Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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agree completely. I have no problem with people being gay and there truly are people who are born with "undefined" genitalia. But these people who feel they are "really a woman trapped in a man's body" or vice versa, have some type of body dysmorphia disorder. My wife struggled with bulimia for most of her late teens and early 20s. She has since recovered & healthy and she has a very honest view of her mindset when she was suffering from that, and she equates this transgender "popularity phase" to bulimia or anorexia. These people need help and counseling, not some quack doctor willing to mutilate their body.
Agreed, no problems here if someone is gay, just don’t try to force feed me your bullshit rhetoric.
My kids' school is small (average class size is 125 give or take). This year? We have 32 kids in my son's class and 2 that just graduated with my daughter (one of whom decided 3 months ago and took her brother's middle name for her own (her brother who is much more popular and liked than she is because, frankly, she's a nasty, miserable, hateful little thing and always has been)) that are suddenly Trans.

Think about that. The trans population is generously estimated at .5%... yet at this school of an average class of 125ish kids with 32 trans students.


It's now become cool and 'safely' edgy... which makes it even more dangerous to these kids' mental health going forward because nobody told them 'no'.

Got to have a fun conversation with my son's jh principal a couple of years ago when one kid in particular falsely accused my son of bullying him/ her/ whatever (depended on the day) and the principal happily went along until I demanded to see the video tape of said incident and my son wasn't there because he was taking a nap in his coach's office because he had a frigging concussion.. which we all knew, but hey, straight white boy and athlete...

I flat out told him if he and this family wanted to play this game, I'll play. I'll sue the shit out of the school district, him (principal) and family for sustained sexual harassment if I ever again have to listen to my kid tell me about this other child describe his penis or desired vagina. It was constant and Max never did anything other than walk away... except on the one day when he stepped in to keep this kid from getting his ass absolutely beat when he texted another kid asking if he could suck his dick.

The family moved away 2 months later. And the principal stopped targeting my kid.

That's how you shut this shit down. You play by the rules they set.
Saving this response for when my kids get that age. Hell, my daughter (10)’s friend already openly talks about lgbtq shit. I told the little friend, “listen, I know you’ve got older siblings and y’all can talk about whatever you want at your house, but don’t bring that crap over here. It’s a mental illness, and my kids will not be force fed it’s “normalcy”. She said yes sir, and moved the fuck out.
It’s disgusting! Like @Phillip McKraken said, in our day, kids who needed attention just dressed a days they straight choppin shit off! This is not normal and we as parents need to teach our children that it’s not! I have a feeling most of us on here, are in fact doing that. But your story with the principal infuriates me. Good on you for sticking it to him. What are your thoughts on race shit being shoved down our kids throats?
The weird kids in school used to dress in goth to get attention. Now if you can’t get laid or get a boyfriend/girlfriend they become the other sex. How did we allow this to be normalized And actively encourage it? I’m convinced it is to completely get rid of God in the younger generations.
*See pic at the bottom
Full out assault my mainstream media and Hollywood. I am convinced BY FAR Americans are totally against all this. There is just an attempt to shove it down our throats en masse. Along with the other liberal agendas designed to destroy the nuclear family.

Which is why my tv is now off most of the time - it disgusts me to watch lies. Or sit there and support while they try to normalize what should be fringe topics at best.
Dude, I can’t tell you last time I turned my tv on! I got rid of my YouTube tv. It’s ALL garbage. I imagine I’ll turn it back on for CFB season but that’s it.
The big thing I am worried about is power. Food, water, ammo, etc. is fairly easy but we can't just make power.

For food, we typically buy extra of stuff we already eat and rotate items as we use/buy more. That way if nothing ever happens, we're just eating the food we like rather than buying a bunch of stuff to be prepared but never wanting to eat it.
Power: get yourself a generator, I’ve got a Firman 9400 starting/7500 running watts. I can run 2 fridges, a tv, and several small devices for a little over a day off just 5 gal of gas (you won’t need to run it constantly) Speaking of gas, get you about 10 of those 5 gal gas jugs and fill em up. Set them out of the way in your garage.

