Almost never post but read nearly daily here. I see a lot of calling this guy a troll. I am with Jayhox and I don't think he is a troll, just different opinion. My own brother is somewhat along the same beliefs and I find it hard to talk politics with him nowadays because he's so negative and thinks everyone in politics is part of some nefarious group/plan.
My personal take is that JohhnySober seems to be a Patriot who has lost faith in Trump, Q, etc. possibly due to lack of big name arrests and wide changes. Maybe he knows all about the deep state and that their many disgusting acts and plans are so obvious, its hard to fathom how the 'earth shattering' arrests and the deep state's actions have not been exposed and common knowledge by the masses yet.
Maybe his question is - If it hasn't happened yet, will it ever happen? The expectation of forward facing results that wake up the masses in a short time is unrealistic (my opinion) but wanted by so many who swallowed the red pill years ago. The fact that it hasn't happened yet has patriots questioning their beliefs because we've had such high hopes since 2016, and in turn, some patriots have tagged out faith and faith is watching from outside the ropes just waiting to get tagged back in. The match/fight continues on with logic and reason to figure out how they could have kept on believing something could happen when it was probably unrealistic from the start...
All that needs to happen is some time...let the logic and reason get beat up...and the logic and reason will lead to Stevie Ray tagging in Booker T to bring back the faith to deliver the scissor kick finishing move for the good guys victory.
The faith that changes will be made will come back to those in the above scenario and maybe I am completely wrong about JohnySober. The expectations for action when the faith returns will likely be more realistic the second time around...and if they aren't...wash/rinse/repeat until expectations are realistic. That or they just come to the realization that the behind the scenes work being done is much more than they'll ever see first hand or in immediacy due to how deep the swamp runs and the faith that good will prevail over evil will remain as the artistic work of the big picture continues to be painted.