What can you do to help our movement?


Our movement being a grassroots effort to help save our beloved country from sliding into the socialist abyss. I know we all feel like we are drowning in it from day to day and the feeling of helplessness can seep into our psyche. I enjoy the company on this board because we help pick each other up from falling into that feeling of despair. I think others here feel that same bond.

So, what can we do to help our movement and our cause?

I see this question posed at least a couple of times a day on this site in different threads. I thought it would be beneficial to create a thread that can serve as a repository for things you have done in your community/with your family and friends in an attempt to red pill or at the very least open people's eyes to what is going on who might otherwise be oblivious. These can be major events or instances or even minor occurrences in our day to day lives . Anything and everything is welcome that will help move the needle. I will get us started with a few things I have either done or have considered doing.

-took my dog to the vet yesterday. Our clinic is still doing curbside pickup of the pup and we the parents aren't allowed into the actual vet's office for the visit. This drives me crazy. I want to be in the room so there can be open dialogue about whatever issue we might be there for. I really like this clinic and shared that sentiment with our vet on the phone after they brought my dog back out to me in the parking lot. I also asked her when, or if, they planned on returning to normal for our visits. She gave me a canned response about safety of their employees, blah blah blah. I let her know that I will be shopping for a new vet that allows pet parents into the clinic for the consultation. She is a partner and a businesswoman so my comment definitely resonated with her and made her think. She said she would bring it up in the next staff meeting and get back with me. This is a pretty minor example of something you can do to help get things back to normal.

-I have also become very outspoken to people in the community who wear Beto shirts or have Biden/Harris bumper stickers on their cars or whatever. I challenge them to tell me what specifically it is they support in these particular politicians and I don't accept the Orange Man Bad response. Make these people think critically. Don't be a dick, be genuine in your tone and inflection. I have made some headway with strangers in parking lots or retail stores and with friends or associates who I engage with on this subject. It's time to be vocal.

-This is something I have yet to do because I need to clear up any legal obstacles or barriers that might prevent me from doing this. I want to print up thousands of stickers that say something to the effect of "Made in China- Buy American" and stick them on shelves where there are products Made in China. This could be in a grocery store, a hardware store, a retail shop. Whatever. I just want to create some awareness to people who might otherwise not even think about it and I think a sticker like this right in their face might make them think twice about purchasing that item. Any lawyers care to chime in on anything I would be on the hook for if I followed through with this? If I came across an uppity store manager could they get me on vandalism or any other similar charge? This is the only thing holding me back. I've already created the prototype sticker with a local sticker shop. I just haven't sent it to production yet.

-we have quit ordering from Chewy.com after they discontinued My Pillow products and we let them know why. That's probably ~$100/month taken offer their balance sheet. If thousands other follow suit, they will think twice about going woke if they don't want to go broke. I encourage other pet owners to do the same. Local source American made products for your fur babies and let Chewy know you are out.

-Lastly, get involved with local politics. School board. City council. Anything. This is a major way to help stop the rot and decay in our communities being propagated by these progressive ideologies. My wife is currently being recruited by the Central Texas Republican Women's Club(or something to that effect). She is a conservative Latina and they are salivating over her potential candidacy. We are mulling it over and wonder what kind of mud we would be dragged through and subjected to.

Anyway, TL/DR, get involved. The time is now to get active before it's too late.

Please share anything you might have done or have considered doing in this thread. My hope is that this will inspire people to get involved.
Fantastic thread.

I would also add. Stop wearing the fvcking mask. I walked into Walmart last night in a county in washtenaw county in Michigan (Biden +65 and most liberal county in Michigan even more than Wayne with Detroit) and didn’t wear one. Workers looked and didn’t say shit. Others had theirs off.

If you need something and they ask you to then ok don’t be a dick but make them ask you to put it on.
Fantastic thread.

I would also add. Stop wearing the fvcking mask. I walked into Walmart last night in a county in washtenaw county in Michigan (Biden +65 and most liberal county in Michigan even more than Wayne with Detroit) and didn’t wear one. Workers looked and didn’t say shit. Others had theirs off.

