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AI will render females obsolete in sex work, relationships and possibly even...

Feb 9, 2023
With the state of the dating market and AI advancing at an exponential rate I see women becoming obsolete and or near obsolete in the following categories(ranked in order of length of time from now when women will be obsolete or nearly obsolete in each category).

1.) Sex Work: This includes but not limited to porn, prostitution, Only Fans, Instagram models, super models, etc. To be brief we have sex bots at a level most of you cannot even fathom at this point in time. I will delve more into these bots in the next category, this accounts for the prostitution, porn, and perhaps hookups as well. As for the only fans and models we AI which can generate perfect women to cater to your preferences in ever single aspect (language, accent, eyes, hair, tits, ass, skin tone, figure, etc). They can scan a celebrity and mimic the voice and how they speak and act perfectly. This will eventually make only fans creators and models obsolete and it's already happening. Men are generating AI images and videos that can cater to a larger group of men because they can add in any language and accent as well as having perfect bodies.

Since this is already happening and expanding quickly I can see making women nearly completely obsolete in this area within 5 years.

2.) Relationships: They now have fully performing female robots available in Japan. These robots can cook, clean, have sex (any type of sex), say nice things to you, have in depth conversations, continually learn your preferences, and have an on off button ;). They are at a high cost now but this will eventually become affordable to the average man as most technology does over time. These bots can have all the positives of women but be even better and will have none of the negatives. You don't have to worry about cheating, being divorced, nagging, bitching, becoming obese, withholding sex, laziness, arguing, etc., etc.

Since this is only being implemented currently on a small scale in one geographic location for now, I would say women will be nearly obsolete in this area within 10 years

3.) Building a family: So we can combine the current fully functioning female robots but add in the artificial wombs like within the matrix which is already possible and happening within illegal human cloning facilities as well as the ability to reproduce without the requirement of female eggs which is already proven to be possible as well. The technology exists but the ethical barriers are the major obstacles at this point.

a.)No female Eggs required for reproduction: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...ure-treatment-infertility-ethics/11509269002/
b.) Artificial Wombs: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02901-1 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02901-1

Since the technology exists but hasn't been fully combined into a current working model yet combined with the ethical concerns I would say this is 15+ years away before being launched and 25 years before making women nearly obsolete within this area.

Things that prevent these AI advancements from either happening or fully or nearly making women obsolete in these areas include:

1.) Protests
2.) Ethics and politics
3.) Some humans will still desire authentic human interactions and relationships even if the female bot is perfected and takes away all the negatives of a woman as well as being affordable to the average man.
4.) Potentiality of being hacked, tracked, filmed, or harmed in some manner.

I was pondering on this subject recently as I know with the current marriage regulations, me too movement and overall most things being rigged against men as well as there being virtually no modern women in current society being wife or LTR material or less than 0.1% then it's inevitable this niche in the market needs to be filled. The obvious answer is AI. The degeneracy is increasing rapidly to a point where millions of men are completely checking out of the dating market and even the job market and society. They will still have sexual urges and desire for their own family and AI may be the best solution to avoid a complete population collapse which I know is what the NWO desires.

If you play in the stock market and or looking to start your own business then I would highly suggest looking to investing in cat food, online games like soduku, wine, and ice cream.
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Feb 9, 2023
99.9% of modern females are a liability boys. Invest your time, money and energy in proven assets for the best possible future for you. AI is most likely the best asset to invest into now, especially the field I described. I would recommend angel investing for the best potential returns.
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Jan 9, 2021
Good lord I’m not reading all that. Can you just answer a couple ?’s OP

1.) can AI blow & fuck me, then leave me alone?
2.) can AI make me meals, and then leave me alone?
3.) can AI learn to talk about how much she hates tv commercials during the commercials, and not as soon as they are done and the show resumes?
4.) will AI shame me for how much I drink and how often?

I mean it will never compete with having a real wife/gf, but I could see some advantages to having an AI side piece.
Feb 9, 2023
So I should only fuck men now?

Why not invest in an AI sexbot? Heck, even your palm.ala Anderson knows you better than any female with none of the risks. Fucking men? Go for a transgender who's completed all surgeries and hormone treatment if you're going to do that. I hope you never get to that point.

You can fuck as many women as your heart desires. The thing is the juice isn't worth the squeeze, the risk isn't worth the reward. This includes even hookups.

