Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Jesus dude no. I'm just pointing out his past. In my theory he is General Brusilov within Operation Trust 2.0

Because you served the country as a Dem General Flynn must be a good guy? Are you serious?

Q is not an Operation. He/she/they (not sure) is more of an informant. All they asked us to do was think for ourselves and pray. No groups to join, dont need your phone #, ssn, blood type, BC, etc.

In point of fact Q repeatedly called for no actions to be taken.
Q told us it would get really bad, really dark, and we would struggle to get through the hardest time before things got better. We thought that was the election and post election/pre-inauguration.

We were wrong. Very wrong.

Sometimes you have to show them. That’s where we are now. Even the average dolt is awakened to it now.

We are turning the corner. Stay strong. Be patient. Timing is everything and that time IS coming.
Devil's advocate...

What if the whole Q craze was a plot to keep us on the sidelines while nothing happened. Pretty decent way to keep people waiting in anticipation for the shit to come to light instead of taking it upon ourselves.

Not saying this is what happened...but it's plausible.
Jesus dude no. I'm just pointing out his past. In my theory he is General Brusilov within Operation Trust 2.0

Because you served the country as a Dem General Flynn must be a good guy? Are you serious?
Wait….you are questioning Q while having an Avatar of the fuckin idiot who WAS DEFINITELY A PLANT 1/6.

If you question General Flynn….well I’m sorry BUT I will QUESTION you! Be careful some us here may or may not be a part of the Generals Digital Army.
The point, @JonnySober , if Trump weren't the White Hat/Patriot we believe him to be, there was absolutely ZERO reason for the Deep State to go through this charade. They already had the 16 year plan for destruction of this country in place. Obama for 8 got a LOT accomplished towards that end and it was going to be finalized by Hillcunt doing 8 more. There was and is zero benefit for the Deep State to sabotage their plan with Trump halting their destruction for 4 years and waking up MILLIONS of people in the process. How does that even compute with your brain? They had it all working exactly how they wanted. So they decide to turn over the apple cart for shits n giggles and let Trump do some America First stuff for 4 years and get the people all frenzied? Sorry, I cannot reconcile that. Trump absolutely was their enemy. All their efforts since he came down the escalator to even TODAY where they are literally trying to arrest him by creating a crime shows it.
YES! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Chief Master Sergeant, USAF here. This is no big deal. Plenty of times the person retiring doesn't want a certificate from the current president based on their political views. When Obama was the pres, lots of folks asked for, and received, G.W. Bush certificates. When Trump was in, a couple guys got Obama certs. In fact, there was a memo that came down from the DOD early in the Trump term stating that the only certs to be presented were the ones from the current sitting president. However, the local personnel offices typically have stacks of them left over from the last president as they are mass produced and signed with either a digital image or an auto pen. This is a big nothingburger.
My picture is my father, command Sergeant Major Greene, he passed away 11 years ago when Obama was president, when he was buried in Arlington I didn’t realize we could change or whatever but we got a letter from Obama which I can’t even know where that thing is at because I refuse to acknowledge that or him as president. Thank you for your service
Anyone catch Biden hinting at cures coming soon to diseases. I am starting to wonder if this isn’t the control destruction of the “old guard” (systems of gov.)

All of their evils are being shown on FULL DISPLAY.
I am wondering if they saw this as the ONLY WAY to show everyone the truth as removing TRUMP….forced the hand as they can’t continue to blame him and run 99.99 stories on him.

I have forever stated the only way to ever start to cure/fix this…is through election laws. (As I grew up it became more and more obvious….when people-dems fight like hell against logical things like Voter ID ((as if minorities are too dumb and poor to get them)) there is always an anterior motive.) We are getting state level reforms and it’s sounding like at least…they will be caught deleting the records…which should force better protection for future audits. Once these have happened…you will now have future precedent to verify and they can’t continue to break the 22 month law!
I may be wrong completely but I’m also looking at the Epstein/Maxwell case the same. (In recent Maxwell filings, it showed their is a larger (possibly RICO) investigation going on. Gov didn’t want to make info available (as they said bc it was evidence in a larger investigation going on).

There have been multi of these types of things that TO ME…should not be coming out as Biden would be expected to sweep them under the rug.
Also look at the fact that they haven’t covered up the Hunter crap…it’s continuing to come out. (I remember when the Obama Jeremiah Wright photos and the Nigerian where he has to w AK47 we’re blocked from the web.)

