Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I have had several issues w Trumps decisions over the ~5 yrs he has been at it. He ended up being right every time. Now I just keep quiet to save face later.

Oh yeah, mad as hell a couple times. Mainly the whole "show them" mantra instead of using the power of the Presidency to fix shit.

No, he has not been right every time.

I loved Trump. But to say he has been right every time is beyond hyperbole. Here's an example- was he right to retain the services of one Dr. Fauci?
I guess that’s not the way I interpreted it.

You gonna be ok?
What I interpreted was some unknown coming in and making accusations that Trump and Q were psyops for the bad guys. (Not the first rodeo for us with newbs coming in hot with their takes trying to be edgy trolls). You are allowed to think and say whatever you want, but don't cry like a pussy when you get called out for that thought process. I have asked numerous times for an explanation as to WHY the deep state would bother doing the entire ordeal when they already at the time "won." Obama was elected twice and doing all the absolute awful shit to destroy our country from within. Weakening every aspect while allowing enemies to get stronger. Their kill shot was Hillary. So why did they wait and bring in Trump? What feasible reasoning is there to bring in a guy and an information dissemination op that woke up millions upon millions not only in the US but all across the world? Nobody knew shit about Epstein, just how deeply corrupt the media truly is (we all knew they were in the bag with the left but not to the extent they are) and all the other stuff brought to light over the past 4 years. Still waiting for a logical explanation as to why they would do that.
Man this guy is the best governor in America! Probably either the next voted vice president or president

Its like he's the only one that gets the big picture. I guess most of the rest have taken some of that CCP blood money at some point.

Pretty disappointed in my governor. Just nothingburgers everywhere, no proactive stuff besides removing masks. Would think he'd at least follow along DeSantis like a little puppy dog on his heels.
Its like he's the only one that gets the big picture. I guess most of the rest have taken some of that CCP blood money at some point.

Pretty disappointed in my governor. Just nothingburgers everywhere, no proactive stuff besides removing masks. Would think he'd at least follow along DeSantis like a little puppy dog on his heels.
Same here. Mine is 6'8' and spineless. A wonder of modern science.
What I interpreted was some unknown coming in and making accusations that Trump and Q were psyops for the bad guys. (Not the first rodeo for us with newbs coming in hot with their takes trying to be edgy trolls). You are allowed to think and say whatever you want, but don't cry like a pussy when you get called out for that thought process. I have asked numerous times for an explanation as to WHY the deep state would bother doing the entire ordeal when they already at the time "won." Obama was elected twice and doing all the absolute awful shit to destroy our country from within. Weakening every aspect while allowing enemies to get stronger. Their kill shot was Hillary. So why did they wait and bring in Trump? What feasible reasoning is there to bring in a guy and an information dissemination op that woke up millions upon millions not only in the US but all across the world? Nobody knew shit about Epstein, just how deeply corrupt the media truly is (we all knew they were in the bag with the left but not to the extent they are) and all the other stuff brought to light over the past 4 years. Still waiting for a logical explanation as to why they would do that.
Again, this is a question that gives me hope. Also, the whole Biden pretendency gives me hope. He's so bad, he almost had to be picked by the other team

To answer your question: there's a theory that says it's easier to allow information to come out and channel it through discredited sources then it is to keep things quiet

I don't think the deep state is particularly worried about awareness. They fear action

We all know the system is corrupt and depraved. We've known the catholic church is essentially a pedophile ring for decades. And look to the papacy and one will find the great Pope Francis

In the age of the internet, comprehensive information suppression is virtually impossible. In that context, as the established power, you decide to create a seemingly opposition/ "white hat" force that is not only exposing the elites but has already defeated them

Therefore, we the people, awaken to the dark realities of the world and the depraved rules and rulers of governance within it.....and do nothing

Epstien is probably in the Caymans, Fauci is the highest paid gov employee with a book deal and board of director gigs

It's a theory but it's admittedly one I find myself closer to than the more Pollyanna viewpoint

The audits will be interesting, along with the economy/inflation and the coming flu season

For the final time, I hope I am wrong and will trumpet that should that fine day come when all is revealed
Its like he's the only one that gets the big picture. I guess most of the rest have taken some of that CCP blood money at some point.

