Jake Bro Stan & ETNVOL - just ignore and do not engage

Guys why engage ? Jake Bro is a troll, all you have to do is stop engaging and ignore them as a user and boom he is gone. ETNVOl is the all judging know it all christian. Its pretty easy to solve the problem
99% of the time none of you can dispute what etnvol says so you just resort to calling him a retard and other dumbass stuff.

Watching some of you argue with him is like watching a 3rd grader argue with a Rhodes scholar.
99% of the time none of you can dispute what etnvol says so you just resort to calling him a retard and other dumbass stuff.

Watching some of you argue with him is like watching a 3rd grader argue with a Rhodes scholar.

I find it funny just because juju agree with his sentiment I am wrong for disagreeing. So how about you go stuff your judgemental cock in your mouth. Better yet go do it tk your neighbor
I find it funny just because juju agree with his sentiment I am wrong for disagreeing. So how about you go stuff your judgemental cock in your mouth. Better yet go do it tk your neighbor
Are you hammered already? Post a coherent message and I’ll respond, but this is just a bunch of gibberish.

If it was up to some of you buttfuckers, like yourself, this would just be an echo chamber of posters gargling trumps cock. The way some of you worship certain politicians is disturbing.

Why is it important to engage?

I argue that when false info is put out in the open, it must be opposed. The reason for this is not self gratification or "to have the last word", it is to give the silent reader, the one who might be looking for the truth, a moment of pause, before they trust.
Agreed. That is why we have to push back against all the Russian disinformation!

Why is it important to engage?

I argue that when false info is put out in the open, it must be opposed. The reason for this is not self gratification or "to have the last word", it is to give the silent reader, the one who might be looking for the truth, a moment of pause, before they trust.
A majority of what he posts are quotes directly from trumps mouth, and posters on here can’t deal with that, or with being wrong about a lot of shit, so they then spazz out and can’t even respond without being belligerent and deflecting from the original topic.

They call lefties cultists but can’t even see themselves acting like cultists themselves.

I support certain candidates by voting for them, but would never allow myself to blindly believe everything that comes out of any politicians mouth like most of the downies on here do.
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A majority of what he posts are quotes directly from trumps mouth, and posters on here can’t deal with that, or with being wrong about a lot of shit, so they then spazz out and can’t even respond without being belligerent and deflecting from the original topic.

They call lefties cultists but can’t even see themselves acting like cultists themselves.

I support certain candidates by voting for them, but would never allow myself to blindly believe everything that comes out of any politicians mouth like most of the downies on here do

ALL politicians are scumbag cocksucking motherfuckers, Trump is no different.
Guys why engage ? Jake Bro is a troll, all you have to do is stop engaging and ignore them as a user and boom he is gone. @ETNVol is the all judging know it all christian is a TRAITOR FAGGIT who hates AMERICA. Its pretty easy to solve the problem

Also you are correct and Im sorry to you and any other decent NON POS Vols for having such a loser in yore fanbase (just know unfortunately we all have a few and never judge fanbases by those Faggits!).
99% of the time none of you can dispute what etnvol says so you just resort to calling him a retard and other dumbass stuff.

Watching some of you argue with him is like watching a 3rd grader argue with a Rhodes scholar.
OR TJ, you too are an uneducated retard like he is and miss the fact that most of us aren't arguing with him (No Point, his TDS is akin to The Squad) BUT laughing and making fun of him. The same way we treat you.
Disinformation is a form of propaganda involving the dissemination of false information with the deliberate intent to deceive or mislead.

An example would be Russia’s economic data provided to the IMF or by their central bank. Another example would be to say Russia isn’t committing war crimes.
I see, and this is evil right? I mean the Russians have to be stopped because of this! Right?
I see, and this is evil right? I mean the Russians have to be stopped because of this! Right?
If the Russians were just liars nobody would really pay attention or care. They would be like most other authoritarian regimes in that regard.

The reason the Russians must be stopped is because if people don’t start pushing back they will just keep invading their neighbors. They’ve been doing it for hundreds of years.

The war crimes and genocide are just the icing on the cake.

Russia is essentially Noko but much more dangerous given the biological, chemical, and nuclear arsenals of the country.
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If the Russians were just liars nobody would really pay attention or care.
So this means that they sometimes tell the truth?
they will just keep invading their neighbors
Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 04-53-16 Historical Atlas of Europe (24 March 1945) Invasion of Germany.pngabove is Europe in the end of WW2Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 04-54-30 Historical Atlas of Europe (24 June 2023) Wagner Group rebel...png
above is current map

It would seem that you statement is false, according to this Liberal, Pro Ukrainian map, easily obtainable online.

So, it would also seem that perhaps you have, in your short reply to me, have spread misinformation. Of course not Russian misinformation like you state, but misinformation nonetheless.