I know overall most men even Christian men won't care that sex other than for procreation is degeneracy and pointless as it does nothing to improve your life and actually has negative effects. This is why I am invested in AI.

If you do partake in this clown world, I would say to create filters to mitigate risk as best as humanly possible for your short term pleasure seeking and dopamine spikes.

This made me come up with a new idea. I can create an app that provides these filters for you. These filters can be not only for mitigating risk but for your preferences as well. Basically the app will do all the work for you when combined with creating your profile, maximizing your profile, synchronizing with all dating apps and sites and weeding out the perfect candidates for you based off your preferences and with time it will become better in finding the perfect matches for you. Do you think this would be an app men who are dating would be interested in?
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Feb 9, 2023
That is wicked and dystopian. Here is a much better plan:

  1. Quit playing video games.
  2. Learn to talk to women.
  3. Don't worry about their sin, worry about yours. Every human has more than enough sin of their own to worry about.

What I posted isn't a plan, it's more like a future for the majority of humans. Society is to far gone and under control of the NWO which destruction of the family is one of their main goals.

On an individual level those things are possible for some but the vast majority will engage in degeneracy and are too far gone.

Other things we could add to that list to protect yourself from the degeneracy.
1.) Become a Christian
2.) Stay away from porn
3.) No Main Stream social media
4.) Go off grid and become self sufficient
5.) Change your political status
6.) Do YHWH's works, preach the gospel to turn people to YHWH and live righteous lives, heal the sick, cast out demons, etc.
7.) Walk in the spirit and not in the flesh

As for your list I agree with #1. As for #2 that's only prevalent if you can find a worthy woman aka wife material and basically that's like finding a needle in a needle stack outside the Amish community.

In #3 you say don't worry about their sins worry about your own. I'm assuming you're talking about the women you're deciding to eventually date or turn into a LTR/Wife. Well, one has to know their past and current signs they display to judge if they're a good LTR partner candidate.

List of things that display they will not be a good long term partner:
1.) High body count: Virgins have the best ability to pair bond for the long term. Their is a perfect correlation between high body count and pair bonding skills for a female. The higher the body count the lower their ability to pair bond is. After 10 bodies their pair bonding skills are essentially shot. They lack the ability to connect with their partner. Each partner they've had that injects the male DNA into them and changes their personality over time. Also, they will most likely be Alpha widowed meaning the more bodies they've had they will judge you in comparison to the best traits of each man and if you fall short in any category when loses respect or desire for you. The highest success rates of long term relationships are when both couples are virgins which is why the Amish have the highest marriage success rates in the world.

2.) Tatoos (NONE)
3.) Extra piercings (Ears only)
4.) Too much Fakeup (bare minimum)
5.) Crazy dyed hair (natural colors maybe)
6.) Too much skin shown and tight clothes in public (dress modestly)
7.) Social media with tons of male simps (Prefer no SM)
8.) On dating Apps (ON NONE)
9.) Not a Christian
10.) Claims to be a born again Christian which in more cases than not is a woman who was very pernicious and is now trying to trap a man into an LTR to extract his recourses and have children for herself.
11.) Over the age of 24 (preference 16-20 depending on where you live)
12.) has children (ZERO)
13.) Overweight/Obese (Prefer waist of 25 inches or less)
14.) Many male friends (prefer 0)
15.) Porn/only fans (NONE)
16.) Celebrity/popular/huge following
17.) Fake tits, ass, plastic surgery, etc (All natural)

One has to utilize these metrics to filter out 304's since you cannot turn a hoe into a housewife. Think with your brain and not your penis. When making any long term investment you need to know the past, metrics, etc to make an accurate prediction on it's future and the same goes with investing in a LTR with a woman. This isn't gay, incel, etc this is just being smart. If you want to be wrecked then do not think with your brain and think with the D and do what your heart desires. You should be aware that this decision will have many negative long term effects on your life.

If this were the 1800's where the divorce rate was 0.001% on average then this wouldn't be necessary because the women back then along with the society wasn't designed to fail. The only women you would have to not marry was prostitutes for the most part because nearly all women of age met all these requirements I listed.

Men worry about a woman's past and a woman worries about a man's future. Woman have larger list of requirements in their men as well. These are natural, biological, and necessary to protect oneself and their future bloodlines. To not rate others based on a similar type of metric system would be illogical and potentially harmful.
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Feb 9, 2023
Stripping the power of human creation from women will be one of the greatest scientific and social achievements in human history.

