Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I can assure you I love God, I love my family, I love my country, and I want what’s best for this country. I’m not going to say anything else. My eyes are open though, I promise you that. There’s a whole world that exists outside this thread through, my friend. Trying to prove everyone wrong is not going to change anyones mind. But that’s it for me, didn’t mean to disrupt. Still much love to all.
I am not trying to prove anyone wrong. I am talking about reality not sure what your point is. Everything I stated is reality.
Is that world you speak of outside of this thread isolated from reality?
For that to be true they are all black hats. Trump could have shut Q down a hundred times. He did not. If your are right he is a black hat as well and we are properly fucked.
Which is precisely why I still know it’s coming. If the black hats were truly in control and simply fucking with us with Q, why would they need to show us that Tom Hanks is a pedo, that Disney is fucked up, that so many Q posts are calling out people/systems. No reason to create a psyop to wake solid, America loving, gun owners the fuck up. These drips will explode at some point. Too much stuff happening in 2022.
I can assure you I love God, I love my family, I love my country, and I want what’s best for this country. I’m not going to say anything else. My eyes are open though, I promise you that. There’s a whole world that exists outside this thread through, my friend. Trying to prove everyone wrong is not going to change anyones mind. But that’s it for me, didn’t mean to disrupt. Still much love to all.
You are not alone ITT

Trump and Q are no doubt connected and some of us have come to the conclusion it is a nefarious psyop

I fully expect hunter biden to be indicted, biden to be removed, kamala to take the throne and for people to use that to justify q being on our side
Which is precisely why I still know it’s coming. If the black hats were truly in control and simply fucking with us with Q, why would they need to show us that Tom Hanks is a pedo, that Disney is fucked up, that so many Q posts are calling out people/systems. No reason to create a psyop to wake solid, America loving, gun owners the fuck up. These drips will explode at some point. Too much stuff happening in 2022.
Many explanations for that

They prefer to hide in plain sight, easier in this age to release info and run psyops then totally keep it hidden. Revelation, no justice is fine with them

Q has also been utilized more broadly to attach any critical thinking, especially when it comes to pedophilia as "conspiracy theory"

It's a distraction and an IED, just like its precursor Operation Trust utilized by the Bolsheviks
Many explanations for that

They prefer to hide in plain sight, easier in this age to release info and run psyops then totally keep it hidden. Revelation, no justice is fine with them

Q has also been utilized more broadly to attach any critical thinking, especially when it comes to pedophilia as "conspiracy theory"

It's a distraction and an IED, just like its precursor Operation Trust utilized by the Bolsheviks
My belief in Q has nothing to do and is not affected by how the bad guys choose to attack critical thinking. Q said to educate ourselves and to pray.

If Q would have gotten us all riled up to start forming militias or to enact violence, then it would make sense that it was all a psyop. Spreading the word to people we know is NOT something the black hats would have wanted.
Welcome back and thanks for your advice. If I read it correctly you are suggesting that we have to search for reasons we are being wronged.
That is so absurb open your eyes and you will see a clear reality daily that our country is being destroyed in every sector from our currency, borders, schools, businesses, energy, housing, medical systems, big tech censoring, a super corrupt Judicial system/FBI/CIA/DHS, our military, the sexual grooming of our kids, our corrupt politicians whose greed for money and power selling out our country to the highest bidder, destroying our farmers and food supply our manufacturing base, rising inflation, weak dollar, collapsing our welfare system due to illegals, rising crime, corrupt AGs letting criminals out with no bail only to commit more crimes, known rigged elections and no one punished for them, spying on a sitting President and our own government participating in a coup with the Democrats to remove him from office, the FBI not investing the summer of love riots where people were killed and hundreds of businesses destroyed billions of dollars in damages then they plant people in groups to frame them for crimes they setup, I could go on and on but that is more than enough to concern
anyone who loves our country has children and grandchildren. IMO

I will also add with almost all of the world's media is corrupt no one really know what the hell is going on with Russia and Ukraine no one.

I could be missing your point I've been drinking.

Preach brutha
I can assure you I love God, I love my family, I love my country, and I want what’s best for this country. I’m not going to say anything else. My eyes are open though, I promise you that. There’s a whole world that exists outside this thread through, my friend. Trying to prove everyone wrong is not going to change anyones mind. But that’s it for me, didn’t mean to disrupt. Still much love to all.

There are a lot of us on this board that are right there with you. I don't buy the Q stuff, never have never will. BUT, that doesn't meant there are not a lot of shenanigans going on within our government. Our government is far from the perfect picture taught to us in schools.

You are right, there is so much to life outside of the news cycle. When you take a step back and watch the craziness, from both sides, its hard not to laugh. Life is much better once you realize CNN and FOX are trying to manipulate you.

That being said the positions that the left hold are a bridge too far for me. They just don't fit my worldview.
My belief in Q has nothing to do and is not affected by how the bad guys choose to attack critical thinking. Q said to educate ourselves and to pray.

If Q would have gotten us all riled up to start forming militias or to enact violence, then it would make sense that it was all a psyop. Spreading the word to people we know is NOT something the black hats would have wanted.
Not you personally, that is how it is used in the mainstream media

I don't think they really care about an "awakening." You don't put a demented pedo into the Presidency if you are interested in persuasion

I think they get off to everyone knowing the deal and nothing happening

Tell your friends about the comprehensively depraved system and them out?

Interestingly, nothing from Q about parallel structures or building are own society...aka the answer

Indulge me, and check this out

Not you personally, that is how it is used in the mainstream media

I don't think they really care about an "awakening." You don't put a demented pedo into the Presidency if you are interested in persuasion

I think they get off to everyone knowing the deal and nothing happening

Tell your friends about the comprehensively depraved system and them out?

