Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I am glad to be contacted about my accomplishments this week. I do not like to bring them up to my colleagues because I would appear as a braggart, or even worse, a “Brown Noser”. In fact i have to work from home because i like working. If I show up at the office early to work, i am criticized by other employees. I was told not to make them look bad.

Here is my list. I hope it is okay if I include more than Five.

This weeks accomplishments:

  • I read every email that had me cc’d on Monday. (Yes, it took all week to read them.)
  • I responded to all direct emails that are cc’d to anyone higher than my rank as Senior assistant to the Assistant Manager of Janitorial Supplies.
  • I made sure that my auto reply is working properly and changed to “Yes!!”
  • I logged into all Zoom calls. Just listening while I read all the emails i was cc’d on.
  • I walked the dog every day this week while on a zoom call.
  • I correctly responded to this email.
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I know that dude. I just enjoy it. I don't believe the moon is made from cheese but I do believe it rung like a bell. I don't believe in a firmament that is impenetrable to get around
Let me ask you a question: If the moon was made of BBQ spare ribs, would you eat it then?

I know I would, and I'd wash it down with an ice cold Budweiser.

Gotta be honest, I'm mildly disappointed in you guys. 2 1/2 pages since this post and NOBODY else thought to post this SNL skit.
I am glad to be contacted about my accomplishments this week. I do not like to bring them up to my colleagues because I would appear as a braggart, or even worse, a “Brown Noser”. In fact i have to work from home because i like working. If I show up at the office early to work, i am criticized by other employees. I was told not to make them look bad.

Here is my list. I hope it is okay if I include more than Five.

This weeks accomplishments:

  • I read every email that had me cc’d on Monday. (Yes, it took all week to read them.)
  • I responded to all direct emails that are cc’d to anyone higher than my rank as Senior assistant to the Assistant Manager of Janitorial Supplies.
  • I made sure that my auto reply is working properly and changed to “Yes!!”
  • I logged into all Zoom calls. Just listening while I read all the emails i was cc’d on.
  • I walked the dog every day this week while on a zoom call.
  • I correctly responded to this email.
Hell, you deserve a raise

I bet the bitch from Maine was disappointed there weren't any trannies in the group of singers.

Vindman is the type of person who will sing like a canary to save his ass from a noose. Rachel Vindman is the same. She is scared shitless about not being offered a pardon--they knew they had done illegal things. Bring them into open hearings and see how fast they sing if the treason word is tossed about. Need names and details put in the public space.

She should have been cuffed and perp walked.

There are thousands of companies that better hope some of the money is still available to return to the gov't. Lots of people are going to leave the upper middle class as their RE values tumble and their once thought secure off shore hidden accounts are found. Members of Congress have much more to be concerned about.
I am glad to be contacted about my accomplishments this week. I do not like to bring them up to my colleagues because I would appear as a braggart, or even worse, a “Brown Noser”. In fact i have to work from home because i like working. If I show up at the office early to work, i am criticized by other employees. I was told not to make them look bad.

Here is my list. I hope it is okay if I include more than Five.

This weeks accomplishments:

  • I read every email that had me cc’d on Monday. (Yes, it took all week to read them.)
  • I responded to all direct emails that are cc’d to anyone higher than my rank as Senior assistant to the Assistant Manager of Janitorial Supplies.
  • I made sure that my auto reply is working properly and changed to “Yes!!”
  • I logged into all Zoom calls. Just listening while I read all the emails i was cc’d on.
  • I walked the dog every day this week while on a zoom call.
  • I correctly responded to this email.

I'm sure Elon will be impressed all that coming from a dude that walks around with a pancake on his head.
Let me ask you a question: If the moon was made of BBQ spare ribs, would you eat it then?

I know I would, and I'd wash it down with an ice cold Budweiser.

Gotta be honest, I'm mildly disappointed in you guys. 2 1/2 pages since this post and NOBODY else thought to post this SNL skit.

Because Saturday Night Live is for Lib Faggots ;)

We are mildly disappointed that you have not responded to the advice given to you by @MortgageHorn that was subsequently endorsed by the frequent posters ITT

We're waiting.

The board is looking out for you and your most cherished possession.


All of you must find a way to move forward



Got Him

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