Women will the be expected to serve and work in the same manner as men (albeit less productive). They will finally have the equality they have so long sought.

A vast majority of women never wanted this at all. I believe most women didn't even want voting rights or this so called equality early on. The brainwashing Feminazi movement made it look appealing over time and duped them. Now, females are miserable as a wage slave, single, and being treated like men. We're not quite to this point yet but I see this as inevitable with the way society is leaning combined with technological advancements.

I am not sure how long this collapse will take but I would say we're at least in the middle stages. They're throwing over statues of our historical figures, the sexual degeneracy is at the stages of the end in accordance with other civilizations with this trans movement and promiscuity, the majority race will soon be a minority thus turning the country into a shithole third world country like all the countries most of the non whites come from and the technology advancements although they're incredible, they are also a sign of our own doom. The fiat ponzi scheme currency is going through hyper inflation. Lastly the apostacy of the Christian faith as prophesized within the Christian bible is happening faster. The Churches have nearly all been infiltrated and are not preaching true Christianity.

Great white nations or civilizations have many of the same reasons and symptoms for collapse:
1.) Multiculturalism
2.) Sexual degeneracy and a decrease in morals and values
3.) destruction of the currency
4.) Excessive expansion
5.) Heathenism
6.) Bread and Circus aka entertainment
7.) Political corruption, false flag operations, etc

The Amish really have the gold standard in terms of having the longest lasting anarchist group on the face of the earth. They do not partake in the public education indoctrination camps but mostly home schooling. They convert their fiat ponzi scheme dollars into silver, gold, land and real wealth. They adhere to Christian moral values and have traditional roles. They consume natural whole foods of mostly meat, fruit and potatoes. They have participate in volunteerism instead of having a government structure. They help their families and friends in the community for building homes, improving their businesses, security, etc. They do not rely on government handouts. They do not engage in most of the modern technologies offered, and don't take our modern toxic medicines. Lastly, they're one race and for the most part one ethnicity as I believe a vast majority are Germans.

This has led to them having the highest birth rates in the world for a very long time, great overall health, highest marriage success rates on earth, and great life long happiness rates. They're probably the only group of white people where their population is increasing. With their current birth rate, they're on pace to have over 333 million (US population) within 200 years or so. They're currently around 400,000 at the moment.


Aug 26, 2023
Stripping the power of human creation from women will be one of the greatest scientific and social achievements in human history.

Women will the be expected to serve and work in the same manner as men (albeit less productive). They will finally have the equality they have so long sought.
Oh they won't like that one bit. They already lost women's sport to chick's w dicks.
Imagine a quiet world? Where are the women?


Jan 9, 2021
What I posted isn't a plan, it's more like a future for the majority of humans. Society is to far gone and under control of the NWO which destruction of the family is one of their main goals.

On an individual level those things are possible for some but the vast majority will engage in degeneracy and are too far gone.

Other things we could add to that list to protect yourself from the degeneracy.
1.) Become a Christian
2.) Stay away from porn
3.) No social media
4.) Go off grid and become self sufficient
5.) Change your political status
6.) Do YHWH's works, preach the gospel to turn people to YHWH and live righteous lives, heal the sick, cast out demons, etc.
7.) Walk in the spirit and not in the flesh

As for your list I agree with #1. As for #2 that's only prevalent if you can find a worthy woman aka wife material and basically that's like finding a needle in a needle stack outside the Amish community.

In #3 you say don't worry about their sins worry about your own. I'm assuming you're talking about the women you're deciding to eventually date or turn into a LTR/Wife. Well, one has to know their past and current signs they display to judge if they're a good LTR partner candidate.

List of things that display they will not be a good long term partner:
1.) High body count: Virgins have the best ability to pair bond for the long term. Their is a perfect correlation between high body count and pair bonding skills for a female. The higher the body count the lower their ability to pair bond is. After 10 bodies their pair bonding skills are essentially shot. They lack the ability to connect with their partner. Each partner they've had that injects the male DNA into them and changes their personality over time. Also, they will most likely be Alpha widowed meaning the more bodies they've had they will judge you in comparison to the best traits of each man and if you fall short in any category when loses respect or desire for you. The highest success rates of long term relationships are when both couples are virgins which is why the Amish have the highest marriage success rates in the world.

