Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I am well aware to the nature of Jan 6th. I'm also aware Trump did nothing to defend his supporters or expose the truth...."we have it all"

The Q people were out in force and disingdnlusly branded as terrorists and there was no pushback

In fact, not a single Republican has had the courage to come and say what happened to my knowledge. Meanwhile, we are told the Republican party is the only way

At the very least, we should make Trump work harder for our attention instead of blaring the trumpets everytime he says"I was Right" or "just wait till next time"

To be fair he has also alluded to a resolution before the next presidential election. Unfortunately, there have been a cavalcade of allusions and very little follow through
I’m convinced you know virtually nothing about what really happened on Jan 6th. But let’s start here: Why did Trump delay the start of his speech for more than an hour that day?
We wouldn’t even know there was a sideline if it weren’t for Q. Why would they set forth all of the world’s darkest secrets and detail all of the corruption in order to keep us placated? If we are right, Trump won a second term by a Vote total that puts Obama’s numbers to utter shame.

It’s real.
Exactly….anyone that is questioning needs to think logically.

1) Go look at the original Epstein case….that’s how the DeepState works. Behind closed doors to cover their illegal practices. Also so redactions FBI made in Russia Collusion deal to try to hide/cover their malfeasance.

2) Now step back and look at who exactly keeps getting exposed. THE DEEPSTATE. (They don’t want anyone looking at them or mentioning them…ex. See Rothschilds and the banking industry. I have close family that was/is in very high banking (national and international) and they don’t ever hear them spoken of. Light to Dark is talking about shadow players being exposed. Just as Soros wasn’t a known entity here till the last 15-20 years when there has been exposure. No one can get away with the BD they are attempting with eyes on them. Hence the Trump propaganda kept people looking away OR believing everything TRUMP is bad.

They media has spent 6 years trying to convince the world that their aren’t people here of Conservative believe….we are all just Trump worshipers. Why? Because if all Americans get back to looking at policies VS the individual….they would ALL BE VOTED OUT IN 1 ELECTION CYLCE (obviously meaning 2 terms as NOT all seats are up every election cycle).
I am 100% convinced that guy is a troll my friend
Those of us they may or may not have been part of the original Anonymous collective…..know to BE very wary of plants. Understand, at some point…we will be discovered here and there will be attempts to infiltrate. Remember we are knee deep In an intelligent war. Back around 2000 they used actually CIA/NSA hackers and hack teams that to blend BUT by now their top AI and Bots (not @retardobot or the shitty Tweeter/FuckFace bots 🤣)are able to blend as if they are humans.

I gave him an honest opportunity (and possibly boxed him in 😉) so let’s see where it goes….🤣😂🤣👍
Dems PLAYED the russian collusion angle.

Russian intelligence knew the Dems and Hillarys plans.

That entire party is a shit show
WTF are you talking about. You just exposed yourself completely TARD. (You think Trump needs to work harder 🧐….at what exactly. 🤣😂🤣). Dude has been taking shots for us for 6+ years. He prob should have been expected to erase 40+ years of Globalist policies OVERNIGHT…right? 🙄

The Q people? There is “Q”…and there are Anons….No most Anons weren’t there. (look at the plants that have been exposed with FBI and Cap Police trying to cover it up. How many officers really died at the UNARMED COUP WHERE THE PEOLE WALKED OUT WHEN ORDERED OVER MEGAPHONES….0 exactly)

The Pubs that don’t support Trump and @America 1st (😉) have been exposed. Pretty sure Pompeo (nickname Kansas bc he was a Republican Cong Rep) is one of the few NON-TRAITORS and has been helping expose all along (China virus. Iran deal, globalist, etc. These will be the leaders of the Republican Party. Why do you think the Never Trumper are back threatening a party split….FEAR.

As for the election stuff….ugh buckle up buttercup BC it’s only going to continue to get bumpier. if they are caught erasing the records…they won’t be able to do that ever again. Look at the wave of elec law changes….without all the evidence out yet.
As for the election stuff….ugh buckle up buttercup BC it’s only going to continue to get bumpier. if they are caught erasing the records…they won’t be able to do that ever again. Look at the wave of elec law changes….without all the evidence out yet.

I am honestly wasting my time with you…..BUT IF I DID MISREAD YOU, thenI have more than refuted your “talking points”.

