide on how to do this properly.
As I said nearly 2 weeks ago, all these train derailments, chemical explosions, etc these are not just to depopulate but to enable the governments to seize your homes and move you into the 15 minute smart cities (prison/concentration camps). They're thinning the heard and at the same time they're gathering up the Heards so there are no free people at all on this earth.

If you own a home without a loan, do your best to obtain a land patent so the gov/coorporation cannot steal your home. Change your political status so you're no longer associated with US Inc.

Game plan for to preserve yourself and family:
1.) Change your political status (no taxes, no imminent domain, etc)
2.) Obtain a land patent off grid in the best location possible
3.) Stock Pile long term food and water storage
4.) Build up a bomb shelter and above ground buildings
5.) Grow food and farm animals
6.) Read the bible, pray, walk in the spirit, do good works
7.) Make your home completely off grid (electricity, water, filtration, plumbing, etc
8.) Ensure you have sufficient real wealth (precious metals, ownership of businesses, etc
9.) Ham Radios over cell phones for private long distance conversations
10.) Mode of transportation with a vehicle from the early 70's or earlier
11.) EMP proof everything
12.) Create your own electric bike
13.) Green houses combined with Geothermal to grow all season long and virtually any fruit or crop or plant you desire.
14.) Accumulate weapons, ammo, survival gear
15.) Build up necessary skills (survival, building, engineering, self defense, negotiations, etc
16.) Backup locations if you have to leave your land quickly and discretely
17.) Collaborate with family if you do not have all the wealth or skills reqired to pull this off.

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