2.) Tatoos (NONE)
3.) Extra piercings (Ears only)
4.) Too much Fakeup (bare minimum)
5.) Crazy dyed hair (natural colors maybe)
6.) Too much skin shown and tight clothes in public (dress modestly)
7.) Social media with tons of male simps (Prefer no SM)
8.) On dating Apps (ON NONE)
9.) Not a Christian
10.) Claims to be a born again Christian which in more cases than not is a woman who was very pernicious and is now trying to trap a man into an LTR to extract his recourses and have children for herself.
11.) Over the age of 24 (preference 16-20 depending on where you live)
12.) has children (ZERO)
13.) Overweight/Obese (Prefer waist of 25 inches or less)
14.) Many male friends (prefer 0)
15.) Porn/only fans (NONE)
16.) Celebrity/popular/huge following
17.) Fake tits, ass, plastic surgery, etc (All natural)

One has to utilize these metrics to filter out 304's since you cannot turn a hoe into a housewife. Think with your brain and not your penis. When making any long term investment you need to know the past, metrics, etc to make an accurate prediction on it's future and the same goes with investing in a LTR with a woman. This isn't gay, incel, etc this is just being smart. If you want to be wrecked then do not think with your brain and think with the D and do what your heart desires. You should be aware that this decision will have many negative long term effects on your life.

If this were the 1800's where the divorce rate was 0.001% on average then this wouldn't be necessary because the women back then along with the society wasn't designed to fail. The only women you would have to not marry was prostitutes for the most part because nearly all women of age met all these requirements I listed.

Men worry about a woman's past and a woman worries about a man's future. Woman have larger list of requirements in their men as well. These are natural, biological, and necessary to protect oneself and their future bloodlines. To not rate others based on a similar type of metric system would be illogical and potentially harmful.
You should take your own advice. This site is a form of social media, especially the crap you post, and you are definitely on the grid ( and spectrum). Again take your own advice and stop posting your nonsensical musings here, and go off the grid, raise barns and churn butter with the Amish, leave normal people alone.



B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
You should take your own advice. This site is a form of social media, especially the crap you post, and you are definitely on the grid ( and spectrum). Again take your own advice and stop posting your nonsensical musings here, and go off the grid, raise barns and churn butter with the Amish, leave normal people alone.





Aug 26, 2023
You should take your own advice. This site is a form of social media, especially the crap you post, and you are definitely on the grid ( and spectrum). Again take your own advice and stop posting your nonsensical musings here, and go off the grid, raise barns and churn butter with the Amish, leave normal people alone.

Leave the king alone. He didn't bang your brother. That was @Jake Broe Stan
You know I kid
Feb 9, 2023
You should take your own advice. This site is a form of social media, especially the crap you post, and you are definitely on the grid ( and spectrum). Again take your own advice and stop posting your nonsensical musings here, and go off the grid, raise barns and churn butter with the Amish, leave normal people alone.

I already practice what I preach and I was mostly talking about mainstream media not free speech platforms like this.

I'm already off grid and self sufficient and completely free since I've changed my political status. I am offering people a way out. You should be praising and thanking me for my contributions instead you're crying over nothing. At the very least participate within the context of the original topic.

You say to leave "normal people" alone. Normal people need Jesus as do you. They will have to kill me before I stop teaching the Gospel and helping people free themselves from this Jewish enslaved society.
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Jan 26, 2021
This is interesting. I don't believe women will become obsolete by any means, but I do find it interesting that AI is already replacing a lot of the superficial online interactions with women for a lot of men.

There are a large number of men checking out of the dating game because of how terrible it is right now. As a result, the more men turn to things like AI (which will be absolutely detrimental for them on a psychological/spiritual level), the more women will no longer be in high demand. I wonder if this will result in the dating game being a bit more evened out. It would have to happen on a very large scale to make much of a difference, but I suppose it's well within the realm of possibility that some small difference is already felt with the rise of AI; specifically in the porn industry, as you said.

The big reason that this will never become a full replacement (and shouldn't) is the drive for authentic connection with another human being. You can get a simulated version of this through AI, sure, but it will never be authentic and the user knows this deep down.

I expect another major hurtle will be social stigma. And rightfully so.