EDIT: to add my personal apologies that this isn’t all being handled on your time schedule. I mean who the FUCK do they think they are to make @JonnySober fuckin wait. Hopefully someone can let the powers that be know you’re ready. 🤣👍😂
LMAO although this was a horrible "rebuttal" it was fun

Once again even Trump says the attacks "directed" at him are really targeting his supporters

He has come out ahead everytime. He bows to Fauci, does nothing to combat the ridiculous election fraud and sits back on the golf course saying "I was right!" Lol

He has left us out to dry way more than he has delivered

Can't wait for the Kevin Mccarthy, Mitch McConnel electoral reform for our DEMOCRACY

These fellas will GET IT RIGHT

You were probably one of the "It's just a mask" idiots
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LMAO although this was a horrible "rebuttal" it was fun

Once again even Trump says the attacks "directed" at him are really targeting his supporters

He has come out ahead everytime. He bows to Fauci, foes nothing to combat the ridiculous election fraud and sits back on the gold course saying "I was right!" Lol

He has left us out to dry way more than he has delivered

Can't wait for the Kevin Mccarthy, Mitch McConnel electoral reform for our DEMOCRACY

These fellas will GET IT RIGHT

You were probably one of the "It's just a mask" idiots

GTFO, shill.

I’m convinced you know virtually nothing about what really happened on Jan 6th. But let’s start here: Why did Trump delay the start of his speech for more than an hour that day?
LMao let me go ahead and qualify myself for you

I know Jan 6th was a BLM, Antifa, etc Reichstag Fire event

I understand people think he delayed his speech and blabbered on to keep his people there to throw off the timing, set the scene to make it obvious who was really storming the capitol etc

Theoretically, all the people need to see is the picture of the BLM leader and the background on captian Viking Horns to realize what happened

I know they got laptops, Yada Yada Yada. I don't see why we should waste time on ostensible events that we agree on

The proof is in the pudding and hopefully it's in the oven fixing to come out
LMAO although this was a horrible "rebuttal" it was fun

Once again even Trump says the attacks "directed" at him are really targeting his supporters

He has come out ahead everytime. He bows to Fauci, foes nothing to combat the ridiculous election fraud and sits back on the gold course saying "I was right!" Lol

He has left us out to dry way more than he has delivered

Can't wait for the Kevin Mccarthy, Mitch McConnel electoral reform for our DEMOCRACY

These fellas will GET IT RIGHT

You were probably one of the "It's just a mask" idiots
Ugh. I’m trying to help you a bit here. But . . . that . . . um . . . ugh.
LMao let me go ahead and qualify myself for you

I know Jan 6th was a BLM, Antifa, etc Reichstag Fire event

I understand people think he delayed his speech and blabbered on to keep his people there to throw off the timing, set the scene to make it obvious who was really storming the capitol etc

Theoretically, all the people need to see is the picture of the BLM leader and the background on captian Viking Horns to realize what happened

I know they got laptops, Yada Yada Yada. I don't see why we should waste time on ostensible events that we agree on

The proof is in the pudding and hopefully it's in the oven fixing to come out
Then I’m confused. So you agree that Trump knew the Swamp’s plan for 1/6, exposed it by delaying the speech, and achieved recovering evidence against the Swamp . . . but Trump is part of the Swamp? You failed even the most basic question regarding the start of 1/6.
LMAO although this was a horrible "rebuttal" it was fun

Once again even Trump says the attacks "directed" at him are really targeting his supporters

He has come out ahead everytime. He bows to Fauci, foes nothing to combat the ridiculous election fraud and sits back on the gold course saying "I was right!" Lol

He has left us out to dry way more than he has delivered

Can't wait for the Kevin Mccarthy, Mitch McConnel electoral reform for our DEMOCRACY

These fellas will GET IT RIGHT

You were probably one of the "It's just a mask" idiots
Time THE FUCK out…

You fuckin come in here shilling and say this bullshit to me.

Here you go:

1) Yeah the media really hated Trump and always ran BS investigations and stories on him before 2015. Pretty sure every day they attack my values and insult me. Ex. Anti-Abortion means I’m against women (my wife) and their health. 🙄
Im a white male so I’m racist…and yet I’m actually SOOO racist I need someone to show me how it’s ingrained in me.🙄 Deplorable (AS FUCK 😉), smelly Walmart shoppers…do I need to continue….

2) Yep he LET THEM ELEVATE FAUCI. Guess what….everyone now sees that he is a quack, he is a liar, and he is behind this virus (funding). Guess what…Trump told the world all this and FAUCI said and forced the opposite. NOW THAT PEOPLE SEE THE TOP SCIENTIST ARE BULLSHIT…the media can’t play blame Trump game. **The only way for the masses was to show them. Guess what’s being exposed daily right now - FAUCI emails.