Interestingly, nothing from Q about parallel structures or building are own society...aka the answer

Indulge me, and check this out

I can assure you I love God, I love my family, I love my country, and I want what’s best for this country. I’m not going to say anything else. My eyes are open though, I promise you that. There’s a whole world that exists outside this thread through, my friend. Trying to prove everyone wrong is not going to change anyones mind. But that’s it for me, didn’t mean to disrupt. Still much love to all.
Let me be clear I meant no disrespect to you or your message not to only focus on the problems of our nation but to enjoy the good things we have.

Because of my age, I have enjoyed the great things of our nation.
My fear is that my sons and grandchildren will not be able to focus on the good things because they will not be there.
I hope you join us back in this thread and post more.
Welcome back and thanks for your advice. If I read it correctly you are suggesting that we have to search for reasons we are being wronged.
That is so absurb open your eyes and you will see a clear reality daily that our country is being destroyed in every sector from our currency, borders, schools, businesses, energy, housing, medical systems, big tech censoring, a super corrupt Judicial system/FBI/CIA/DHS, our military, the sexual grooming of our kids, our corrupt politicians whose greed for money and power selling out our country to the highest bidder, destroying our farmers and food supply our manufacturing base, rising inflation, weak dollar, collapsing our welfare system due to illegals, rising crime, corrupt AGs letting criminals out with no bail only to commit more crimes, known rigged elections and no one punished for them, spying on a sitting President and our own government participating in a coup with the Democrats to remove him from office, the FBI not investing the summer of love riots where people were killed and hundreds of businesses destroyed billions of dollars in damages then they plant people in groups to frame them for crimes they setup, I could go on and on but that is more than enough to concern
anyone who loves our country has children and grandchildren. IMO

I will also add with almost all of the world's media is corrupt no one really know what the hell is going on with Russia and Ukraine no one.

I could be missing your point I've been drinking.

Man, this is such a thorough yet concise summary of all the crazy shit that’s been going on. So many topics that could take pages to explain completely. I can’t think of anything you left off the list.

It’s even more impressive knowing you’ve been watching the Masters all day.
Man, this is such a thorough yet concise summary of all the crazy shit that’s been going on. So many topics that could take pages to explain completely. I can’t think of anything you left off the list.

It’s even more impressive knowing you’ve been watching the Masters all day.
I love you guys in this thread we don't want to hurt anyone we just want our fucking great country back and all these corrupt treasonous politicians hung by the neck until dead.
Going to preface this by saying I have been away from this thread and site for almost a year. I was a regular in LAC/Fraqqle/Dance.

Does anyone ever consider the possibility that the whole Q saga was perpetuated by black hats to keep the patriots distracted? Regardless of what you believe about the MSM, it is a fact that Russia has been using and optimizing disinformation campaigns since the Cold War just like how our CIA has and does.

I’ve even seen several posts from at least one poster ITT that are decidedly pro-Russia and parrot all of the talking points Russia is producing to their media and sympathizers. To me, that is just as dumb as believing our MSM.

I might be as wrong as one could possibly be, but I’m just going to say this - Having stepped away from the constant despair, turmoil, and doom that everyone seems so fixated on every day, I encourage people to take a long break from focusing on every possible bad thing happening in our country. Of course it’s good to be informed on what’s going on, and of course it’s even smart to prepare for worst case circumstances.

But spending hours every day searching for reasons we the people have been wronged is not a productive or healthy thing to do. I’m not saying everyone should quit giving a shit, not at all. But I AM saying that if this is your only source of information on world events, you will have a dark view of humanity.

Much love, amigos - Hope everyone is doing well.
It's very possible BUT it would mean Trump is a black hat, OR Q has fooled Trump. And the latter is far more implausible than the former. Trump and Q are connected. That much has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt.
Going to preface this by saying I have been away from this thread and site for almost a year. I was a regular in LAC/Fraqqle/Dance.

Does anyone ever consider the possibility that the whole Q saga was perpetuated by black hats to keep the patriots distracted? Regardless of what you believe about the MSM, it is a fact that Russia has been using and optimizing disinformation campaigns since the Cold War just like how our CIA has and does.

I’ve even seen several posts from at least one poster ITT that are decidedly pro-Russia and parrot all of the talking points Russia is producing to their media and sympathizers. To me, that is just as dumb as believing our MSM.

I might be as wrong as one could possibly be, but I’m just going to say this - Having stepped away from the constant despair, turmoil, and doom that everyone seems so fixated on every day, I encourage people to take a long break from focusing on every possible bad thing happening in our country. Of course it’s good to be informed on what’s going on, and of course it’s even smart to prepare for worst case circumstances.

But spending hours every day searching for reasons we the people have been wronged is not a productive or healthy thing to do. I’m not saying everyone should quit giving a shit, not at all. But I AM saying that if this is your only source of information on world events, you will have a dark view of humanity.

Much love, amigos - Hope everyone is doing well.

Welcome back man, might not be a popular take around here but I agree.

Sometimes you have to disconnect and focus on yourself and not worry about the craziness around us. Its good for the soul and the mind. Think we all know there is an abundance of craziness around us and it isnt going away anytime soon, so just unplug on occasion and clear up. Fish, go on a hike, spend some extra time with loved ones without political discussions.

After all that, we always come back! This place is also an escape IMO and a good source for info. While you are right about getting info from different sources, I will never look to the MSM for relevant info again. I would rather be uninformed than misinformed by their lying asses!

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