Food: there’s all sorts of emergency food supply companies out there right now(should be a sign right?) anyways, Patriotfoods is one I think. If you can’t afford that, go get you about 100 lb of dry beans and 100 lb rice. I’ve also got about 6 months supply of MREs I took from the Army.

water: iodine tablets, a pot and a way to boil said water, but for the initial push, go ahead and get you about 20 of those large bottled water packs from Walmart.

ammo: not gonna say how much I got on here, but if you haven’t yet, you need to get you enough, what’s enough to you? I dunno, to me there’s never enough. That’s why I bought a reloader and am making my own now. Although supplies are expensive, I’m next gonna learn how to cast my own lead.

@Phillip McKraken
No, but that is a good thing.

The increasing amount of delegates coming to see the operation/results and zero leaks is a good sign.

I think we see something material in next 2 weeks.

I think whispers are being circulated and it’s directed toward these state legislators and it’s eye opening enough they want to take a gander.
I think whispers are being circulated and it’s directed toward these state legislators and it’s eye opening enough they want to take a gander.
The less we hear about it the better. Quit leaking and giving the media the opportunity to spin the narrative. Tighten things down and then release the receipts. Let Chick Todd, MadCow Rachel and Morning Hoe lose their shit and spin their wheels when it’s all released.
Let Chick Todd, MadCow Rachel and Morning Hoe lose their shit and spin their wheels when it’s all released.
IMO they will not lose their shit if any bad things come from the audit in Arizona. What they will do is simply ignore it like nothing ever happened. Their viewers are mindless enough that they won't look elsewhere for news, so if they do not see it on their liberal networks, it is like it never happened, right?

Here is a good article about it
I Think Delta Force Needs to Wipe Out The World Economic Forum
Cuomo's/DuhBlasio's NY

John McWhorter is a good guy

And this guy needs eliminated from oxygen
My kids' school is small (average class size is 125 give or take). This year? We have 32 kids in my son's class and 2 that just graduated with my daughter (one of whom decided 3 months ago and took her brother's middle name for her own (her brother who is much more popular and liked than she is because, frankly, she's a nasty, miserable, hateful little thing and always has been)) that are suddenly Trans.

Think about that. The trans population is generously estimated at .5%... yet at this school of an average class of 125ish kids with 32 trans students.


It's now become cool and 'safely' edgy... which makes it even more dangerous to these kids' mental health going forward because nobody told them 'no'.

Got to have a fun conversation with my son's jh principal a couple of years ago when one kid in particular falsely accused my son of bullying him/ her/ whatever (depended on the day) and the principal happily went along until I demanded to see the video tape of said incident and my son wasn't there because he was taking a nap in his coach's office because he had a frigging concussion.. which we all knew, but hey, straight white boy and athlete...

I flat out told him if he and this family wanted to play this game, I'll play. I'll sue the shit out of the school district, him (principal) and family for sustained sexual harassment if I ever again have to listen to my kid tell me about this other child describe his penis or desired vagina. It was constant and Max never did anything other than walk away... except on the one day when he stepped in to keep this kid from getting his ass absolutely beat when he texted another kid asking if he could suck his dick.

The family moved away 2 months later. And the principal stopped targeting my kid.

That's how you shut this shit down. You play by the rules they set.
It’s a fad for people who have failed to otherwise have a focus in their lives.
I Believe You Both

I Just Want to See It

30A Isn’t That Long Next Time You Drive By Can You Take a Pick & Post?


yeah my bad, i failed to take one

i was driving and first in a caravan and was unable to turn around, just drove by slowly and admired it, told everyone in my truck to take a gander

imagine about a 5 story beach house sitting on a hill, and the "trump won" banner was suspended vertically about 3 stories long

sweet AF

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