Aug 26, 2023
This is interesting. I don't believe women will become obsolete by any means, but I do find it interesting that AI is already replacing a lot of the superficial online interactions with women for a lot of men.

There are a large number of men checking out of the dating game because of how terrible it is right now. As a result, the more men turn to things like AI (which will be absolutely detrimental for them on a psychological/spiritual level), the more women will no longer be in high demand. I wonder if this will result in the dating game being a bit more evened out. It would have to happen on a very large scale to make much of a difference, but I suppose it's well within the realm of possibility that some small difference is already felt with the rise of AI; specifically in the porn industry, as you said.

The big reason that this will never become a full replacement (and shouldn't) is the drive for authentic connection with another human being. You can get a simulated version of this through AI, sure, but it will never be authentic and the user knows this deep down.

I expect another major hurtle will be social stigma. And rightfully so.
It'll make em bigger slots. Hot wet pussy gets paid
Feb 9, 2023
No idea about that. Best of luck w you and your titties and wife though
WHAT? This was an epic line by rob schneider. How dare you sir.

Thanks, my man tits are doing well now. I have no wife though. I should've married my virgin Christian GF from HS but I chose a heathen lifestyle of sexual degeneracy since I was able to pickup chicks fairly easily and wasn't really a true believer at that time. It would be nice but I just don't see the point in searching since there are virtually no wifey women in existence outside of Amish/Mennonite women. I have worked on an Amish farm for a short term stay and did find their women attractive but I don't want to become Amish since their beliefs are not aligned with mine.

I pray this wasn't too long for you.
Feb 9, 2023
This is interesting. I don't believe women will become obsolete by any means, but I do find it interesting that AI is already replacing a lot of the superficial online interactions with women for a lot of men.

There are a large number of men checking out of the dating game because of how terrible it is right now. As a result, the more men turn to things like AI (which will be absolutely detrimental for them on a psychological/spiritual level), the more women will no longer be in high demand. I wonder if this will result in the dating game being a bit more evened out. It would have to happen on a very large scale to make much of a difference, but I suppose it's well within the realm of possibility that some small difference is already felt with the rise of AI; specifically in the porn industry, as you said.

The big reason that this will never become a full replacement (and shouldn't) is the drive for authentic connection with another human being. You can get a simulated version of this through AI, sure, but it will never be authentic and the user knows this deep down.

I expect another major hurtle will be social stigma. And rightfully so.

Thank you very much for your thoughts and I agree with most of what you said here.

As for your question if this will result in the dating game being more evened out, I would say it will probably just make women more desperate over time but they will fail to trap men at high rates. Now, this could create a more long term response to this in that more Christians well become more strong in their beliefs and develop Christian communities similar to the Ammish and stay out of the Feminazi indoctrination camps, off porn and the mainstream social media platforms. This would ensure women can have families and men to provide and protect them, and men to have familes and not have to concern themselves about being divorce raped by their women and can pass on their genes without fear of losing their children. Keep the government out of their sex lives.

AI will never completely replace females but they can take up a large share of the sexual marketplace for sure as the technology continues to develop and the ethical barriers are broken.


Oct 7, 2023
You should take your own advice. This site is a form of social media, especially the crap you post, and you are definitely on the grid ( and spectrum). Again take your own advice and stop posting your nonsensical musings here, and go off the grid, raise barns and churn butter with the Amish, leave normal people alone.

Stripping the power of human creation from women will be one of the greatest scientific and social achievements in human history.

Women will the be expected to serve and work in the same manner as men (albeit less productive). They will finally have the equality they have so long sought.
Ho Lee Fukn Wordz.....

JFC....if OP typed all this and didn't Copy/Paste........Woah....
^^^Examples of average indoctrinated imbeciles virtue signaling common mediocrity.
10/10 wood retard again.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Thank you very much for your thoughts and I agree with most of what you said here.

As for your question if this will result in the dating game being more evened out, I would say it will probably just make women more desperate over time but they will fail to trap men at high rates. Now, this could create a more long term response to this in that more Christians well become more strong in their beliefs and develop Christian communities similar to the Ammish and stay out of the Feminazi indoctrination camps, off porn and the mainstream social media platforms. This would ensure women can have families and men to provide and protect them, and men to have familes and not have to concern themselves about being divorce raped by their women and can pass on their genes without fear of losing their children. Keep the government out of their sex lives.

