New meaning of shitting bullets.Meanwhile in Texas
View attachment 23831
New meaning of shitting bullets.Meanwhile in Texas
View attachment 23831
@TTUcamper waiting on your Rudy response...?
I don't know what the freak any of that says, but I'm a fan.
Anyone on here who hasn't read that book needs to get it. It is so simply put and explains the FED reserve system so well.
I don't sit on this thread all day. Sorry
Does it really matter as long as their correct pronoun is on their dog tags?What happens when it’s overcast or rainy... or god forbid, it’s night time?
Anyone on here who hasn't read that book needs to get it. It is so simply put and explains the FED reserve system so well.
Possibly the best news I’ve heard all dayFirst Juan Williams. Now Donna Brazile. Its almost like Fox News is listening to this board.
Great book! Another very fucked up thing that happened in Georgia in the middle of the night
I flipped on him with the whole "dye" incident. That was a major indication that he was a saboteur![]()
Rudy Giuliani: A Closer Look at the 9/11 Legend - 911Truth.Org
Time to review the history and qualifications of Rudy Giuliani. In particular, his actions on and before 9/11 should be carefully
Yeah, I’m thinking not there. I think he’s a total patriot. Line Byrne said if u watched, he’s just not a cyber expert to the point that he doesn’t even do email.If you look up Rudy's roll in 9/11 you would probably come to the conclusion he is the opposition. He's deep State or at least heavily compromised
It's dental floss.I’m pretty buzzed and am thinking it’s called teeth floss or is it tooth floss? The maiden says it’s ‘dental floss, dummy’ and I don’t think I like her tone. I’m gonna sauna and smoke on it. That usually brings clarity. Haha SKOL!
I know the first part of your response is untrue. Phillips & Jordan, a Knoxville construction firm owned by Ted Phillips until his death a few years ago, was responsible for the bulk of the cleanup. NYC requested FEMA's assistance, and P&J had disaster cleanup contracts with FEMA for something like half the eastern US. The bulk of the clean up was ran by P&J under supervision of the Army Corps of Engineers, and tacitly, the city & state of NY.He owned the cleanup crew that cleaned up all the 9/11 buildings after they fell. He had everything destroyed before anyone could investigate. Whitney Webb podcast called unlimited hangout covers that a ton of other stuff. He clearly vknew it was coming