Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I don't recall under what pretense they could do it, but I believe it was on Beck this morning they were saying that states could proclaim this an invasion and actively protect their own borders.
That would be the correct action. Cover the border with the Texas National Guard and anyone caught in Texas immediately deported. State’s rights… F the feds if they will not enforce the laws on the books.
Paradigm Shift. Big moves and changes underway. USA squandered its chances.
The Dollar will have massive problems if this continues. Saudi Arabia is talking about selling it's oil to China for yuan and India is in discussions to cut the Dollar out between trade with Russia. For the life of me I can't understand why we aren't raising interest rates above the rate of inflation to encourage foreigners to hold our debt/dollars.

Brandon will go down in history as the worst President.
I don’t like the word groomer. Anyone that speaks to kids about that shit without parental consent should be charged with sexual assauIt
I also fail to understand how any adult should be allowed to talk to an underage child about sex, other than a parent, a medical professional in the presence of the parent, or a fellow underage child.
Everything else should be called sexual assualt.
When did sex ed become important in school? They said it was to prevent teenage pregnancy.
Did pregnancy drop. No they used this as a method to destroy and usurp parents. And pregnancies did not decline. They used the same old arguments about abortion. Yah the back alley coat hanger guy. That was all bullshit too.
Many years ago, I used to think Democrats overall were just dramatic, bleeding hearts. Then I married one. It was fascinating, slowly but surely if I didn't agree with Dem positions, an argument ensued. There is only one correct answer to them, their answer.

Then I caught her in an affair - her response was that she knew I had cheated in the past (not true) so it was a-ok for her. I use this to make the following point about Dems:

The entire playbook, macro and micro, is around accusing others of what they're actually news to anyone here, of course, there are countless examples. "You're a racist (uh, you're the racist)" "You're a facist (uh-huh)"...on and on.

These people, as a collective, are sociopaths who have convinced themselves that they have moral authority, allowing them to justify whatever it is that The Party tells them to support.
All you have to do is read Saul Alinsky’s book - Rules for Radicals - and you can see their actions.


It is not ironic that Saul was a Community Organizer… like someone else.
The Dollar will have massive problems if this continues. Saudi Arabia is talking about selling it's oil to China for yuan and India is in discussions to cut the Dollar out between trade with Russia. For the life of me I can't understand why we aren't raising interest rates above the rate of inflation to encourage foreigners to hold our debt/dollars.

Brandon will go down in history as the worst President.
People do not understand how this Reserve currency works. As countries dump dollars, all those TRILLIONS flood home and have to be mopped up. This means too many dollars in circulation and this drives inflation by devaluation of the dollar's purchasing power.
It is the same as if the government suddenly dumped 20T into the main street economy.
People do not understand how this Reserve currency works. As countries dump dollars, all those TRILLIONS flood home and have to be mopped up. This means too many dollars in circulation and this drives inflation by devaluation of the dollar's purchasing power.
It is the same as if the government suddenly dumped 20T into the main street economy.
I agree. Individuals need to make sure they diversify and don't have everything in dollars. Gold, Silver, Bitcoin are some easy ways to get out of dollars but most will wait too long to pull the trigger.
I think we are witnessing the death of the USA as a corporation and its dirty fed, IRS, and their central bank overlords. I think this is part of the plan. I think we all desire this but don't want the discomfort of the massive change that is coming. Could be wrong but someone/thing told us this would go down or am I way off? Also, didnt 45 say 'we have the gold'? My memory is not what it used to be but I swear we all knew this was coming. Maybe not the way we envisioned but it is happening. Did I just say that? haha, SKOL!
I think we are witnessing the death of the USA as a corporation and its dirty fed, IRS, and their central bank overlords. I think this is part of the plan. I think we all desire this but don't want the discomfort of the massive change that is coming. Could be wrong but someone/thing told us this would go down or am I way off? Also, didnt 45 say 'we have the gold'? My memory is not what it used to be but I swear we all knew this was coming. Maybe not the way we envisioned but it is happening. Did I just say that? haha, SKOL!
In chaos there is great danger and great opportunities, if you are quick and have nerve.
I know who she reminds me of.

The Dollar will have massive problems if this continues. Saudi Arabia is talking about selling it's oil to China for yuan and India is in discussions to cut the Dollar out between trade with Russia. For the life of me I can't understand why we aren't raising interest rates above the rate of inflation to encourage foreigners to hold our debt/dollars.

Brandon will go down in history as the worst President.
I guess it depends on who’s writing it…
Date: 1922 Place: Weimar Republic, The people with gold. silver, and food did fairly well. What will happen in this republic one hundred years later and who will weather this storm? How much is that Papiermark worth now?
At the end in Germany the Mark was about 2x3 inches and only printed on one side, the ink cost too much.

Hugo Stinnes The Inflation King In Weimar Germany 1920's. Very Interesting, he became the richest man in Germany.
I think we are witnessing the death of the USA as a corporation and its dirty fed, IRS, and their central bank overlords. I think this is part of the plan. I think we all desire this but don't want the discomfort of the massive change that is coming. Could be wrong but someone/thing told us this would go down or am I way off? Also, didnt 45 say 'we have the gold'? My memory is not what it used to be but I swear we all knew this was coming. Maybe not the way we envisioned but it is happening. Did I just say that? haha, SKOL!
They're the ones bringing about the death. From an earthly perspective, nothing good is going to come from this.

The illuminati. The Cabal. Whatever you want to call the elite globalists trying to rule this world. ‘Ordo Ab Chao’. Out of chaos, order. 'Novus ordo seclorum'. A new order for the ages, written on the seal of the U.S. Their centuries old plans for us, written in plain sight. They have to tear down the old order, lead by the U.S., in order to install a new one. We've heard globalists and leaders even slip and use the words.

Governor Kemp and Lt. Gov. Duncan Block Election Integrity Bill​

A key integrity provision to unseal Georgia election ballots was blocked at the last minute on Sine Die by Gov. Brian Kemp and Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan. Duncan prevented the Senate from confirming House changes to SB89 which included language to unseal Georgia election ballots and improve ballot chain of custody procedures. SB89 language would have allowed counterfeit ballots to be detected and electronic votes to be verified. Those provisions are essential to deter fraud in upcoming elections.

They're the ones bringing about the death. From an earthly perspective, nothing good is going to come from this.

The illuminati. The Cabal. Whatever you want to call the elite globalists trying to rule this world. ‘Ordo Ab Chao’. Out of chaos, order. 'Novus ordo seclorum'. A new order for the ages, written on the seal of the U.S. Their centuries old plans for us, written in plain sight. They have to tear down the old order, lead by the U.S., in order to install a new one. We've heard globalists and leaders even slip and use the words.
One possibility but one I think is off. This chaos will bring down the cabal. Ill bet you a round for the vegas gathering on it. SKOL?

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