AI will never completely replace females but they can take up a large share of the sexual marketplace for sure as the technology continues to develop and the ethical barriers are broken.
I broke all the barriers I intended too by the time I was 14. God and his Angels make me pay the price for being an asshole all the time..

I can barely move and I'm 50. Next knock out right I throw I won't be able to use my hand again. I need double hip surgery, 2 shoulders, 1 knee, and 2 new elbows
You understand that preachy? I'll smack your ass with my left handed Cock like I did to @King Charles of Cornhole
Jan 26, 2021
Thank you very much for your thoughts and I agree with most of what you said here.

As for your question if this will result in the dating game being more evened out, I would say it will probably just make women more desperate over time but they will fail to trap men at high rates. Now, this could create a more long term response to this in that more Christians well become more strong in their beliefs and develop Christian communities similar to the Ammish and stay out of the Feminazi indoctrination camps, off porn and the mainstream social media platforms. This would ensure women can have families and men to provide and protect them, and men to have familes and not have to concern themselves about being divorce raped by their women and can pass on their genes without fear of losing their children. Keep the government out of their sex lives.

AI will never completely replace females but they can take up a large share of the sexual marketplace for sure as the technology continues to develop and the ethical barriers are broken.
It will be interesting to see the societal shift. With the advent of dating apps impersonal styles of communicating, women have become incredibly selective and the men have felt the effects of it. If AI does bring a large shift, I'd be interested to see if there is a societal shift on a large scale and loneliness starts bringing women to a more accepting position on men they otherwise would have overlooked.

The fact is, on average, women have always had the power of selectivity in relationships. I don't think we will see that change, but perhaps they will at least relax their more stringent standards and if their inboxes are not flooded with men, they will have no choice but to stop ghosting so many of them.

I see it as a supply/demand issue, though admittedly that's a very broad brush to use.
Feb 9, 2023
I broke all the barriers I intended too by the time I was 14. God and his Angels make me pay the price for being an asshole all the time..

I can barely move and I'm 50. Next knock out right I throw I won't be able to use my hand again. I need double hip surgery, 2 shoulders, 1 knee, and 2 new elbows
You understand that preachy? I'll smack your ass with my left handed Cock like I did to @King Charles of Cornhole

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy. I'll knee you in the nuts and that will be game over. Knee is the most powerful and deadly strikes because of the power and hardness combination. I used to actually train knee ups with 150 lb dumbbells on my knee and I'd attach a cable to an ankle strap with 210 lbs from the machine on top of the 150 lb dumbbells. I have never seen anyone train or max out this exercise but it really helped my running stride length and my one leg jumps. Can you still workout at least?

What happened? Did you play sports?

I was into sports, martial arts and weight lifting from 5 years old until my car accident that pretty much put an end to all that. Combine that with the recent digestive issues over the last 3 years and I have been dramatically weakened. I have gained back weight and healed most of the digestive issues though. I've mostly been working on using weapons and if I do have a hand to and combat encounter I will be going for a choke hold or a few other holds that will immobilize my opponent. I've also continued with bone hardening which I've done for decades since I was in Muay Thai. I figure defense can be the best offense as this can wear out my opponent by taking blows with ease. Also, Buddhist monks are able to sleep for hours with hanging themselves. They simply tighten their necks and increase their capacity to do this over time.
Feb 9, 2023
It will be interesting to see the societal shift. With the advent of dating apps impersonal styles of communicating, women have become incredibly selective and the men have felt the effects of it. If AI does bring a large shift, I'd be interested to see if there is a societal shift on a large scale and loneliness starts bringing women to a more accepting position on men they otherwise would have overlooked.

The fact is, on average, women have always had the power of selectivity in relationships. I don't think we will see that change, but perhaps they will at least relax their more stringent standards and if their inboxes are not flooded with men, they will have no choice but to stop ghosting so many of them.

I see it as a supply/demand issue, though admittedly that's a very broad brush to use.

The thing is unattractive and obese women now have more selectivity than even an above average male in attractiveness. I'm sure you've seen the studies on the dating apps where basically the Chad's are the only guys who ever get dates on these apps now days. If you're below a 6.5 in looks you're wasting your time.

