Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I feel like I caught Aids looking at the board this morning. The leftist faggot takeover has officially occurred. No reason to post there anymore. It’s a complete cesspool. It is funny that they always talk about unity while they spew their constant hatred of Republicans and America. This is truly a sad day for the entire world, aside from our enemies at least.
For one all 75 million need to defund these freaks. Don’t buy anything or watch anything that financially strengthens them or those who support them. Need national “ pour out your Starbucks” day. Then go hard at the local elections. Drive out your neighbor faggot that supports pedo Joe. They want to inflict pain nationally, just do it locally. Force them all to CA and NY.
EBS should be activated any minute now. Mike Pence to face firing squad. Trump's carnival barking, Q fanatic, life-long Democrat lawyer told me so. Good thing we lost the Senate because of that retard. Maybe he'll start his own congregation for the true believers now that his legal reputation is complete shit. Probably yucking it up right now and admiring the Deep State retirement package he got in a Swiss bank account.
Unreal that we were lied to like this. Trump knew what Q was about and saying. He could have stopped it. We were let down and looking foolish.
Ignore the Q stuff for a minute, just consider Trump's words. Trump lead everyone down that path, even people who've never heard of Q.

As for Q, it's not nearly as widespread as many ITT think it is. When I first joined this thread on the old site, I thought Q had something to do with the anonymous hackers group.

But, yes, Q lied to you, Trump lied to us all. Q was a farce and it should have been obvious from the start. The detailed plan that some believed in was never possible to execute. Q lied from the start "Hillary arrested at noon today" (or whatever the nonsense was), and yet the followers gave him a pass and claimed it was a code. And I don't revel in that, because there are a # of good people here who bought those lies. But when Q said things like "Trust in humanity", that should've been a clue to everyone that he was false.

Ultimately, Q didn't leave anyone standing in the rain, Trump did. Trump installed deep staters all over the place, and they brought him down. His VP turned out to be the gutless blank piece of paper many thought he was, and his appointments of Barr, Haspel, Ray may be the final few nails in America's coffin. I don't say we give up the fight, because you never give up. But that doesn't change the fact that America died today - or more accurately, on November 3rd - when a coup was conducted on live television, and there weren't more than a handful in positions of power who, as William F. Buckley put it, had the courage to stand athwart history and yell 'stop'.

God save us.
Trump needs to take a long look in the mirror.

I liked a lot of what he did, but he was a terrible leader. Rallied his most ardent supporters, but offended those that could have been pulled in.

Sad thing is, I think this was our last chance.

Lesson learned for most, I hope. It's very dangerous to worship a political leader as many have. I'll worship Jesus Christ and rightly have a healthy level of distrust for anyone elected to office. (Should have been that way with Trump.)

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