Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Hmmmm... What happened in 1913?

I flipped on him with the whole "dye" incident. That was a major indication that he was a saboteur

I think operation Red Pill needs to amp up the cleaning the snakes out of our own yard phase. A necessary step and one that will be receptive by the dopes from the other side

Targets include:
Rudy, Bannon, Pence, Mccarthy (basically any elected official), Sean Hannity, James O'Keefe, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson. Along with serious vetting of Trump and Flynn
Well... it's cold (I'm fucking freezing) it rained, the wind is blowing.... and we had about 400 people here for the grad party. (I was expecting 300) Everybody is over this year and wants to get out and enjoy life. And we did. It was a great night.

And now.... the afterparty for the kids. I've told y'all that the kids have been quaranteaming at my house since the world lost its mind. All of us (parents) early on agreed we weren't isolating them from each other. They're ridiculously close. I love these kids. Where else would they end up for the biggest, best party of the year? We made sure they had this.

Life is good and happy right now.

Now I'm off to dominate flip cup.
If you look up Rudy's roll in 9/11 you would probably come to the conclusion he is the opposition. He's deep State or at least heavily compromised
Yeah, I’m thinking not there. I think he’s a total patriot. Line Byrne said if u watched, he’s just not a cyber expert to the point that he doesn’t even do email.

Not the right General to lead an electric election fraud Army.

He’s also now a drunk. Not throwing stones. Glass houses and all.

Not deep state or compromised IMO.

just ill equipped.
I’m pretty buzzed and am thinking it’s called teeth floss or is it tooth floss? The maiden says it’s ‘dental floss, dummy’ and I don’t think I like her tone. I’m gonna sauna and smoke on it. That usually brings clarity. Haha SKOL!
It's dental floss. 😆

30 minutes until I shut this down for anybody not sleeping here. (I think I have 16 spending the night)
He owned the cleanup crew that cleaned up all the 9/11 buildings after they fell. He had everything destroyed before anyone could investigate. Whitney Webb podcast called unlimited hangout covers that a ton of other stuff. He clearly vknew it was coming
I know the first part of your response is untrue. Phillips & Jordan, a Knoxville construction firm owned by Ted Phillips until his death a few years ago, was responsible for the bulk of the cleanup. NYC requested FEMA's assistance, and P&J had disaster cleanup contracts with FEMA for something like half the eastern US. The bulk of the clean up was ran by P&J under supervision of the Army Corps of Engineers, and tacitly, the city & state of NY.

P&J hired thousands of subcontractors to clean the site, perhaps Rudy was associated with some of them, but the cleanup was ran by a company that had nothing to do with Guiliani.

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