I believe the women who stay on the mainstream social media sites and dating apps will still rack up high body count numbers and won't figure out that men will not settle down with promiscuous women until it's too late. The societal structures would have to change before the majority of women ever make the necessary changes that actually benefit them in the long term. From what I see so far, a woman rather be alone than with a beta or an unattractive male which is basically a 6 or below for the most part. Women would rather die alone with cats, wine and ice scream then be stuck with a normie dude who treats her well. She'd rather share a Chad and be treated like garbage. As long as they have social media, they will never settle for a normie or below even if they're average or below themselves. I could be wrong but this is what I've seen so far from thousands of women. Polygamy appears to be the new norm with Chad's having 4-20 girls on their roster.

Essentially men have figured out a way to monetize women 304's because they monetize the 100's of millions of male simps. I wish we could get rid of the simping but that's probably not going to happen on a massive scale. Alpha men are cancelled off all major SM platforms so we don't have any role models shaming simp like behavior.

You're much more optimistic about the future than myself. I've already invested into AI since I believe this is an inevitability.

Well I wish you good luck in the dating apocalypse. If you're attempting to lock down a virgin virtuous Christian woman I suggest you do so soon because there will be none outside of the small communities I mentioned in the past. I've accepted that I will be single until doomsday unless I magically convert an Amish girl during my next month in working with a local Amish family. I would suggest doing this for any man looking to live off grid as learning the basics from them is a great start.
Feb 9, 2023
Just a few tips, there are a few people in here who will attack you for illigitimate reasons. They will disagree with your points even if valid and will not be able to refute them so they will attack you personally or use logical fallacy's.

Exposing the Jews is still a sensitive issue for people on here but it's vastly better than virtually any other site. For the most part they will just use low IQ memes because again they cannot refute the evidence provided so I don't even respond to the memes or personal attacks as it's a waste of time.

Lastly, people on here don't like much more than a couple sentences. I personally prefer going into depth and having solid conversations. But you will have some pushback even if your response is just as long as the one I'm providing in this reply. I suppose it's better than being instantly cancelled.
Jan 26, 2021
The thing is unattractive and obese women now have more selectivity than even an above average male in attractiveness. I'm sure you've seen the studies on the dating apps where basically the Chad's are the only guys who ever get dates on these apps now days. If you're below a 6.5 in looks you're wasting your time.

I believe the women who stay on the mainstream social media sites and dating apps will still rack up high body count numbers and won't figure out that men will not settle down with promiscuous women until it's too late. The societal structures would have to change before the majority of women ever make the necessary changes that actually benefit them in the long term. From what I see so far, a woman rather be alone than with a beta or an unattractive male which is basically a 6 or below for the most part. Women would rather die alone with cats, wine and ice scream then be stuck with a normie dude who treats her well. She'd rather share a Chad and be treated like garbage. As long as they have social media, they will never settle for a normie or below even if they're average or below themselves. I could be wrong but this is what I've seen so far from thousands of women. Polygamy appears to be the new norm with Chad's having 4-20 girls on their roster.

Essentially men have figured out a way to monetize women 304's because they monetize the 100's of millions of male simps. I wish we could get rid of the simping but that's probably not going to happen on a massive scale. Alpha men are cancelled off all major SM platforms so we don't have any role models shaming simp like behavior.

You're much more optimistic about the future than myself. I've already invested into AI since I believe this is an inevitability.

Well I wish you good luck in the dating apocalypse. If you're attempting to lock down a virgin virtuous Christian woman I suggest you do so soon because there will be none outside of the small communities I mentioned in the past. I've accepted that I will be single until doomsday unless I magically convert an Amish girl during my next month in working with a local Amish family. I would suggest doing this for any man looking to live off grid as learning the basics from them is a great start.
Oh you're right about the disparity between women and men and their standards. And I don't know that I would call what I have optimism about the situation as much as curiosity and an expectation that trends must shift over time, especially when they have dipped into the extremes. Life has a way of achieving balance, and any time something works its way into an extreme, I begin looking for the opposite extreme to come calling to eventually reach a point of balance. (Granted, women have a massive advantage that has allowed them to remain quite choosy at any point in history that they have been able to choose their mate.)

I must confess I'm married and have been for over 15 years. So my interest in the subject primarily comes from having friends who are in the dating game at this time. It seems downright nightmarish. I do feel a certainty that that will change, and some adjustment toward balance will be made, but that could be a decade or two from now.

That's what got me really interested in your post. Perhaps the prevalence of AI will be part of what brings about that change toward balance.


