Don LemonsAnderson Coopers expression looks so sour. I’m convinced that he shoves a pound of lemons up his ass every night.
You can get any former POTUS for retirementBruh..I am in the process of planning our Commodores change of command. The response is "We are currently out of stock for President Certificate of Appreciation" NO SHIT, our Commo was like "see if we can get one Trump signed" and I think we will be able too.
Something is definitely amiss
Chief Master Sergeant, USAF here. This is no big deal. Plenty of times the person retiring doesn't want a certificate from the current president based on their political views. When Obama was the pres, lots of folks asked for, and received, G.W. Bush certificates. When Trump was in, a couple guys got Obama certs. In fact, there was a memo that came down from the DOD early in the Trump term stating that the only certs to be presented were the ones from the current sitting president. However, the local personnel offices typically have stacks of them left over from the last president as they are mass produced and signed with either a digital image or an auto pen. This is a big nothingburger.Bruh..I am in the process of planning our Commodores change of command. The response is "We are currently out of stock for President Certificate of Appreciation" NO SHIT, our Commo was like "see if we can get one Trump signed" and I think we will be able too.
Something is definitely amiss
Definitely a possibility. Politics is war and sometimes sacrifices have to be made. There is also the chance he is who we thought he was but the plan failed
I'm merely drawing suspicion on the narrative that victory is in the bag
Moreover, we have to vet our supposed allies, pundits, representatives, leaders, etc. Ideally, we make Trump work a little harder for attention
Kemp getting booed at the state convention was actually one of the better signs I've seen. We know the entire political class is corrupt
I'm saying we embrace that and put everybody on the chopping block and see who cuts the mustard
I’m saying your idea of “big picture” isn’t even remotely “BIG” enough.Everything in my post is big picture
Rebutt the arguments
Or respond like a progressive dope
You really don't see room to question the motives of Trump or the plan?
I sincerely hope you are right and about 5% remains on board but it's not looking good
I was Trump all the way till Jan 20th
There were perceived dates, definite promises and I had to set a deadline before I began to approach politics through the lens that Q is a psyop akin to the bolsheviks Operation Trust
To answer your question directly, no one is in better standing than Trump. He comes out golden everytime
As even Trump said all the attacks aren't really directed at him, they are directed at his supporters
In 2006 the media hated Bush and we dug our heels in for him. Meanwhile, the Bush family is deep state royalty
I became a huge supporter of Trump because of who his perceived enemies are. The Bush model presents a serious problem to this approach
This is an alternative view that we can all handle. And it must be said imo
Ironically, Trump coming back and winning in 2024 would only serve to buttress my belief in his status as President Benedict Arnold. As a true outsider of the people doesn't breakthrough a thoroughly corrupt political system, lose and then come back and win. That makes no sense in my mind
I welcome all challenges and arguments, hope you all prove me wrong. I won't belabor the point but I think interpretations of events, speeches, actions by Trump or any right wing/Patriot voice must be heavily scrutinized
We operate in a den full of vipers and snakes and it's time to get rid of them
Outstanding post and logic. Been thinking the same. There was NO reason for the bad guys to wake any of us up just for the hell of it, if they were in total control.The point, @JonnySober , if Trump weren't the White Hat/Patriot we believe him to be, there was absolutely ZERO reason for the Deep State to go through this charade. They already had the 16 year plan for destruction of this country in place. Obama for 8 got a LOT accomplished towards that end and it was going to be finalized by Hillcunt doing 8 more. There was and is zero benefit for the Deep State to sabotage their plan with Trump halting their destruction for 4 years and waking up MILLIONS of people in the process. How does that even compute with your brain? They had it all working exactly how they wanted. So they decide to turn over the apple cart for shits n giggles and let Trump do some America First stuff for 4 years and get the people all frenzied? Sorry, I cannot reconcile that. Trump absolutely was their enemy. All their efforts since he came down the escalator to even TODAY where they are literally trying to arrest him by creating a crime shows it.
Generally I think we overrate greatly what Trump did. We entered into a full blown health dictatorship under his reign and he did nothing while talking a good game (the story of his presidency imo)The point, @JonnySober , if Trump weren't the White Hat/Patriot we believe him to be, there was absolutely ZERO reason for the Deep State to go through this charade. They already had the 16 year plan for destruction of this country in place. Obama for 8 got a LOT accomplished towards that end and it was going to be finalized by Hillcunt doing 8 more. There was and is zero benefit for the Deep State to sabotage their plan with Trump halting their destruction for 4 years and waking up MILLIONS of people in the process. How does that even compute with your brain? They had it all working exactly how they wanted. So they decide to turn over the apple cart for shits n giggles and let Trump do some America First stuff for 4 years and get the people all frenzied? Sorry, I cannot reconcile that. Trump absolutely was their enemy. All their efforts since he came down the escalator to even TODAY where they are literally trying to arrest him by creating a crime shows it.
I hope you are right....big leagueI’m saying your idea of “big picture” isn’t even remotely “BIG” enough.
Bill Gates and Ole Doc Fauci told us there was going to be a pandemic.....Q told us it would get really bad, really dark, and we would struggle to get through the hardest time before things got better. We thought that was the election and post election/pre-inauguration.
We were wrong. Very wrong.
Sometimes you have to show them. That’s where we are now. Even the average dolt is awakened to it now.
We are turning the corner. Stay strong. Be patient. Timing is everything and that time IS coming.
Ok. Now you are a definite troll. I don't give a fuck about who was Dem or Pub. This movement has nothing to do about party affiliation. It is Patriots vs Globalists. I was a Dem like Flynn. I love this country and served this country as a Dem just like Flynn. You still don't touch the point....WHY BOTHER?? There was zero reason for Trump at all for the Deep State to continue their exploits.Generally I think we overrate greatly what Trump did. We entered into a full blown health dictatorship under his reign and he did nothing while talking a good game (the story of his presidency imo)
He is hated by some very sinister people but they all belong to the same firm. It was a ramped up Bush vs media charade imo
Michael Flynn is a lifelong dem and Obama appointee. He either fooled the entire deep state or us
Time and again Trump left his supporters out to dry with covid, Jan 6th, and a combination of rhetorical provocation and meek physical combat
Didn't release JFK files, 9/11, etc. I realize there is gamesmanship and negotiation but nothing really changed for the better in the end, quite the opposite
There is a video on Odyssey that I'm looking for which encapsulates my position but here's an article that essentially does the same
We should all know Operation Trust by the Bolsheviks and at least consider Q, Trump, Flynn etc in that vein
'Q-Anon' Bears Striking Resemblance to Bolshevik Psy-Op From 1920s Known As 'Operation Trust'
'Operation Trust' was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful