Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Every college program of consequence cheats. UNC ran a fake academic program for basketball players. Bama players who were heretofore dirt poor show up at college driving Raptors and Hellcats. Auburn paid for Cam Newton. My school was handing out cash in McDonald's bags, though it accomplished nothing. It's just the nature of the beast.
I guess just like elections.

Are you ready for arrests? Are you ready to take your country back? Nothing can stop what is coming! LOL. What a fucking joke. Trump played us all with this Q bullshit and intentionally set up his supporters to take the fall for "insurrection" while opening the door for a de facto police state in the Capitol. His legacy is permanently tarnished if Biden is sworn in.
Are you ready for arrests? Are you ready to take your country back? Nothing can stop what is coming! LOL. What a fucking joke. Trump played us all with this Q bullshit and intentionally set up his supporters to take the fall for "insurrection" while opening the door for a de facto police state in the Capitol. His legacy is permanently tarnished if Biden is sworn in.
Was just talking to my parents about exact thing.
Good news is I won a bet from a lib on July gas prices, she paid off today even though we haven't got to the number. I asked her if she wanted to go double or nothing on fighting in the Middle East by September and she said fvck you and no, laughing.

Gas when the bet was made in mid Dec $2.19--today $2.45 The bet was $2.50 by July. So they have already admitted to a war mongering, price hike pedo as their Presidential choice. Smartest folks in the room folks
Welp, anyone feel stupid?
No. The evidence that “the plan” was bullshit was right in front of our noses. I bought into some of it to be honest but the goal posts constantly shifted, which constantly weakened my belief. Remember the Durham Investigation, DNI Assessment, yada yada yada? I do think there was a plan to weaken the DS and that plan was decapitated when Flynn was fired. The rest of the term was spent dodging impeachment, while trying to push America First policies.
Are you ready for arrests? Are you ready to take your country back? Nothing can stop what is coming! LOL. What a fucking joke. Trump played us all with this Q bullshit and intentionally set up his supporters to take the fall for "insurrection" while opening the door for a de facto police state in the Capitol. His legacy is permanently tarnished if Biden is sworn in.

the ultimate snake oil salesman. What a complete fvcking joke.
And brother this is come out as harsh and unlikable. We need to shit can Ammon Bundy and all of those who are like him. He will lead to nowhere other than violence.

I do agree we need to fight tyranny but fight it in a positive way. Find the absolute certain planks of a platform and stay the course with them. Get knowledge and you have power. We are going to have to go out and fight for people who are not Conservatives. Lots of mistakes have been made by sticking to our strict adherence to what we have felt was traditional.

We are the counter culture. We are the outsiders. We are what the 60s was supposed to be all about. We are freedom.
I respect that and believe we are on the same page. I will look into it more, but videos I’ve seen of meetings they don’t seem to be preaching violence, nor am I a violent person, but rather standing up for each other’s rights as a group against closings, and uniting together as one voice at the Capital to be heard for example.

I believe Conservatives by nature are not as vocal and want to be left alone to live our lives, but that needs to change. I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I never attended a school board meeting or a City Council meeting until last year, because I lived a comfortable life and thought it didn’t matter what my one voice thought. That has changed and was very vocal when my kids school talked about going online last fall. Whether it helped or not at least I voiced my opinion and I guess I look at it like instead of my one voice, I could unite with multiple, multiple people for a bigger voice. Because that’s what the other side has is unity or at least the appearance of it.

And nothing but love for you brother, I’m tired and if this comes across wrong I apologize, I’m possibly not putting my thought down properly.
Ok- good luck to you.

Even if the Military arrests all of Congress in an hour, I’m done with politics. It has taken way too much of my time recently, especially given that it’s nothing I can do anything about. It’s now time to get back in touch with what is really important to me in life.

im in the same boat, they blatantly steal the election and nothing the fuck happens to them

why in the fuck should we vote in the future

if this is really how it ends we have zero recourse, theres nothing we can do im afraid

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