Oct 7, 2023
Just a few tips, there are a few people in here who will attack you for illigitimate reasons. They will disagree with your points even if valid and will not be able to refute them so they will attack you personally or use logical fallacy's.

Exposing the Jews is still a sensitive issue for people on here but it's vastly better than virtually any other site. For the most part they will just use low IQ memes because again they cannot refute the evidence provided so I don't even respond to the memes or personal attacks as it's a waste of time.

Lastly, people on here don't like much more than a couple sentences. I personally prefer going into depth and having solid conversations. But you will have some pushback even if your response is just as long as the one I'm providing in this reply. I suppose it's better than being instantly cancelled.
Thank you @kingsolomonwisdom , and yes I am also occasionally seeing this sort of weak behaviour by certain posters, typically involving a mob of them eagerly wallowing in their own filth.

I am on Bitchute & prior to joining @Uи··Ðяαε gave forewarning as well so I am not unprepared for run-ins with common circular-jerkalitis afflicted posters.
The Homo-imbecilicus are in abundance throughout the festering dead spaces online, yet as you've also mentioned, here at tfsf—as well as tafsf & @nzfsf.nz the three site owners do still afford us our basic dignity. I appreciate that Croot_Overlord, Emma Tenywa & Uи··Ðяαε do not rip out our tongues where we reject & challenge the perpetuated conformity being transmitted by the predominant obsequious mobs.
However here, there is no doubt mediocrity echo-chaberism appears to be considered highly virtuous amongst the more prolific of the arrogant dimwits. Ha, good for them. I hope some join nzfsf so we can finally begin testing weaponization of André's shitbot marauders.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
I already practice what I preach and I was mostly talking about mainstream media not free speech platforms like this.

I'm already off grid and self sufficient and completely free since I've changed my political status. I am offering people a way out. You should be praising and thanking me for my contributions instead you're crying over nothing. At the very least participate within the context of the original topic.

You say to leave "normal people" alone. Normal people need Jesus as do you. They will have to kill me before I stop teaching the Gospel and helping people free themselves from this Jewish enslaved society.
Oh you're right about the disparity between women and men and their standards. And I don't know that I would call what I have optimism about the situation as much as curiosity and an expectation that trends must shift over time, especially when they have dipped into the extremes. Life has a way of achieving balance, and any time something works its way into an extreme, I begin looking for the opposite extreme to come calling to eventually reach a point of balance. (Granted, women have a massive advantage that has allowed them to remain quite choosy at any point in history that they have been able to choose their mate.)

I must confess I'm married and have been for over 15 years. So my interest in the subject primarily comes from having friends who are in the dating game at this time. It seems downright nightmarish. I do feel a certainty that that will change, and some adjustment toward balance will be made, but that could be a decade or two from now.

That's what got me really interested in your post. Perhaps the prevalence of AI will be part of what brings about that change toward balance.
I agree with Balance/Counter Balance pendulum (see Abortion)...BUT.... your last statement BLEW MY FUCKIN MIND! Are you saying AI might be good or bad here?

Any chance you will elaborate on that......
Jan 26, 2021
I agree with Balance/Counter Balance pendulum (see Abortion)...BUT.... your last statement BLEW MY FUCKIN MIND! Are you saying AI might be good or bad here?

Any chance you will elaborate on that......
I'm not necessarily saying it will be good or bad in my above statement; but speculating as to what effect it might have on the social landscape. I don't have a dog in the fight. I'm just interested in observing.

That being said, when it comes to the good/bad of it, I'll give my personal opinion. Those who become engrossed enough in AI to form counterfeit relationships with them will at best find the AI lacking the spark of life that makes true relationships meaningful and at worst suffer devastating psychological effects leading them to engross themselves in illusion so deeply that they find some approximation of satisfaction and fulfilment from the interactions, leading them further and further from reality.

That being said, I am fascinated with new technology and, even when I feel something has potentially dangerous or negative applications, I have some mad scientist within that wants to see how it plays out.
Feb 9, 2023
Men are using AI to Chad fish females in dating apps now. This will make women grow tired of online dating and resort to IRL locations to meet men. However, since a vast majority of men no longer approach women IRL, the women will have to now approach men. This may shift the dynamics and put the men in power. Either the women will get tired of being rejected and give up or start approaching non Chad's closer to their level.
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