If you need something and they ask you to then ok don’t be a dick but make them ask you to put it on.
I haven’t been wearing a mask since the beginning in the GOAT state of Idaho
Fantastic thread.

I would also add. Stop wearing the fvcking mask. I walked into Walmart last night in a county in washtenaw county in Michigan (Biden +65 and most liberal county in Michigan even more than Wayne with Detroit) and didn’t wear one. Workers looked and didn’t say shit. Others had theirs off.

If you need something and they ask you to then ok don’t be a dick but make them ask you to put it on.

Went to the Texas ou baseball game last night and forgot my mask in the car. Realized it about halfway to the stadium and decided I would just go in without it and take my chances. Nobody said a word to me walking in or at anytime walking around the stadium. Felt really good. Felt normal again.
Something that might help would be sharing good things that Trump et al accomplished since the msm never reported on it. Having that info readily accessible would be good as well. That plus why the things the left are doing are bad, why socialism/communism is bad, etc. Truly red pilling with facts. It won’t work for everyone but if you can get just one, then you’ve succeeded. I don’t have this information which is something I’ve wanted to gather but with kids, wife, job, etc. there’s only so many hours in a day.
We need to get red voters into the swing states.

Can't have these lefties moving to Texas, Georgia, and AZ and there not be similar movements by sane Americans.

Problem is, Democrats can easily move people out of CA, IL, and NY without sacrificing anything. Republicans don't have pools of voters they can draw from like that. You have small populations already in middle America (where Democrats are pushing the Californians), and most southern Republicans don't want to move out of the south.
Something that might help would be sharing good things that Trump et al accomplished since the msm never reported on it. Having that info readily accessible would be good as well. That plus why the things the left are doing are bad, why socialism/communism is bad, etc. Truly red pilling with facts. It won’t work for everyone but if you can get just one, then you’ve succeeded. I don’t have this information which is something I’ve wanted to gather but with kids, wife, job, etc. there’s only so many hours in a day.

Absolutely. There is plenty of ammunition there for sure. About two terms worth crammed into a quick four years.

And further, pointing things out happening on this administrations’s watch that people are oblivious to since the media won’t report it. Border crisis. Syria strike. Losing energy independence status. China moving on Taiwan/Hong Kong/Philippines.
Problem is, Democrats can easily move people out of CA, IL, and NY without sacrificing anything. Republicans don't have pools of voters they can draw from like that. You have small populations already in middle America (where Democrats are pushing the Californians), and most southern Republicans don't want to move out of the south.

Californians and New Yorkers are definitely moving here in droves. The two I have had the opportunity to address in a one on one setting are not bringing votes for the failed policies they are fleeing, so that’s been good news. Hoping to get the chance to speak with more
Problem is, Democrats can easily move people out of CA, IL, and NY without sacrificing anything. Republicans don't have pools of voters they can draw from like that. You have small populations already in middle America (where Democrats are pushing the Californians), and most southern Republicans don't want to move out of the south.
This is where people need to think outside of the box and make hard sacrifices.

No red voter should be living in blue states like Cali, Oregon, Washington, NY, and the New England states.
Fantastic thread.

I would also add. Stop wearing the fvcking mask. I walked into Walmart last night in a county in washtenaw county in Michigan (Biden +65 and most liberal county in Michigan even more than Wayne with Detroit) and didn’t wear one. Workers looked and didn’t say shit. Others had theirs off.

If you need something and they ask you to then ok don’t be a dick but make them ask you to put it on.
Posted this a few days ago, but last weekend I was staying at a Marriott. It was like 1am and I walked up to the front desk to get a bottle opener and the black lady jumped back and told me she couldn’t help me if I didn’t have a mask. I called her a sheep and then proceeded to baaaahhhhhh at her.
Thought about another issue to raise with people who might not otherwise be paying attention. Here in Austin our progressive city council and city leadership are steamrolling down the path of idiocy like California and NY with defund the police and no cash bail. I'm realizing that friends and neighbors don't have an understanding of what exactly no cash bail is. It's been eye opening for a few when I educate them on the subject and point out that's the biggest factor in why their Nextdoor apps are blowing up with car thefts and break ins, home burglaries and package theft off their front porch. When criminals commit these crimes and are apprehended for them, they are simply processed and released back into the public to commit the exact same crimes, sometimes hours after being released. There is zero deterrence to this criminal behavior.

