Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Flu shots have had zero impact on the number of flu deaths. The shots appear to have been an utter waste of money. And though the mortality numbers in the second graph don’t extend out to 2020, later years strengthen this point.
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Sharyl Atkisson did a bunch of reporting on this. Even Fraudci's NIH's own study showed that flu vaccines have no measurable impact on flu deaths. Yet Dr after Dr will tell people they must get one.

The Second Coming​

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Am I the only one who thinks this is an odd hill for the Democrats to die on?

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They don't intend to die.

They know this insanity will be unpopular. It will get parents riled up all over the country once they hear about it. They know what happened in Afghanistan and Ukraine makes them look weak and incompetent. They know the price of gas is a disaster for them. They know their immigration policy will be crippling.

They know all of that, but they do it anyway. They went to all that trouble in 2020 just to see it all swept away in one term? Their disdain for voters should warn us that they don't intend to face the voters. Or alternatively, they have a new cheat lined up that will make a mockery of 2020. Either way, they're not going to take a chance that someone who isn't their candidate ever gets in the oval office again.
I haven’t seen a psyop theory that makes any sense whatsoever. It’s been said many times ITT...if this was a psyop, it failed miserably. If you believe the Q stuff is nefarious in nature, Trump taking down the DS, uniting the world and bringing peace, forming his own version of a one world government and eventually turning his back on God’s people declaring himself King of Kings...aka the Antichrist, seems more plausible than a DS plot to keep people sitting on their hands with their mouth shut. Jmo
I haven’t seen a psyop theory that makes any sense whatsoever. It’s been said many times ITT...if this was a psyop, it failed miserably. If you believe the Q stuff is nefarious in nature, Trump taking down the DS, uniting the world and bringing peace, forming his own version of a one world government and eventually turning his back on God’s people declaring himself King of Kings...aka the Antichrist, seems more plausible than a DS plot to keep people sitting on their hands with their mouth shut. Jmo
Here’s what I’ve learned in the 5 years I’ve been following this closely - nobody has an actual clue what the fuck is really going on. People piece theories together, look for clues, and stretch those clues to insane lengths in order to fit their particular narrative. Look no further than MelQ on Telegram. Holy fuck get that person off their computer. I will say this, I appreciate this community and the contributions here because it’s definitely opened my eyes to just how insanely corrupt every part of our lives are.
Oh no! Everyone's calling everyone else "groomer" and now we're all confused! Are you a groomer? Is your neighbor a groomer?

Let the experts at The Babylon Bee help you sort it out. Here are all the warning signs you may be a groomer:
1. Do you talk about sex with 5-year-olds behind their parents' back?

2. Do you begin sentences with, "Don't tell your parents, but..."

3. Do you encourage kids to cut off their sex organs?

4. Are you a Disney Executive?

5. Did you quit your teaching job after they passed the Parental Rights Act in Florida?

6. Does taking other people's kids to a drag show and calling it a "field trip" seem ok to you?

7. Are you now, or have you ever been, a politician?

8. Have you ever helped a child acquire sex hormones without their parent's knowledge?

9. Does David French think you're a "blessing of liberty?"

Tally up your number of "Yes" answers and consult this chart:

1-2: Oh no! You're a groomer!

3-4: Wow. Definitely a groomer.

5-6: Yep, still groomer.

7-8: There's a Law & Order SVU episode with your name on it.

9: Ok, we're calling the police.

Babylon Bee
I haven’t seen a psyop theory that makes any sense whatsoever. It’s been said many times ITT...if this was a psyop, it failed miserably. If you believe the Q stuff is nefarious in nature, Trump taking down the DS, uniting the world and bringing peace, forming his own version of a one world government and eventually turning his back on God’s people declaring himself King of Kings...aka the Antichrist, seems more plausible than a DS plot to keep people sitting on their hands with their mouth shut. Jmo

I have recently wondered if Q was the Russians trying to wake up the average US citizen to the evils of our own govt.

I think at this point we realize globalization is not a path the Russians want to walk down and they have the capability to pull a psyop like the Q movement.

Just a complete guess though.

But you have to admit it sure does benefit Russia
Fucking around with people's children over this BS is gonna get someone seriously hurt, and I will applaud it. These brown shirt mother effers need to get exactly what they deserve.
I will be lurking tonight not posting. I've been watching the Masters all day and drinking some, well drinking a lot.
I think I have finally learned drunk posting is not a great idea...... maybe.

As you were and carry on.
I have went on buzzed posting all platforms before and woke up a little ashamed. I try to refrain
although im not a big drinker.
Speaking for myself, I’m plugged in to dozens of different outlets. I only take a portion of my world view from this thread.

This thread is an amazing conglomerate of multi-media/news and faster than any other outlet I am affiliated with.

If you want to see something first. It is likely to be found first ITT.
Its exhausting to explain common sense practices for normal minded individuals such as you and I, as well as most others in this thread. I watch it with my own 2 eyes and hear with my own 2 ears. I do not need anybody too tell me whats going on, I witness it. I witness the MSM make up fake stuff. i.e. Rachael maddow tell her viewers the hospital ships arent coming etc. While they show up in port. I listened to Trump talk when he said there was good people on both sides. I know Ukraine is a corrupt corrupt laundering vehicle for the elites of our country and has been. There are so many more as you know. Dont explain yourself to a dude that lives by and through what others feed him. Gas prices are incredibly high bc of the Biden regimes orders. Im living it. I dont need this site or the news to tell me that.

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