Earlier, you eluded to "stopping the Russians". I ask to you Sir, by what means should they be stopped? You are the pot called the kettle black, what should be done with you??????

I see what others are saying, and you remind me of this one member on here ,who was many, and still is.
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If the Russians were just liars nobody would really pay attention or care. They would be like most other authoritarian regimes in that regard.

The reason the Russians must be stopped is because if people don’t start pushing back they will just keep invading their neighbors. They’ve been doing it for hundreds of years.

The war crimes and genocide are just the icing on the cake.

Russia is essentially Noko but much more dangerous given the biological, chemical, and nuclear arsenals of the country.

Do you believe the Russian Collusion narrative was disinformation? Outright lies? Are those the same thing?
Do you believe the Russian Collusion narrative was disinformation? Outright lies? Are those the same thing?
Disinformation can be outright lies.

Assuming that you are referring to the Trump & Russia collusion narrative formed by the Clinton team then yes that could also be considered disinformation. What the Clinton team did was wrong.

However, Trump’s position on the intelligence community warranted an investigation by a special prosecutor into his ties with Russia. He was himself peddling Russian disinformation & misinformation by stating the Russians didn’t interfere in the election when we know with absolute certainty now that they did with those troll farms.

Trump’s recent assertion that Russia is justified in keeping the land that they currently occupy in Ukraine is more Russian disinformation. Russia has no legal or moral justification whatsoever to any Ukrainian land including the Donbas and Crimea.

RFK Jr peddles Russian disinformation too. He suggested that somehow Russia isn’t solely responsible for the war in Ukraine.
So this means that they sometimes tell the truth?

View attachment 187788above is Europe in the end of WW2View attachment 187789
above is current map

It would seem that you statement is false, according to this Liberal, Pro Ukrainian map, easily obtainable online.

So, it would also seem that perhaps you have, in your short reply to me, have spread misinformation. Of course not Russian misinformation like you state, but misinformation nonetheless.

Earlier, you eluded to "stopping the Russians". I ask to you Sir, by what means should they be stopped? You are the pot called the kettle black, what should be done with you??????

I see what others are saying, and you remind me of this one member on here ,who was many, and still is.
What does the Russian occupied territory after WW2 have to do with anything?

It’s not like Russia had legal rights to those lands. They should have done exactly like The US did and give all the land back to the individual states, returned their right of self governance, and paid to rebuild them.

It’s a real shame that The US saved the Soviets from the Nazis just to have the Soviets turn around and act worse than the Nazis. The Russians owe their whole existence to The US and should be grateful we allowed them to continue to exist.
Disinformation can be outright lies.

Assuming that you are referring to the Trump & Russia collusion narrative formed by the Clinton team then yes that could also be considered disinformation. What the Clinton team did was wrong.

However, Trump’s position on the intelligence community warranted an investigation by a special prosecutor into his ties with Russia. He was himself peddling Russian disinformation & misinformation by stating the Russians didn’t interfere in the election when we know with absolute certainty now that they did with those troll farms.

Trump’s recent assertion that Russia is justified in keeping the land that they currently occupy in Ukraine is more Russian disinformation. Russia has no legal or moral justification whatsoever to any Ukrainian land including the Donbas and Crimea.

RFK Jr peddles Russian disinformation too. He suggested that somehow Russia isn’t solely responsible for the war in Ukraine.

The dems hatred of Russia is borderline irrational at this point.
So you are saying that we should hate all Russians and that they are all complete monsters? That is an irrational take.
Not all. There are plenty of children in the country that are innocent.

However, the country that is Russia needs dismantled and broken into pieces just like what happened to the Soviet Union.
I see Broe stain is still spreading the word of the liberal ideology (which is one of complete crap) His trolling is still terrible though.
I’m far from a liberal or spreading liberal ideology.

As I’ve said I’m very nationalist. There is no denying that breaking up and defeating one of The United State’s greatest enemies would be good America.

Once we are done defeating Russia in detail we will be able to shift more focus, energy, and resources to defeating China.
And why do you think that Russia needs to be dismantled?
Several hundred years of history mixed with what I pointed out above. The war crimes and their disgusting behavior is just the cherry on top so to speak.

It’s The US vs Russia and if we don’t commit to total victory we leave ourselves open to the possibility of having damage inflected by them or having them attempt to limit US hegemony.
Not all. There are plenty of children in the country that are innocent.

However, the country that is Russia needs dismantled and broken into pieces just like what happened to the Soviet Union.

Spoken like a PEDO!

War creates chaos which allows for stealing kids (see Haiti).
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Spoken like a PEDO!

War create chaos which allows for stealing kids (see Haiti).
Acknowledging that children are innocent makes someone a pedo? Do you think Jesus was a pedo too then?

You’re right that war creates chaos which allows for stealing kids. It’s a part of the reason Russia invaded Ukraine, and so many other neighboring countries, over the years.

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