It's amazing how people have fallen asleep and allowed these senseless policies into our communities. If you live in an area where no cash bail is a thing, educate people on the dangers of it and how the only end result is a community that is less safe.
I don't have the money, education, or experience to do it myself, but I've been thinking an "America First" venture capitalist group should be able to get a lot of support if done right. I'm sure there are some out there already, but a lot of money is going to be needed to build a competing economy.
Same. I'm just poor white trash on a meme jihad.
Well at least tag the faggot:
@America 1st
-This is something I have yet to do because I need to clear up any legal obstacles or barriers that might prevent me from doing this. I want to print up thousands of stickers that say something to the effect of "Made in China- Buy American" and stick them on shelves where there are products Made in China. This could be in a grocery store, a hardware store, a retail shop. Whatever. I just want to create some awareness to people who might otherwise not even think about it and I think a sticker like this right in their face might make them think twice about purchasing that item. Any lawyers care to chime in on anything I would be on the hook for if I followed through with this? If I came across an uppity store manager could they get me on vandalism or any other similar charge? This is the only thing holding me back. I've already created the prototype sticker with a local sticker shop. I just haven't sent it to production yet.

Looking for some input on this from our LAC lawyers on the board. Anyone?
Took me a minute but just let Chewy know to get bent.
Be sure to let them know why. That's where they will feel the impact and hopefully rethink their wokeism. I like to think this thread has hit them in the pocketbook for thousands of dollars in annual losses. Let's get that number up to tens of thousands, crootrs.

Edit: Chewy responded:

We appreciate you sharing your thoughts. We're sorry to see to see go, but we're always here for you if you ever need us in the future.

Warm regards,
Last edited:
What are we doing to get back at the MLB?

Let's discuss it. Take our business away from big title/corporate sponsors? I'm still holding out hope that the blowback from players and coaches and club leadership will be enough to keep the game in Atlanta. Maybe when Manfred realizes the voting laws in New York are more restrictive than the legislation just passed in Georgia he will admit he's an idiot and we can move forward.
Something that might help would be sharing good things that Trump et al accomplished since the msm never reported on it. Having that info readily accessible would be good as well. That plus why the things the left are doing are bad, why socialism/communism is bad, etc. Truly red pilling with facts. It won’t work for everyone but if you can get just one, then you’ve succeeded. I don’t have this information which is something I’ve wanted to gather but with kids, wife, job, etc. there’s only so many hours in a day.
Our movement being a grassroots effort to help save our beloved country from sliding into the socialist abyss. I know we all feel like we are drowning in it from day to day and the feeling of helplessness can seep into our psyche. I enjoy the company on this board because we help pick each other up from falling into that feeling of despair. I think others here feel that same bond.

So, what can we do to help our movement and our cause?

I see this question posed at least a couple of times a day on this site in different threads. I thought it would be beneficial to create a thread that can serve as a repository for things you have done in your community/with your family and friends in an attempt to red pill or at the very least open people's eyes to what is going on who might otherwise be oblivious. These can be major events or instances or even minor occurrences in our day to day lives . Anything and everything is welcome that will help move the needle. I will get us started with a few things I have either done or have considered doing.

-took my dog to the vet yesterday. Our clinic is still doing curbside pickup of the pup and we the parents aren't allowed into the actual vet's office for the visit. This drives me crazy. I want to be in the room so there can be open dialogue about whatever issue we might be there for. I really like this clinic and shared that sentiment with our vet on the phone after they brought my dog back out to me in the parking lot. I also asked her when, or if, they planned on returning to normal for our visits. She gave me a canned response about safety of their employees, blah blah blah. I let her know that I will be shopping for a new vet that allows pet parents into the clinic for the consultation. She is a partner and a businesswoman so my comment definitely resonated with her and made her think. She said she would bring it up in the next staff meeting and get back with me. This is a pretty minor example of something you can do to help get things back to normal.

