WTF are you talking about. You just exposed yourself completely TARD. (You think Trump needs to work harder

….at what exactly.

). Dude has been taking shots for us for 6+ years. He prob should have been expected to erase 40+ years of Globalist policies OVERNIGHT…right?
The Q people? There is “Q”…and there are Anons….No most Anons weren’t there. (look at the plants that have been exposed with FBI and Cap Police trying to cover it up. How many officers really died at the UNARMED COUP WHERE THE PEOLE WALKED OUT WHEN ORDERED OVER MEGAPHONES….0 exactly)
The Pubs that don’t support Trump and
@America 1st (

) have been exposed. Pretty sure Pompeo (nickname Kansas bc he was a Republican Cong Rep) is one of the few NON-TRAITORS and has been helping expose all along (China virus. Iran deal, globalist, etc. These will be the leaders of the Republican Party. Why do you think the Never Trumper are back threatening a party split….FEAR.
As for the election stuff….ugh buckle up buttercup BC it’s only going to continue to get bumpier. if they are caught erasing the records…they won’t be able to do that ever again. Look at the wave of elec law changes….without all the evidence out yet.
As for the election stuff….ugh buckle up buttercup BC it’s only going to continue to get bumpier. if they are caught erasing the records…they won’t be able to do that ever again. Look at the wave of elec law changes….without all the evidence out yet.
I am honestly wasting my time with you…..BUT IF I DID MISREAD YOU, thenI have more than refuted your “talking points”.
EDIT: to add my personal apologies that this isn’t all being handled on your time schedule. I mean who the FUCK do they think they are to make
@JonnySober fuckin wait. Hopefully someone can let the powers that be know you’re ready.