My kids' school is small (average class size is 125 give or take). This year? We have 32 kids in my son's class and 2 that just graduated with my daughter (one of whom decided 3 months ago and took her brother's middle name for her own (her brother who is much more popular and liked than she is because, frankly, she's a nasty, miserable, hateful little thing and always has been)) that are suddenly Trans.
Think about that. The trans population is generously estimated at .5%... yet at this school of an average class of 125ish kids with 32 trans students.
It's now become cool and 'safely' edgy... which makes it even more dangerous to these kids' mental health going forward because nobody told them 'no'.
Got to have a fun conversation with my son's jh principal a couple of years ago when one kid in particular falsely accused my son of bullying him/ her/ whatever (depended on the day) and the principal happily went along until I demanded to see the video tape of said incident and my son wasn't there because he was taking a nap in his coach's office because he had a frigging concussion.. which we all knew, but hey, straight white boy and athlete...
I flat out told him if he and this family wanted to play this game, I'll play. I'll sue the shit out of the school district, him (principal) and family for sustained sexual harassment if I ever again have to listen to my kid tell me about this other child describe his penis or desired vagina. It was constant and Max never did anything other than walk away... except on the one day when he stepped in to keep this kid from getting his ass absolutely beat when he texted another kid asking if he could suck his dick.
The family moved away 2 months later. And the principal stopped targeting my kid.
That's how you shut this shit down. You play by the rules they set.