It honestly make me think PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL (but letting this stuff happen to show: gas, food, elec grid, etc) of the destruction of old guard to then BUILD a new Gov..for the people by the people.
Wait….you are questioning Q while having an Avatar of the fuckin idiot who WAS DEFINITELY A PLANT 1/6.

If you question General Flynn….well I’m sorry BUT I will QUESTION you! Be careful some us here may or may not be a part of the Generals Digital Army.
Excellent post brother. That guy is a troll in my opinion
And he is in the wrong thread for sure
I have yet to ignore anybody on this site. But he’s about to become the first.
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Wait….you are questioning Q while having an Avatar of the fuckin idiot who WAS DEFINITELY A PLANT 1/6.

If you question General Flynn….well I’m sorry BUT I will QUESTION you! Be careful some us here may or may not be a part of the Generals Digital Army.
I am well aware to the nature of Jan 6th. I'm also aware Trump did nothing to defend his supporters or expose the truth...."we have it all"

The Q people were out in force and disingdnlusly branded as terrorists and there was no pushback

In fact, not a single Republican has had the courage to come and say what happened to my knowledge. Meanwhile, we are told the Republican party is the only way

At the very least, we should make Trump work harder for our attention instead of blaring the trumpets everytime he says"I was Right" or "just wait till next time"

To be fair he has also alluded to a resolution before the next presidential election. Unfortunately, there have been a cavalcade of allusions and very little follow through
Devil's advocate...

What if the whole Q craze was a plot to keep us on the sidelines while nothing happened. Pretty decent way to keep people waiting in anticipation for the shit to come to light instead of taking it upon ourselves.

Not saying this is what happened...but it's plausible. We discussed this is January 2018z

We discussed this in January 2018. Along with it being a potential AI, and a whole hair of other things.

And then a bazillion proofs happened. It also makes no logical sense to show people how to use the Socratic method, which platforms to avoid, and who the operators are, even if middle management. to a host of people who believe in the Constitution.

They simply could’ve bled out the silent majority by messing with Reddit and 4chan, like they have for more than a decade, if they wanted to simply continue a limited hangout.
Devil's advocate...

What if the whole Q craze was a plot to keep us on the sidelines while nothing happened. Pretty decent way to keep people waiting in anticipation for the shit to come to light instead of taking it upon ourselves.

Not saying this is what happened...but it's plausible.
By this same logic, to believe Q was actually a psyop to stop us from action and ran by the DS, you have to assume Trump was in on it too which I've already argued is nonsensical and illogical. If you think Q was a nefarious plot, then Trump was too because if Q was DS driven Trump would have denounced it immediately rather than play along with it for 3 years. And like Trump, there was zero reason for the DS to do any of this shit as they already had control, people in a deep sleep or so apathetic they just were never going to do shit to stop the evil. Now because of Q and Trump, millions have awakened...not just in the US but across the globe! There was no reason for the Cabal to do any of that.
I am well aware to the nature of Jan 6th. I'm also aware Trump did nothing to defend his supporters or expose the truth...."we have it all"

The Q people were out in force and disingdnlusly branded as terrorists and there was no pushback

In fact, not a single Republican has had the courage to come and say what happened to my knowledge. Meanwhile, we are told the Republican party is the only way

At the very least, we should make Trump work harder for our attention instead of blaring the trumpets everytime he says"I was Right" or "just wait till next time"

To be fair he has also alluded to a resolution before the next presidential election. Unfortunately, there have been a cavalcade of allusions and very little follow through
WTF are you talking about. You just exposed yourself completely TARD. (You think Trump needs to work harder 🧐….at what exactly. 🤣😂🤣). Dude has been taking shots for us for 6+ years. He prob should have been expected to erase 40+ years of Globalist policies OVERNIGHT…right? 🙄

The Q people? There is “Q”…and there are Anons….No most Anons weren’t there. (look at the plants that have been exposed with FBI and Cap Police trying to cover it up. How many officers really died at the UNARMED COUP WHERE THE PEOLE WALKED OUT WHEN ORDERED OVER MEGAPHONES….0 exactly)

The Pubs that don’t support Trump and @America 1st (😉) have been exposed. Pretty sure Pompeo (nickname Kansas bc he was a Republican Cong Rep) is one of the few NON-TRAITORS and has been helping expose all along (China virus. Iran deal, globalist, etc. These will be the leaders of the Republican Party. Why do you think the Never Trumper are back threatening a party split….FEAR.

