One more: (Poll) Rank everything Rocky (Rocky everything hit HBOMAX yesterday)

Your favorite movie?

  • Rocky

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Rocky 2

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Rocky 3

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Rocky 4

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • Rocky 5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rocky Balboa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Creed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Creed 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Rocky for the win. 2 is maybe the best sequel ever made.

Of course I love 3 and genuinely like 4. Don't know if I cried more when Mick died or Apollo.

We will just go ahead and cancel 5.

Surprised I liked 6 (Balboa). Stallone hated 5 and took back control to redeem the franchise... and it shows.

I like Creed and Creed 2.

But nothing will top Rocky. Nothing.
Rocky for the win. 2 is maybe the best sequel ever made.

Of course I love 3 and genuinely like 4. Don't know if I cried more when Mick died or Apollo.

We will just go ahead and cancel 5.

Surprised I liked 6 (Balboa). Stallone hated 5 and took back control to redeem the franchise... and it shows.

I like Creed and Creed 2.

But nothing will top Rocky. Nothing.
Well this thread ended quickly. I’m not sure why some don’t enjoy the Creed movies.

Also, Stallone has admitted numerous times that 5 sucked.

That birth stroke that paralyzed his face and a tiny part of his brain has given us some of the greatest action movies ever.

I still think Jerry would beat him somehow though.
@tgsio only disagreement I have is T2 > Terminator and Aliens > Alien.
I did like T2 better (and I loved Terminator). That melty metal still gets me.

But I disagree with T/A vs Alien. Just didn't have the same impact for me.

Here's why I love the original Rocky. Rocky didn't win.

And I love 2 because he did, but it wasn't some ridiculous easy ass kicking. It was realistic and not Hollyweird pretty.

And Rocky was never made out to be anybody than who he was. And I still love Mick.❤
I did like T2 better (and I loved Terminator). That melty metal still gets me.

But I disagree with T/A vs Alien. Just didn't have the same impact for me.

Here's why I love the original Rocky. Rocky didn't win.

And I love 2 because he did, but it wasn't some ridiculous easy ass kicking. It was realistic and not Hollyweird pretty.

And Rocky was never made out to be anybody than who he was. And I still love Mick.❤
Not a fake feel good story like Rudy? 👍
Rocky is probably my favorite movie. It has all the qualities needed for a good story. Stallone gets a lot of crap for his acting but he's perfect for this role (I actually think he's a good actor, just chose some shit movies along the way).

In order of preference:
Rocky (The GOAT)
Rocky 2 (the scene where Adrian wakes up and tells Rocky to win, the music starts, Micky says, what are we waitin' fer!? of my favorite movie scenes. Gets me in the feels every time.)
Rocky IV (captured the cold war era perfectly)
Rocky Balboa (easy to mess this one up, but they did a good job)
Rocky III (loved this as a kid but it has not aged well. It's actually pretty comical how cheesy it is.)
Creed 2 (haven't watched but has to be better than 5)
Rocky 5
Clubber Lang/ hulk / drago
Definitely the best.
Maybe 1 too as it was great but 3 had brought the heat to young Rebarcock
I watched the 1st creed movie. Not terribly impressed. 2nd creed movie I dvr'd and still haven t watched. Should I?
I did like T2 better (and I loved Terminator). That melty metal still gets me.

But I disagree with T/A vs Alien. Just didn't have the same impact for me.

Here's why I love the original Rocky. Rocky didn't win.

And I love 2 because he did, but it wasn't some ridiculous easy ass kicking. It was realistic and not Hollyweird pretty.

And Rocky was never made out to be anybody than who he was. And I still love Mick.❤
Alien to Aliens was a complete change of direction from slow building horror in the first to action horror movie in the sequel. Both good to great films but very different types that if you’re more inclined to the action flicks you’ll like the sequel more
I really enjoyed 1-4. With 4 being my favorite. 1 and 2 were also right there.

I thought Creed, the first one, was really good as well. The rest are eh.
I think most people have it correct with rocky and rocky 2 being the obvious best.

I always thought rocky 3 had the most potential for a great movie, but was squandered in the last fight with Clubber Lang.

So rocky 3 is a great story about a champ who gets soft with the luxuries of champion life. He loses his edge that got him there in the first place. Something that we see with a lot of fighters when they become champion.

Well he loses to Lang and Apollo gets him to train with him and they go back to the hood to train. These are some of the best training scenes in Rocky. I love the strategy behind their training, which is to get Rocky lean and have his speed become his biggest strength against Lang.

Speed and endurance are what they build and in the first few rounds it works! Lang is getting destroyed in the score cards and will obviously tire out at that frenetic pace. Inexplicably, rocky decides to abandon the strategy and let Lang tire himself out by punching Rocky in the face. This works in the movie but abandons a realistic fight strategy that we've spent observing for half the movie.

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