Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Bill Gates and Ole Doc Fauci told us there was going to be a pandemic.....

Basically, I'm saying there is a globalist plan to move us into a Brave New World and Q is in place to mitigate efforts to stop it

Hope I'm wrong. I won't inundate the thread but I think a growing number of people share my suspicion
Fair enough. I think there are many psyops created as a reaction to Q —not in coordination with Q — one of which would be to try and create distrust amongst Q followers and crumble it from within. Stay strong and don’t give in to it.
Ok. Now you are a definite troll. I don't give a fuck about who was Dem or Pub. This movement has nothing to do about party affiliation. It is Patriots vs Globalists. I was a Dem like Flynn. I love this country and served this country as a Dem just like Flynn. You still don't touch the point....WHY BOTHER?? There was zero reason for Trump at all for the Deep State to continue their exploits.
Jesus dude no. I'm just pointing out his past. In my theory he is General Brusilov within Operation Trust 2.0

Because you served the country as a Dem General Flynn must be a good guy? Are you serious?
Ok. Now you are a definite troll. I don't give a fuck about who was Dem or Pub. This movement has nothing to do about party affiliation. It is Patriots vs Globalists. I was a Dem like Flynn. I love this country and served this country as a Dem just like Flynn. You still don't touch the point....WHY BOTHER?? There was zero reason for Trump at all for the Deep State to continue their exploits.
He’s not a troll. Just has a different take.

Always remember that they never thought Trump would win. White hats stopped the rigging in 2016 to allow Trump 4 years to set up the infrastructure to expose it all. We are now in the beginnings of that phase with Fauchi, the Wuhan lab funding, Border Crisis, Election Forensic Audits, Georgia and Pennsylvania following suit, Maxwell prosecution, reopening talks with Iran while Israel is being attacked, Biden playing patty cake with Putin over alleged Russian ransomware attacks, . . .

We are an occupied country through infiltration. The Rules of War are active and in motion. It will come to the forefront when election is flipped back and Trump can go on offense publically and in a seat of authority to the common person.

Keep spreading the word about Arizona . . . and ENJOY THE SHOW!
Jesus dude no. I'm just pointing out his past. In my theory he is General Brusilov within Operation Trust 2.0

Because you served the country as a Dem General Flynn must be a good guy? Are you serious?
I'm saying you are painting with a broad brush saying we should doubt Flynn because he was a Democrat.

Answer WHY they would do this entire ordeal when they already had control and vast majority were asleep? There is zero logic and reason to think they would interrupt their own plan and agenda to give a 4 year pause and wake up millions to the evil.
Fair enough. I think there are many psyops created as a reaction to Q —not in coordination with Q — one of which would be to try and create distrust amongst Q followers and crumble it from within. Stay strong and don’t give in to it.
I say scrutiny you say distrust

Covid has been in development for years so it predates Q going mainstream

The MM also may attack Q to spread it's reception and imbue it with credibility amongst us

The possibilities are all over the map. Yet, the option of the war is over and the good guys have won seems like a long shot

Personally, I'll keep the faith. Seek the truth, find the truth, and have the courage to tell it

And I think that is a profile widespread in this thread and increasingly elsewhere

It's time to storm the beaches and scale the Cliffs. June 6th is a day of Supreme Americanism; I know the spirit of bravery, boldness and destiny of victory manifested on that day will be again 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
He’s not a troll. Just has a different take.

Always remember that they never thought Trump would win. White hats stopped the rigging in 2016 to allow Trump 4 years to set up the infrastructure to expose it all. We are now in the beginnings of that phase with Fauchi, the Wuhan lab funding, Border Crisis, Election Forensic Audits, Georgia and Pennsylvania following suit, Maxwell prosecution, reopening talks with Iran while Israel is being attacked, Biden playing patty cake with Putin over alleged Russian ransomware attacks, . . .

We are an occupied country through infiltration. The Rules of War are active and in motion. It will come to the forefront when election is flipped back and Trump can go on offense publically and in a seat of authority to the common person.

Keep spreading the word about Arizona . . . and ENJOY THE SHOW!
His entire take is that Trump is potentially with them. My argument is that pov is absurd as the DS wouldn't have ever gone to all that trouble when they already had control.
I'm saying you are painting with a broad brush saying we should doubt Flynn because he was a Democrat.

Answer WHY they would do this entire ordeal when they already had control and vast majority were asleep? There is zero logic and reason to think they would interrupt their own plan and agenda to give a 4 year pause and wake up millions to the evil.
I say that merely to showcase that he either fooled them or us.

That is the question I still have. I think the ordeal is mainly illusory as I'm not sure what part of their plan was halted. That all depends on timeline to be sure

Essentially, I see the American patriot as the only force standing between the globalists and their new world order. They want to usher it in peacefully and you have tens of millions of gun owning Americans along with a military that still generally is politically aligned with us, at least in the special forces/combat ranks

So you place an apparent patriot in the office and he performs some reforms, achieves some foreign policy victories (however temporary and impactful) with the big goal of compliance to the oncoming Covid crisis

This also furthers the illusion that we control our government through the political process/election. We look at Rs and Ds switching positions assuming this means something

You can also use Trump for Jan 6th to lure Patriots in and false flag us

People were aware that the media was corrupt and Big Pharma was corrupt. Especially with rampant election fraud, I'm curious as to how many people have been voting Dem the past 50 years

Although tens of millions are legitimately retarded I believe we are a strong majority. Awareness isn't the problem, action is

And the cynical take on Q is that it ramps up the awareness but serves to mitigate the action

I'm standing by to be wrong and as I said, I'm about 5% on board. Mainly due to the ostensible failure and fraud that is Biden
A rehab program that works!
After 6 burglaries, 3 car thefts, multiple illegal trespasses, an ongoing cocaine and alcohol addiction, committing 2 violent home invasions, 3 armed robberies, dealing Fentanyl and Meth, passing counterfeit money, beating 4 victims senseless and being arrested 23 times since 1998, George Floyd hasn't committed a crime in over one year now!

As a reward, his family received $27 million from the City of Minneapolis and $20 million from a “Go Fund Me” account!

What a great country America is!
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White-marked tussock moth larvae. Not venomous in the sense of ☠️, but the hair can cause a reaction that is similar to a rash( think Poison Ivy) If one is crawling on you, use a stick or something else to remove. Just don’t touch! HTH.

This Board Ceases to Amaze Me

I'm Sure One of You is "Rain-Man Like" and We'll Clean the House at the Vegas Bash

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