As for the election stuff….ugh buckle up buttercup BC it’s only going to continue to get bumpier. if they are caught erasing the records…they won’t be able to do that ever again. Look at the wave of elec law changes….without all the evidence out yet.
As for the election stuff….ugh buckle up buttercup BC it’s only going to continue to get bumpier. if they are caught erasing the records…they won’t be able to do that ever again. Look at the wave of elec law changes….without all the evidence out yet.

I am honestly wasting my time with you…..BUT IF I DID MISREAD YOU, thenI have more than refuted your “talking points”.

EDIT: to add my personal apologies that this isn’t all being handled on your time schedule. I mean who the FUCK do they think they are to make @JonnySober fuckin wait. Hopefully someone can let the powers that be know you’re ready. 🤣👍😂
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Devil's advocate...

What if the whole Q craze was a plot to keep us on the sidelines while nothing happened. Pretty decent way to keep people waiting in anticipation for the shit to come to light instead of taking it upon ourselves.

Not saying this is what happened...but it's plausible.
We wouldn’t even know there was a sideline if it weren’t for Q. Why would they set forth all of the world’s darkest secrets and detail all of the corruption in order to keep us placated? If we are right, Trump won a second term by a Vote total that puts Obama’s numbers to utter shame.

It’s real.
The Dems got played by Russia on the Russian Collusion angle.

Same angle with China and the virus but if I'm China I play the long game and release a virus that is truly deadly for part two after innoculating the Chinese population that I choose to let survive.

Americans wouldn't believe it until it was too late
Dems PLAYED the russian collusion angle.
WTF are you talking about. You just exposed yourself completely TARD. (You think Trump needs to work harder 🧐….at what exactly. 🤣😂🤣). Dude has been taking shots for us for 6+ years. He prob should have been expected to erase 40+ years of Globalist policies OVERNIGHT…right? 🙄

The Q people? There is “Q”…and there are Anons….No most Anons weren’t there. (look at the plants that have been exposed with FBI and Cap Police trying to cover it up. How many officers really died at the UNARMED COUP WHERE THE PEOLE WALKED OUT WHEN ORDERED OVER MEGAPHONES….0 exactly)

The Pubs that don’t support Trump and @America 1st (😉) have been exposed. Pretty sure Pompeo (nickname Kansas bc he was a Republican Cong Rep) is one of the few NON-TRAITORS and has been helping expose all along (China virus. Iran deal, globalist, etc. These will be the leaders of the Republican Party. Why do you think the Never Trumper are back threatening a party split….FEAR.

As for the election stuff….ugh buckle up buttercup BC it’s only going to continue to get bumpier. if they are caught erasing the records…they won’t be able to do that ever again. Look at the wave of elec law changes….without all the evidence out yet.
As for the election stuff….ugh buckle up buttercup BC it’s only going to continue to get bumpier. if they are caught erasing the records…they won’t be able to do that ever again. Look at the wave of elec law changes….without all the evidence out yet.

I am honestly wasting my time with you…..BUT IF I DID MISREAD YOU, thenI have more than refuted your “talking points”.

EDIT: to add my personal apologies that this isn’t all being handled on your time schedule. I mean who the FUCK do they think they are to make @JonnySober fuckin wait. Hopefully someone can let the powers that be know you’re ready. 🤣👍😂

Also come on over to Patron's dancing. We're staying true to our roots over there by staying in our fucking fox holes & holding. 🐸🇺🇸


Thanks @Gif Overlord. You gif jihad so damn hard!
We wouldn’t even know there was a sideline if it weren’t for Q. Why would they set forth all of the world’s darkest secrets and detail all of the corruption in order to keep us placated? If we are right, Trump won a second term by a Vote total that puts Obama’s numbers to utter shame.

It’s real.
"Conservatives" were posted up on the sidelines PERMANENTLY before Trump and Q.

Just no way we can say it was a larp after watching Q mania at the rallies, the mainstream media attention, BDD defending them when asked, and most importantly 75M+ votes (at least) in a record setting fashion.

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