Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Many years ago, I used to think Democrats overall were just dramatic, bleeding hearts. Then I married one. It was fascinating, slowly but surely if I didn't agree with Dem positions, an argument ensued. There is only one correct answer to them, their answer.

Then I caught her in an affair - her response was that she knew I had cheated in the past (not true) so it was a-ok for her. I use this to make the following point about Dems:

The entire playbook, macro and micro, is around accusing others of what they're actually news to anyone here, of course, there are countless examples. "You're a racist (uh, you're the racist)" "You're a facist (uh-huh)"...on and on.

These people, as a collective, are sociopaths who have convinced themselves that they have moral authority, allowing them to justify whatever it is that The Party tells them to support.
Nailed it. One of the best posts ITT
The disappointing part is the numbers of MDs et al who will willingly comply with this edict. We've seen the majority of them comply with the same nonsense these past 2.5 years. It's doubtful the medical profession will have the same degree of respect as before Wuhan. It will take a long time for them to reacquire their credibility.
My oldest had wellness visit yesterday. Only one parent allowed to enter office and masked, other parent has to FaceTime. Doctor asked why she wasn’t vaccinated. I wish I had a video of her face when presented with facts. Switching doctors
—Many countries and companies that buy dollar denominated commodities have plenty of dollars and treasuries in reserve. If the dollar isn’t the reserve currency that built in demand sites up. Bad for treasuries and the dollar.

—I’m invested in real estate, commodities (the kind that if they fell on your toe it would hurt), and a highly diversified stock portfolio. I’m all out of interest rate sensitive instruments.

—I would have 6 months of food at your disposal. I bought another deep freezer and it’s full of pork, fish, venison, beef, and chicken. The other freezer has plenty of meant and veg that I’ve previously frozen. BE SURE to invest in a vacuum sealer. Things last much longer in the freezer when vacuum sealed.

—batteries, candles, canned veg/fruit, generator.

—have a place to go away from the turmoil that is sure to come. Suburban Chicago will get overrun if the shit hits the fan. Those without will go in search of those with.

—real estate, mainly residential, should be OK for a while. If things go really off the rails it could be a real mess.
My mom and her husband live on a 40 acre hobby farm. Surrounding that, is more land his family owns, and dozens of Amish family farms. IF (big if) shit hits the fan, I'm packing up the family and pulling a Harrison Ford in Witness.
Man that particular "cryptojew" -Yuval Harari- is one truly vile cretan.

Everything I've ever heard him talk about -deceptively- is just bloody horrific, and he clearly gets off on it too aye, it's just so absurdly obvious by his blatant arrogance and lack of awareness.

I reckon that Yuval experiences reality from within some sick delusion of grandeur, rendering him totally incapable of hiding that smirk while telling us he intends to do awful shit.

If it were up to me , I would not allow any living creature to be left alone in the presence of such a criminally insane psychopath like that Yuval lunatic.

Infact, that Yuval twerp is sorta like a super ghey version of this dude.
Please don't stop with the Q drops. Events have happened, are happening and will continue to happen. Some seem unconnected so a little bit of direction is helpful. Patience.

From another board.

Is Podesta About to Go Down?​

Sources indicate yes. Possibly.

We have recently found out that Durham has convened a grand jury that has subpoenaed John Podesta among other Clinton campaign officials for documents relating to the Russia hoax.

Now, taken at face value, the Q drops claim that Podesta will go down first and it does seem like Durham is zeroing in on him.

Durham filing indicates Podesta has been subpoenaed and interviewed.

And now we get this from Devin Nunes. It comes with a Q-proof graphic.

Of course, the boo-birds are going to do boo-bird things with this, but people should take note that this isn't some scrub referencing the Q drops. This is Devin Nunes clearly referencing the drop claiming that Podesta is going down.

And to the mods/admins, this is exactly why some of us won't let this Q thing go. It's because the players on the periphery of all of this are still communicating with us via the drops. This stuff isn't over. The operation is still ongoing and here I offer proof.

Q called it, Durham is on it, and Nunes is drawing our attention to it.
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