-I have also become very outspoken to people in the community who wear Beto shirts or have Biden/Harris bumper stickers on their cars or whatever. I challenge them to tell me what specifically it is they support in these particular politicians and I don't accept the Orange Man Bad response. Make these people think critically. Don't be a dick, be genuine in your tone and inflection. I have made some headway with strangers in parking lots or retail stores and with friends or associates who I engage with on this subject. It's time to be vocal.

-This is something I have yet to do because I need to clear up any legal obstacles or barriers that might prevent me from doing this. I want to print up thousands of stickers that say something to the effect of "Made in China- Buy American" and stick them on shelves where there are products Made in China. This could be in a grocery store, a hardware store, a retail shop. Whatever. I just want to create some awareness to people who might otherwise not even think about it and I think a sticker like this right in their face might make them think twice about purchasing that item. Any lawyers care to chime in on anything I would be on the hook for if I followed through with this? If I came across an uppity store manager could they get me on vandalism or any other similar charge? This is the only thing holding me back. I've already created the prototype sticker with a local sticker shop. I just haven't sent it to production yet.

-we have quit ordering from Chewy.com after they discontinued My Pillow products and we let them know why. That's probably ~$100/month taken offer their balance sheet. If thousands other follow suit, they will think twice about going woke if they don't want to go broke. I encourage other pet owners to do the same. Local source American made products for your fur babies and let Chewy know you are out.

-Lastly, get involved with local politics. School board. City council. Anything. This is a major way to help stop the rot and decay in our communities being propagated by these progressive ideologies. My wife is currently being recruited by the Central Texas Republican Women's Club(or something to that effect). She is a conservative Latina and they are salivating over her potential candidacy. We are mulling it over and wonder what kind of mud we would be dragged through and subjected to.

Anyway, TL/DR, get involved. The time is now to get active before it's too late.

Please share anything you might have done or have considered doing in this thread. My hope is that this will inspire people to get involved.

Excellent post! Thank you for sharing so many good thoughts and reflections. I hope your article will spur more people into action, and encourage them to write an article to share on the level that you have. Thank you ttyh!
Our movement being a grassroots effort to help save our beloved country from sliding into the socialist abyss. I know we all feel like we are drowning in it from day to day and the feeling of helplessness can seep into our psyche. I enjoy the company on this board because we help pick each other up from falling into that feeling of despair. I think others here feel that same bond.

So, what can we do to help our movement and our cause?

I see this question posed at least a couple of times a day on this site in different threads. I thought it would be beneficial to create a thread that can serve as a repository for things you have done in your community/with your family and friends in an attempt to red pill or at the very least open people's eyes to what is going on who might otherwise be oblivious. These can be major events or instances or even minor occurrences in our day to day lives . Anything and everything is welcome that will help move the needle. I will get us started with a few things I have either done or have considered doing.

-took my dog to the vet yesterday. Our clinic is still doing curbside pickup of the pup and we the parents aren't allowed into the actual vet's office for the visit. This drives me crazy. I want to be in the room so there can be open dialogue about whatever issue we might be there for. I really like this clinic and shared that sentiment with our vet on the phone after they brought my dog back out to me in the parking lot. I also asked her when, or if, they planned on returning to normal for our visits. She gave me a canned response about safety of their employees, blah blah blah. I let her know that I will be shopping for a new vet that allows pet parents into the clinic for the consultation. She is a partner and a businesswoman so my comment definitely resonated with her and made her think. She said she would bring it up in the next staff meeting and get back with me. This is a pretty minor example of something you can do to help get things back to normal.

-I have also become very outspoken to people in the community who wear Beto shirts or have Biden/Harris bumper stickers on their cars or whatever. I challenge them to tell me what specifically it is they support in these particular politicians and I don't accept the Orange Man Bad response. Make these people think critically. Don't be a dick, be genuine in your tone and inflection. I have made some headway with strangers in parking lots or retail stores and with friends or associates who I engage with on this subject. It's time to be vocal.