3) They only way to fix the system is to get voter laws and then true representation which we can then force term limits. Look around even places like NH are realizing their is corruption. Good luck places like Detroit where there have 130-150 percent turn out. 🧐 good luck explaining how you get votes for 30-50 percent more than total registered voters. Watch all the destruction of records that are about to be admitted too. Law requires storage for 22 months and none of these places are going to keep their own death sentence.

4) Mitch and Kevin are SWAMP….they fear Trump and a Trump Republican Party. Get ready Mitch will retire with his CHINESE wife. They wont you to believe Trump is a politician. I lost my shit when Biden put out ad about getting rid of Trump and the swamp. 🤣😂🤣 so the 50 years politician is claiming to be the outsider to the 4 year politician and career businessman. That was only to be outdone my FUCKIN LADY GAGA AND THE DAMN TRUCK COMMERCIAL

So….maybe do some fuckin research before you shill…..
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you. I've spent enough time on the chans and 8kun to have a finely tuned shill detector, and that guy is glowing.
That’s fine. A shill in this environment can be a fantastic tool for actually revealing the truth if handled with a scalpel and not a chainsaw. But I only get paid to do that, so take it with a grain of salt. 😉
Sooooooooooo . . . 60 Minutes decides to ask a few questions about the Wuhan Lab and even promotes one of Trump’s advisors as a credible witness? Hmmmm. Not a single Biden official interviewed. Even exposed the investigators as China sycophants. Distract, distract, distract?
Aaaaaaannnnnnndddddd they finish with the next crisis (moving on from Covid) to global warming crisis that must be dealt with NOW!!! neighbors are pretty frigging cool. He's retiring from the RAF (stationed in the US for the past 13 years via NATO. She was RAF as well... which only cemented my love and respect for both of them).

Just had the most educational discussion for both of us tonight. Got their perspective on Brexit (not a fan) AND a break down of UK/ Britain/EU (I was ignorant and smart enough to ask questions. Think your 3 year old asking 'why' (that was me). I seriously had no idea that only Northern Ireland was part of the UK. I am that ignorant...(ignorant is not stupid) She was ignorant and smart enough to admit she was confused about antifa and believed it was a conservative group. We both learned a lot tonight.

*and they love Trump policy, but hate the man... just as they do Boris. 😅

We all love bourbon (bless her husband, the second he found out I love TX, he bought me a bottle at the BX. I'll make sure I get him a bottle of Blantons.... his favorite), we love freedom, we love each other's accents and vocabulary (focusing especially on the 'dirty' words. Our vocabulary is expanding. I had no idea 'fanny' was a filthy term. I mean, I've always hated that word, but only because I just hate the way it sounds. It's a stupid word.)

We love our kids. We love each other's homes. We love our community. Anything else is merely details.

As it should be.

I finally have the best neighbors.... ever. The house they bought belonged to long time (3 generations) family friends. My husband partied in this house. His friend (the youngest of 3) and he built a tee box in the back yard. They ( the new owners) have told Max and his friends that it is theirs if they take care of it. This is the family who should have, and did, buy the house. It reminds her of her house in UK. They're absolutely lovely and going to be lifelong friends.

I would love to know if @316what knows this family. I do know they are friends with a few (great) people I know. Found that out tonight, too.
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Then I’m confused. So you agree that Trump knew the Swamp’s plan for 1/6, exposed it by delaying the speech, and achieved recovering evidence against the Swamp . . . but Trump is part of the Swamp? You failed even the most basic question regarding the start of 1/6.
Let me spell it out

Trump and co obviously knew what was going to happen on Jan 6th. Who is in jail? Trump people who got caught up in the whole charade or the actual people behind the plot?

Could that change? Sure, I'm saying it's not looking good as of right now

You would agree that as it stands now, Trump supporters have taken most of the punishment for that?

Ultimately, the theory is Trump is a much more talented and appealing controlled opposition

Unrig 2016 then let them rig 2020? To expose what everybody already knows, the system is thoroughly corrupt?


As for Doctor Fauci, negative press and getting fired isn't enough. The man is a murderous sociopath

Trump is post assassination attempt Reagan imo. Hopefully the situation is fluid and I will GLEEFULLY eat crow

The pubs winning 2022 and Trump winning in 2024 actually serves my theory

To be fair I'll provide certain things that would pull me back to the plan

Fauci arrested (or any of the usual suspects)

Election fraud exposed and overturned (new election or whatever unprecedented yet constitutonal action/process is required)

Miscellaneous, irrefutable event that brings the plan completely out in the open (EBS, tapes, epstein, JFK Jr)

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