Pretty disappointed in my governor. Just nothingburgers everywhere, no proactive stuff besides removing masks. Would think he'd at least follow along DeSantis like a little puppy dog on his heels.
said it before a few pages ago, but unless you WANT to blow your brains out, don't read the comments on that twatter. OMFG People are so fucking retarded.
Again, this is a question that gives me hope. Also, the whole Biden pretendency gives me hope. He's so bad, he almost had to be picked by the other team

To answer your question: there's a theory that says it's easier to allow information to come out and channel it through discredited sources then it is to keep things quiet

I don't think the deep state is particularly worried about awareness. They fear action

We all know the system is corrupt and depraved. We've known the catholic church is essentially a pedophile ring for decades. And look to the papacy and one will find the great Pope Francis

In the age of the internet, comprehensive information suppression is virtually impossible. In that context, as the established power, you decide to create a seemingly opposition/ "white hat" force that is not only exposing the elites but has already defeated them

Therefore, we the people, awaken to the dark realities of the world and the depraved rules and rulers of governance within it.....and do nothing

Epstien is probably in the Caymans, Fauci is the highest paid gov employee with a book deal and board of director gigs

It's a theory but it's admittedly one I find myself closer to than the more Pollyanna viewpoint

The audits will be interesting, along with the economy/inflation and the coming flu season

For the final time, I hope I am wrong and will trumpet that should that fine day come when all is revealed
I can appreciate your theory. I just believe it's horse manure. You cannot convince me that the DS thinks it is better to awaken the 90% plus of the population that was completely asleep to all the shenanigans and just happy to live their daily lives without stressing at all about any of the evil going on only to try and funnel it through their own media spin and using Tools such as DjT and the Q op. Simple enough. Agree to Disagree
I can appreciate your theory. I just believe it's horse manure. You cannot convince me that the DS thinks it is better to awaken the 90% plus of the population that was completely asleep to all the shenanigans and just happy to live their daily lives without stressing at all about any of the evil going on only to try and funnel it through their own media spin and using Tools such as DjT and the Q op. Simple enough. Agree to Disagree
Fair enough

And that is the main reason I was on board all the way till about Jan 20th

I do see people awakening. I think a significant % of however many people voted for Captian life alert are off the bandwagon and that will only increase

Maybe they are waiting for a certain number, maybe they are waiting for the necessary economic turmoil to hit

It's a fucked up time but there are legitimate reasons to be optimistic

Whether it's via Q or not, let it be known, I believe in victory*
Fair enough

And that is the main reason I was on board all the way till about Jan 20th

I do see people awakening. I think a significant % of however many people voted for Captian life alert are off the bandwagon and that will only increase

Maybe they are waiting for a certain number, maybe they are waiting for the necessary economic turmoil to hit

It's a fucked up time but there are legitimate reasons to be optimistic

Whether it's via Q or not, let it be known, I believe in victory*
There is a percentage of the population that simply cannot be saved. They choose to be fucktards of the highest order and never abandon ship. The whole, "You must show them" mantra is for the 60-70% of the population that have more than 2 brain cells to rub together. Of that, I would say 75% are easy to awaken, the other 25% are super stubborn but after they WITNESS the shit these evil bastards in DC are doing and it hits them where it matters (accounts/etc) they too will awaken. The remaining 30ish plus percent are lost forever.
There is a percentage of the population that simply cannot be saved. They choose to be fucktards of the highest order and never abandon ship. The whole, "You must show them" mantra is for the 60-70% of the population that have more than 2 brain cells to rub together. Of that, I would say 75% are easy to awaken, the other 25% are super stubborn but after they WITNESS the shit these evil bastards in DC are doing and it hits them where it matters (accounts/etc) they too will awaken. The remaining 30ish plus percent are lost forever.
Agreed. There are way too many sheep in this country that truly believe every word from the likes of CNN , MSNBC , the local news, social media and the main stream media.

some people are ignorant and come from very little and honestly don’t know better. They actually don’t bother me.