-This is something I have yet to do because I need to clear up any legal obstacles or barriers that might prevent me from doing this. I want to print up thousands of stickers that say something to the effect of "Made in China- Buy American" and stick them on shelves where there are products Made in China. This could be in a grocery store, a hardware store, a retail shop. Whatever. I just want to create some awareness to people who might otherwise not even think about it and I think a sticker like this right in their face might make them think twice about purchasing that item. Any lawyers care to chime in on anything I would be on the hook for if I followed through with this? If I came across an uppity store manager could they get me on vandalism or any other similar charge? This is the only thing holding me back. I've already created the prototype sticker with a local sticker shop. I just haven't sent it to production yet.

-we have quit ordering from Chewy.com after they discontinued My Pillow products and we let them know why. That's probably ~$100/month taken offer their balance sheet. If thousands other follow suit, they will think twice about going woke if they don't want to go broke. I encourage other pet owners to do the same. Local source American made products for your fur babies and let Chewy know you are out.

-Lastly, get involved with local politics. School board. City council. Anything. This is a major way to help stop the rot and decay in our communities being propagated by these progressive ideologies. My wife is currently being recruited by the Central Texas Republican Women's Club(or something to that effect). She is a conservative Latina and they are salivating over her potential candidacy. We are mulling it over and wonder what kind of mud we would be dragged through and subjected to.

Anyway, TL/DR, get involved. The time is now to get active before it's too late.

Please share anything you might have done or have considered doing in this thread. My hope is that this will inspire people to get involved.
👏🙂Wow, just randomly happened upon this particular thread & have only read your OP so far.
Mate, I can state that by the third paragraph, inspiration was already flaring immensely.

For real, I reckon you must be an absolutely wonderful individual irl.
It truly is an honour to meet you, even though it's only via artificial -online means.

#Tip of the hat, my friend.

Coincidentally, this particular thread recommendation popped up as I had just returned, specifically(and for lack of more appropriate words rn) -to do something to benefit the movement,....and also humanity.

So anyways, I wasn't sure whether to start a new thread or if there's an existing one that would be ideally suited,....

....and tada!....

....This thread appears,...and it seems perfect.

However, rn it's really late here in NZ, so I'll only upload a few snippets of what I wish to share:

The following is a couple of pages of text directly from the "Red Book"
-by Carl Jung

"As at the beginning of the Christian Era, so again today we are faced with the problem of the moral backwardness which has failed to keep pace with our scientific, technical and social developments. So much is at stake and so much depends on the psychological constitution of modern man. Is he capable of resisting the temptation to use his power for the purpose of staging a world conflagration? Is he conscious of the path he is treading, and what the conclusions are that must be drawn from the present world situation and his own psychic situation? Does he know that he is on the point of losing the life preserving myth of the inner man which Christianity has treasured up for him? Does he realize what lies in store should this catastrophe ever befall him? Is he even capable at all of realizing that this would be a catastrophe? And finally, does the individual know that he is the makeweight that tips the scales?"

"What our age thinks of as the "shadow" and inferior part of the psyche contains more than something merely negative. The very fact that through self-knowledge, i.e., by exploring our own souls, we come upon the instincts and their world of imagery should throw some light on the powers slumbering in the psyche, of which we are seldom aware so long as all goes well. They are potentialities of the greatest dynamism, and it depends entirely on the preparedness and attitude of the conscious mind whether the irruption of these forces and the images and ideas associated with them will tend towards construction or catastrophe. The psychologist seems to be the only person who knows from experience how precarious the psychic preparedness of modern man is, for he is the only one who sees himself compelled to seek out in man's nature those helpful forces and ideas which over and over have enabled the individual to find the right way through darkness and danger."

Nice bump. People should have more material to sprinkle in here now.

We quit shopping at Kroger about 9-10 months ago when we found out they were docking unvaccinated employees' pay.

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