Anything of interest to share from Medellin?
I've been trying to describe it to my friends and that's the problem the place is so wildly fantastic that it is too much to put it into words.
My friends that live here and have been here always said the same thing - it was wonderful but indescribable - they all said the same thing - you just have to come here.
I'll try and give you a little taste here:
The people are super-friendly like overly friendly - think the nicest Texans but speaking Spanish.
For example, if I ask directions etc people literally stop what they are doing and help.
Another one, when the waiter or waitress bring your check, they ask you, "Is it ok to include the tip?" Unlike American wait-staff they don't assume they are entitled to a tip - they want to make sure they did you right. Oh yea the tip is a whopping 10%
As you can see by the pictures it's stunning - enough said - same for the weather I sleep with windows open and just a fan at 55-58 when I lay down - my 0630 run it's 62 when I finish at 0715 it's and grab coffee/breakfast it's 67 and the high is upper 70's making it where you can walk everywhere.
The vibe is just awesome - the place is alive but not too crowded - also it is very clean.
Food thus far has been outstanding last night I had Chilean Sea Bass - giant portions on a potato puree, and an awesome salad that would feed 2 + 2 double top-shelf rum/diet cokes - my bill with tax and tip was $24 USD in H-Town the Seabass alone is $38 and the drinks about $40 + tax + tip
Breakfast today scrambled eggs, sausage, half a sliced avocado, croissant, and an expresso tax and tip +/- $5 USD
Also everything is fresh like real fresh.
This weekend with a real massage therapist not a happy-ending girl that my friend & his wife use for 1.5 hours will be $30USD - China Town in Houston is $70 if I get that at the Houstonian it's about $275
I haven't been out yet for fun in search of girls - I'm actually here to work - but thus far everything you here is true - I already told you about the girls at the Duty Free and my first dinner.
But everywhere I go coffee shops, grocery store, walking down street as I jog by, concierges at the office buildings, the receptionist at the Porsche dealership (no I'm not buying one- was walking home and saw her-BTW the Porsche dealership and BMW are 100 yards from my place - they are in malls so not like American dealerships) nonetheless your head is on a constant swivel.
Here is one girl that swiped right on me - plan on texting her tomorrow that I'm all settled-in as the rest of my luggage was delivered by the airline.
Most American girls don’t look like that at 32 much less 42
And I’m not even the GQ model like some of you - so imagine what you could reel in!!!
All I can say, is that if you are single and have the ability to remotely work, you need to get your ass down here!!! Sack up as the man said...
"Get busy living or get busy dying"
This…this is living…living your best life.
I’ll make another journal entry after the weekend