The highly “educated” liberal that believes they know better than anybody else bothers the shit out of me. They believe that they know better and the people they choose for government know how to run the country better than the citizens. That type of liberal has every opportunity and chance to be awakened, yet chooses to ignore. And they fuel the swamp and big government neighbors are pretty frigging cool. He's retiring from the RAF (stationed in the US for the past 13 years via NATO. She was RAF as well... which only cemented my love and respect for both of them).

Just had the most educational discussion for both of us tonight. Got their perspective on Brexit (not a fan) AND a break down of UK/ Britain/EU (I was ignorant and smart enough to ask questions. Think your 3 year old asking 'why' (that was me). I seriously had no idea that only Northern Ireland was part of the UK. I am that ignorant...(ignorant is not stupid) She was ignorant and smart enough to admit she was confused about antifa and believed it was a conservative group. We both learned a lot tonight.

*and they love Trump policy, but hate the man... just as they do Boris. 😅

We all love bourbon (bless her husband, the second he found out I love TX, he bought me a bottle at the BX. I'll make sure I get him a bottle of Blantons.... his favorite), we love freedom, we love each other's accents and vocabulary (focusing especially on the 'dirty' words. Our vocabulary is expanding. I had no idea 'fanny' was a filthy term. I mean, I've always hated that word, but only because I just hate the way it sounds. It's a stupid word.)

We love our kids. We love each other's homes. We love our community. Anything else is merely details.

As it should be.

I finally have the best neighbors.... ever. The house they bought belonged to long time (3 generations) family friends. My husband partied in this house. His friend (the youngest of 3) and he built a tee box in the back yard. They ( the new owners) have told Max and his friends that it is theirs if they take care of it. This is the family who should have, and did, buy the house. It reminds her of her house in UK. They're absolutely lovely and going to be lifelong friends.

I would love to know if @316what knows this family. I do know they are friends with a few (great) people I know. Found that out tonight, too.

Told this story on here before, was having lunch in Croatia in 2018 with folks from the U.K., Netherlands and Finland. Of course they asked me about Trump, I said he's our President. They all agreed they would like him as their leader, though they didn't like him personally. They all said he was definitely for America first, and they wanted that for their country's. And they seemed resigned to the fact that it wasn't going to happen.
said it before a few pages ago, but unless you WANT to blow your brains out, don't read the comments on that twatter. OMFG People are so fucking retarded.

Absolutely no reason to read any comments on twatter, for anything. I like sharing twat links for news stories, because with our dumbass citizenry I feel like having an opening picture helps draw in the reader.

But I'm 100% convinced there are hired twatter armies to post constantly, along with the bots. Its a giant operation to give the illusion that the majority of people are outraged against conservative thought.
When you want to scream but you have a boot on your tongue.. just as we had figured out their coms.. (gaming, IG videos, TikTok, etc).. they had figured out ours. For years the people that were a million percent right were accused of wearing tin foil hats. Yes some were extreme but they were right. Most are extreme due to the fact they have been manipulated enough to come across as crazy and unbelievable. Yes in the attempt to recode.. go to a hypnotist and get put under to be cured of smoking.. now multiply that by government standards. The capital is such a huge deal to the deep state because they know what we were about to pull off and they countered. Trump delayed because He was getting info up to the second.. First time he was behind bulletproof glass. More than enough good guys were in the tunnels that day. Why was all the security suddenly in place around the capital.. national guard.. yet wanting to verify if they were loyal.

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